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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Stunning film, best of the year. A truly original idea that was pretty much perfectly executed. Richard Linklater cast a young boy at age 6 then shot a script about the trials and tribulations of family life over a 12 year period, denoted by music of the time.

How much of the casting was luck and how much was an eye for actors isn't clear, but to choose a boy at age 6 and have him wind up a terrific actor is pretty incredible.

Daresay some folk wont like it as it really focuses in on the minutaie of childhood and family life, but there's something immensely satisfying about watching someone graduate when you've spent nearly 3 hours watching snapshots of his life.

Loved it.

Agree entirely with this. I actually think they landed on their feet well with his sister too, who started off annoying as f**k but actually developed her character fairly well in the snapshots.

The parents were well cast too, as were the others who popped in and out of the story. A real treat of a movie, although some will probably hate the concept.

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Starred Up

Jack O'Connell is a 19 year old who has been shifted out of a young offenders institute and into prison. His dad is also there, and this movie basically chronicles a spell there where he develops different relationships with different folk in the prison. It's a sometimes brutal but always engaging movie this. The stuff between him and his dad goes into hammy territory at times and that's really the only negative I can find with this one. Everything else is absolute magic and while I was expecting a very good movie here, this one did manage to exceed expectations still.


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I watched both Savages and Silver Linings Playbook yesterday. Savages was okay, watchable but nothing special. Silver Linings Playbook was excellent though. Great script, great performances, a really good watch.

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2 headed shark attack 5/10

Would have liked to have seen more flesh and maybe a bit more interesting kills

Still decent enough for what it is

Got Sharktapus and some Mega Shark lined up to keep me going till Sharknado 2 next Wednesday

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2 headed shark attack 5/10

Would have liked to have seen more flesh and maybe a bit more interesting kills

Still decent enough for what it is

Got Sharktapus and some Mega Shark lined up to keep me going till Sharknado 2 next Wednesday

Would recommend Jurassic Shark in there!

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The Matrix 5//10

This was on the other day. Did the (apparently) shitty sequels kill love for the original? I liked what it was trying to do, in all of its Icke Forum nonsense. Much better in the paired scenes between Fishburn and Reeves than the action sequences for me. At some point it stops being a thinkpiece and starts blowing stuff up. It's done fairly interestingly if a bit ridiculously.

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Oculus ( 2014 )

Seeing WWE Studios at the start of a movie always sets the alarm bells ringing for me, but this one certainly didn't follow the usual pattern. A pretty good horror movie from this one, as a brother and sister go back to the house that they lived in with their family as children, and take back the mirror they had back then to prove it was responsible for everything that happened there. What follows is two stories. One in the past and one in the present as we see what happened(s) in both. It's pretty well put together, and doesn't always rely on the cheap scares and clichés in order to get it's results. The climax and final scene are both pretty well done too.


Oh, and for me, The Matrix is an amazing movie.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 7/10

While not as good as the first film, still a pretty decent film. Its quite slow in places, Fantastic visuals but the human characters are pretty one sided and even Gary Oldman cant save that. But this isnt a film about humans, its all about the apes and in that respect its all very well done, some strong characters in Caesars group. An enjoyable film although i would have liked to have seen more about humanity's collapse following from the first film.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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Boyhood - Read about this quite a while ago and remarked that it would either be a classic or pretentious shite. I think it could potentially be the former. Hawke and Linklater may be some of the best around at developing characters and making films with a foumdation in great, realistic feeling dialogue, imo. Only thing stopping it getting a 10/10 was a couple of scenes that felt a bit forced and cheesy; the Mexican restaurant manager scene, the Hawke character's song about the family, the bit with the teenagers in the abandoned house e.g. 90% of the film, as made possible by the concept/structure, was painfully/beautifully realistic feeling and close the bone. A few dodgy cheesestring scenes takes away from that a bit.


Pusher (1996) - Nicholas Winding Refn's (Drive, Bronson etc) first film, starring a much younger Kim Bodnia of The Bridge and Mads Mikkelson about a low level smack dealer in Copenhagen. Drug deal goes wrong, guy has to find money quick etc etc. Pretty standard stuff storyline wise but still a really excellent thriller, especially given the low production value. If you've not seen The Bridge (well, you fucking should) the guy playing the protaganist Kim Bodnia is a really top actor in my book. Dispite his flaws, he's a really charismatic and likeable character in TB and in this, his character is actually a bit of a shit, but you still really root for him. A very tricky thing to pull off, very decent film.


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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

This is a good blockbuster this one. I think there's a bit of a problem when you're trying to mirror the apes with the humans. Leaves a lot of one dimensional characters. They've worked the series very well so far though, and I'd argue that the main human character had more than one layer, but I'd agree that on the whole, it was all a bit generic with both sides. Koba-angry. Koba-b*****d. Then you have the counterpart human. Caesar has his counterpart human and it's all just a bit like that on the whole, and only Gary Oldman seems to buck the trend, as a guy you really can't seem to pin down for much of the movie. It's a really good movie though for what it is.


The Purge: Anarchy

Now. THIS is an improvement and a half. The villains are still a touch on the "boo-hiss" side of villainy, but the scope of this movie is much wider, with a lot more elements of the premise being explored. Almost a bit too many little things being touched on, but it shows some sort of ambition to take the series a bit further, and this movie has made me decide I want to see more of them. It's extremely effective when it comes to building up the tension before The Purge starts, and then does a good job of really putting across the barbarity of it all. It was always touched on in the original movie, but seeing it in all of it's glory is fun enough. Quite a decent effort this.


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