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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Boyhood 7/10

I liked this mostly, I think Linklater charted Mason's journey from 6-18 sensibly and non-judgementally. I know his mum was a dumbo who always shacked up with utter p***ks, but that's dramatic licence and I won't quibble about that. Only thing I didn't like was Mason at 16-18 when he's a proper pretentious chump, "do we seize the moment or does the moment seize us?", proper Dawsons Creek fanny. Liked it though.

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Was in a Richard Pryor/ 80s film mood this weekend.

Brewsters Millions. 8.5/10 . Superb film.

My dad recommended Stir Crazy to watch after that, he said it was hilarious. I disagree. Decent film but was expecting more laughs 5/10.

Halfway through Caddy. Switched off for the closing ceremony, waste of time!. This film is pretty dire though, not desperate to watch the rest of it.

Stir Crazy has dated terribly, but its still one of my favourite films. The scene with Pryor crying after being put in the cell with Grossburger always makes me laugh.

Never heard of Caddy, but if you mean Caddyshack then you should have watched it all.


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Watched "West of Memphis" about the Memphis 3. Was good, can't believe it took 18years to get them put the clink

And IIRC, when it became undeniable that they hadn't killed the kids, the authorities made them admit to the crimes they didn't commit before they'd release them. Stunning stuff.

The Paradise Lost documentaries are worth a look - not for being good documentaries, just for the case background, which beggars belief. You'll never want to hear Metallica again by the end, however.

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Noah - tepid adaption of the biblical fable by Darren Aronofsky. I'm never sure of the point in rehashing stories that everybody's familiar with, and Noah doesn't give any answers. The whole thing's very bland, even the filmmakers' additions, and it drags horribly in the second half. It feels that there's some preaching going on, with the portrayal of the descendents of Cain inviting comparison to modern day man, which (if deliberate) is laughable and utterly hypocritical. But the main crime is just that it's all very dull.

Not sure why Emma Watson's getting all the hate for this, BTW - she seemed like she was phoning it in just as much as everyone else :huh:

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The Last Broadcast - no-budget found footage film, pre-Blair Witch and one of the earliest in the genre. A documentary film-maker attempts to uncover the truth behind the murders of a small film crew during a live webcast of their public access show.

Apparently this movie cost $900 to make, and it does have that student film look to it, including some understandably stiff performances. However, it does a better job than most in managing to keep the viewer's attention, as the narrative gradually works towards the discovery of what happened on the night in question. The final ten minutes sees the film jarringly switch to a different style, which does give the jolt that the makers were looking for, but the ending sadly peters out into nothingness. Still worth a look, but there's the nagging sensation that it could've been turned into something much better.

Oh, and try not to think about the technical challenges of making a live webcast in 1995 :lol:

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Have watched it numerous times over the years and Stir Crazy (9/10) still looks great to me with some of the best comedy/farce moments in film. Strangely enough, I had cause to go on YouTube a few days ago to find Grossburger's epic rendition of Birmingham Jail.

Edited by banana
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Watched two movies on the plane the other day. First, The Lego Movie. I rather enjoyed it, although I stopped trying to make sense of it about half way through. 6/10

And Sound City, the documentary Dave Grohl "directed" about the recording studio of the same name. It was interesting enough, occasionally insightful, but becomes self indulgent towards the end. 5/10. One for musicologists rather than the casual fan. Dave Grohl does come across as a thoroughly decent chap though.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Watched two movies on the plane the other day. First, The Lego Movie. I rather enjoyed it, although I stopped trying to make sense of it about half way through. 6/10

And Sound City, the documentary Dave Grohl "directed" about the recording studio of the same name. It was interesting enough, occasionally insightful, but becomes self indulgent towards the end. 5/10. One for musicologists rather than the casual fan. Dave Grohl does come across as a thoroughly decent chap though.

:lol: Are you a moron?! It's not difficult to understand. It's a 'kids' movie, meaning kids can understand it pretty easily. I thought it was tremendous, a very fun movie with lots of funny little jokes throughout.

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:lol: Are you a moron?! It's not difficult to understand. It's a 'kids' movie, meaning kids can understand it pretty easily. I thought it was tremendous, a very fun movie with lots of funny little jokes throughout.

I agree, it actually had a good bit of adult humour which was really funny.


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Cold in July

This is a good wee movie this. Michael C Hall is a man who shoots down an intruder to his home. What happens from here is best to be found out for yourselves. There's plenty of twists and turns in this one, and it certainly goes down the "gritty" route quite well. All three of the central characters are top drawer as well. All of them keep you thinking in their own ways, and I clearly haven't seen enough Don Johnson, because the guy is fucking glorious in this movie.

It's an unsettling movie at times, and when you get deeper into it, it doesn't get any better in that sense. It's a good 'un though.


I watched this last night. I really enjoyed it though it seemed to lack something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Well worth watching and gets a solid 7/10 from me.

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Just seen Guardians of the galaxy. Brilliant film. Think it's knocked Amazing Spiderman 2 off its perch as my favourite Marvel film


Anyone who hasn't seen it by god IMAX it

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