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I feel that way every time in a film where two people are at a diner or restaurant, they take no more than a few bites out of their delicious meals then leave once their conversation has served its purpose. Money to burn.

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Gods Pocket

One of Philip Seymour Hoffman's last films directed by Mad Mens John Slattery. Compact downbeat,laced with black humour and really watchable. Has the feel of Killing Them Softly about it (which is a good thing) and a quality cast including Richard Jenkins and John Turturro. Hoffman is outstanding. 7.5

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Watched Requiem for a Dream after reading his impressed others on here were. Good movie, especially in the depiction of the common ground on different addictions. Not a fun watch, but a solid seven.

For those who rated this, have you watched Candy, with an excellent performance from a young Heath Ledger?

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Found this exhilarating. I had my eyes totally fixed to the screen for the entire film. The music and musicians are incredible in this and the performance by J.K Simmons was superb.


With this being the third Best Picture nominee that I have see I would say it is probably my favourite. I am looking forward to Selma and have Boyhood and Budapest Hotel to watch before the Oscars (probably won't get a chance to see Imitation Game that I unfortunately missed at the cinema).

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Into The Woods - 7/10

Corden aside, this was an enjoyable wee film.

Being quite a fan of the musical, I'm intrigued to see this. However, I'm also worried that it would really irritate me. I feared the worst as soon as I heard that Disney was involved. I don't have a clue why they'd choose to make this film. It's a dark, adult musical and I'm worried that its plot will have been greatly compromised in the making of this film.

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I feel that way every time in a film where two people are at a diner or restaurant, they take no more than a few bites out of their delicious meals then leave once their conversation has served its purpose. Money to burn.

It's the puttering about with a fork and food that pisses me off. I don't know why but it makes me cringe when I see it. Rules of Engagement is notorious for it. I understand they can't really eat a lot due to continuity and the fact it's probably stain cauld, but I'd rather they just spoke rather than continuously move food about without ever taking a bite!

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Found this exhilarating. I had my eyes totally fixed to the screen for the entire film. The music and musicians are incredible in this and the performance by J.K Simmons was superb.


I went to see Whiplash after the fitba yesterday and loved it. The final scene is just incredible.

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Great performance by Denzil Washington as an alcoholic pilot, possibly one of his best , overall a really good movie. 8/10


His portrayal of an alcoholic is spot on (Unfortunately I know/knew all too well)

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Jet lag that refuses to go away has meant that over the last week I've watched a couple of films at stupid o'clock in the morning.

Starship Troopers: One of my favourites. Every bit as good a satire as Robocop was by the same writer and director. 9/10

The Colour of Money: A bit of an overlooked Scorsese gem in my opinion. Paul Newman is absolutely fantastic and Tom Cruise is good as well. 8/10

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