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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Edge of Darkness - IIRC, Mel Gibson's last film before being outed as a massive racist and conspiracy theorist. Decent murder-mystery conspiracy drama, with Mel tracking down his daughter's killer. Ray Winstone does a pleasantly subdued turn as a shadowy intelligence agent hired to keep tabs on Mel's progress. Held together nicely by the two leads, and a plethora of faces you'll recognise. Not a classic, but definitely worth watching.

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Pacific Rim - was a bit disappointed by this on first viewing, but it was more enjoyable this time. It's just a big dumb effects cartoon about non-transforming Transformers fighting Godzilla's buddies, but it's still more entertaining than most big CGI blockbusters. A bit silly and occasionally cheesy, but it could've been a lot worse.

There are also a lot of little things that will be of interest to gamers, including the voice of GLaDOS as the robot AI, which has the unfortunate side effect of making you realise how much more awesome it would be to be watching a Portal movie :P

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The Wee Man

Kinda shite - Ferris, Thompson and McGraw were horrible people who would have been responsible for untold pain and misery on countless numbers of people.

Thought the film kinda glamorised their lifestyle more than it probably was.

And Compston is a shit actor...


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Birdman. 8/10. Edward Norton is the fucking boy. Until Keaton starts flying this was utterly superb, but that was the turning point for me and I really disliked the ending, but I guess they need to end it on a surreal/happyish note. Definitely want to watch this again and should be up for an Oscar for one of the cinematogrophy or the editing or something.

Saw it today and pretty much agree with this. I really enjoyed it but wasn't sure about the ending at all, Ed Norton was fantastic though. Loved the way it was shot without cuts.

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Smurph, on 08 Jan 2015 - 08:10, said:snapback.png

Birdman. 8/10. Edward Norton is the fucking boy. Until Keaton starts flying this was utterly superb, but that was the turning point for me and I really disliked the ending, but I guess they need to end it on a surreal/happyish note. Definitely want to watch this again and should be up for an Oscar for one of the cinematogrophy or the editing or something.

Saw it today and pretty much agree with this. I really enjoyed it but wasn't sure about the ending at all, Ed Norton was fantastic though. Loved the way it was shot without cuts.

Someone wasn't paying attention at the start because he is 'flying' in the opening scene.

And Yes, Ed Norton is just :wub: , hasn't been this good since Fight Club imo (honourable mention for 25th Hour though).

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Someone wasn't paying attention at the start because he is 'flying' in the opening scene.

And Yes, Ed Norton is just :wub: , hasn't been this good since Fight Club imo (honourable mention for 25th Hour though).

I was aware of that at the start, but it seemed pretty clear to me that it was part of his delusions.

I'm starting to interpret it as that he did die when he shot himself in the theatre and the final scene was sort of a representation of him being at peace in death, since his play was a success and his daughter now admires him.

Edited by Gareth_Glasgow
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Saw it today and pretty much agree with this. I really enjoyed it but wasn't sure about the ending at all, Ed Norton was fantastic though. Loved the way it was shot without cuts.

I was reading on a website that the ending they wanted would have featured Johnny Depp in the dressing room putting on a wig for the main character in the play. In the background would be a pirates of Caribbean poster and Depp would look up at it before saying what are we doing here mate.

Watched a few films lately, flight which is mentioned in this thread was decent. Can't think of a Denziel Washington film I've not enjoyed.

Watched another called Side Effects which is about a Doc played by Jude Law who puts one of his patients on a new drug for depression. The film then follows what happens when she has been on the drug. Thought it had a fairly good twist in it.

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I watched A Bronx Tale last night and I wish I could change my votes for Top Films of the '90s as this would be right up there. Really engaging film with interesting characters. Chazz Palminteri has a great presence about him. If you're forcing me to give it a rating out of 10, I'd plump for 9. Solid.

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I watched A Bronx Tale last night and I wish I could change my votes for Top Films of the '90s as this would be right up there. Really engaging film with interesting characters. Chazz Palminteri has a great presence about him. If you're forcing me to give it a rating out of 10, I'd plump for 9. Solid.

Indeed. It was my number 10 on that particular list. I'm not sure whether it's underrated or wasn't widely released, but it certainly doesn't get the credit it deserves.

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Big Hero 6 - really enjoyed the first half of the film. If it had kept going at that pace it would have been a 9 or 10/10 but as soon as it turned into being superhero against the bad guy it kinda lost it is edge. Baymax was fantastic and is one of the best characters Disney have made in years.


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Have you watched Life Is Beautiful yet?

Wonderful movie.

Last film I saw was Gone Girl.

Steaming pile of pants.

It was as if a bunch of aliens had been absorbing our culture for years from our TV broadcasts and decided to make a film with all the things we humans love. Talk shows, murder, sex, murder during sex, sexual abuse, plot twists, deus ex machina, comedy, alcohol, press intrusion, wisecracking cops, Ben Afflek's penis, missing person appeals, video games, sex in public (libraries), snappy unbelievable dialogue, CCTV, Woody Allen, breasts, underage sex, sex talk, John Grisham lawyers and swearing. Fukkin abysmal.

And it was so bloody long. My arse was killing me, much like Ben Afflek's wife who bangs herself with a bottle.

Edited by BissigWelpen
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Last film I saw was Gone Girl.

Steaming pile of pants.

It was as if a bunch of aliens had been absorbing our culture for years from our TV broadcasts and decided to make a film with all the things we humans love. Talk shows, murder, sex, murder during sex, sexual abuse, plot twists, deus ex machina, comedy, alcohol, press intrusion, wisecracking cops, snappy unbelievable dialogue, Woody Allen, breasts, underage sex, sex talk and swearing. Fukkin abysmal. And it was so long. My arse was killing me, much like Ben Afflek's wife who bangs herself with a bottle.

Best. Review. Ever.

Gone Girl now firmly at the top of my "must watch" list :thumsup2

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Kill The Messenger - 8/10

Jeremy Renner plays an investigative journalist who uncovers the CIAs involvement in drug traffficking and gun running with Nicaragua in the 80s. His reputation is then smeared as the agency go to work on him leaving him on the brink of suicide. Based on a true story as well

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