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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Dutch/American coach was a total arse

Really? I thought he was quality. He clearly instilled a great ethos in the team and was more than happy to share their culture. He really integrated well and they team seemed to love him and vice versa.

Started like a p***k I thought but in the end looked to be really enjoying himself.

The organisation was a bit of a shambles and he wasn't having any of it.

I dare say his coaching technique was vanilla compared to the top level managers. A documentary about Jock Stein or Sir Alex Ferguson would be like a real-life Whiplash.

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Life of Ryan

Docu-film on Ryan Giggs towards the end of last season when he took over from Moyes. Pretty slow stuff but he comes across as decent guy. Cameo's from Beckham, Del Piero, Sir Alex and Maradona as well


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Just finished watching inception for the first time. All that hype for a movie that couldn't keep me from drifting off to sleep a few times.

Boring shite on first viewing, and I have no plans to spend another two and a half hours of my life trying to decipher what was actually going on.

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Pretty Woman 4/10

My missus had Pretty Woman on last night. It was on Channel 5, causing me to miss most of MoTD. Has there ever been a worse premise for a rom com? Seedy American Pyscho type businessman fucks prostitute.

I want to see the directors cut, where he forces her to lick out her pals arsehole, then puts a rat to work on them.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Erm... it was not bad I guess. It gets pretty ridiculous the further it goes. Twists are all over the place, and there's all sorts of outrageous bullshit going on. It actually manages to stay entertaining most of the way, even if you ARE thinking "seriously?!" many times, but then I got sick of it with about 15 minutes to go when it just went over the top. The thumbs are in the middle, because while most of the running time is fun, the last stuff almost made the entire time worthless to me.


Get Hard

I think the sheer silliness and outrageousness of this was needed after that, and this comedy wore it's intentions on it's sleeve from the name of the movie, to the trailer, and then to the movie itself. It's the first time I've watched Kevin Hart and thought "hey, I enjoyed him there". Will Ferrell is Will Ferrell. You know what you're getting. But I don't mind it in some movies, and this, once he finally meets Kevin Hart, sees him in a more bearable role. There's some scenes which are just ludicrous beyond belief, and those were the ones that had me laughing like f**k most of the time. So aye, I enjoyed this a lot more than some people it would seem.


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Wild Tales 8/10

Absolutely focking mental set of 6 short stories from Argentina. Pure entertainment, no filler.

I heard that one of these stories is almost prophetically close to a recent tragedy- reading about it was pretty spooky. I'm keen on checking this out soon.

I saw it this afternoon. I wasn't aware that it echoed recent events until the lady in the ticket booth warned me before I went in. I'm pretty broad minded about these things but I did feel slightly uncomfortable watching that scene as I basically knew what was about to happen. Still a very good film though. Well worth seeking out.

The road-rage story was my favourite.

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While We're Young 7/10

About a couple of 40 somethings who can't grow up and start hanging out with people 20 years younger than them. Thought the first half was really well done and pretty funny. Second half it went a bit standard film looking for an ending but still overall fairly enjoyable.

Edited by Christophe
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The Devils Double

Story of a guy who reluctantly becomes a double for Uday,the son of Saddam Hussein. Really well acted by Domnic Cooper who plays both lead roles, portraying the utterly phsycotic Uday brilliantly ,strangley enough Saddam comes out of it looking rather well really, 8/10

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The Midnight Meat Train (2008) starring Bradley Cooper and Vinnie Jones.

On premise, it looks like another in a long line of jobber Vinnie Jones films with him playing the hard man but I was pleasantly surprised by it. Decent story, decent acting, decent cinematography and ambiance about it. Leslie Bibb is a tad wooden playing Cooper's girlfriend, but overall not bad. The last 20 minutes or so are a but weird, but well done.

6.5 out of 10.

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