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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Imposter has to be one of the creepiest things I've watched, on various levels. Absorbing viewing

It was incredible, you think the story is just about this one guy pretending to be someone else but as it unravels you slowly switch from thinking the family were just overcome with grief to realising that there is something sinister behind their motives.

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It was incredible, you think the story is just about this one guy pretending to be someone else but as it unravels you slowly switch from thinking the family were just overcome with grief to realising that there is something sinister behind their motives.

Shhhh.....I've downloaded it to watch later;)
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The Babadook:

Thought it was great. Really scary but not through dumbed down jump scares but rather just being very creepy and using some pretty horrible images. It was also very much grounded in reality which makes it easier to provide scares and also spoke for a wider topic rather than just making people scared. The quick cuts at times felt a bit distracting and I thought several characters were pretty useless but other than that I loved it.


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Straight Outta Compton

Biopic about N.W.A and it's members that's been generating a lot hype in America. Fun movie with solid acting, especially from Ice Cube's son who portrays his father and is the spitting image of him. A few minor plot holes here and there, and it was pretty fucking tame tbh, considering what they were all about. I really wish they'd have just made it an 18 rated film and shown what their childhoods and growing up in Compton around that time was really like. Would've been a much better movie for it.


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Ex Machina

I kept on hearing great things about this movie to the point in which I felt people were over hyping the film.

The its self is really good and in certain aspects, quite creepy.

Overall a solid 8/10, a bonis point for the dance scene which had me for some reason almost rolling around the ground in laughter.

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Ex Machina

I kept on hearing great things about this movie to the point in which I felt people were over hyping the film.

The its self is really good and in certain aspects, quite creepy.

Overall a solid 8/10, a bonis point for the dance scene which had me for some reason almost rolling around the ground in laughter.

The dance scene is fucking superb...

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Didn't really enjoy this. Too long, far too many uncomfortable unfunny moments and I couldn't have cared less about Amy Schumer's character. The best bits were John Cena and LeBron James. A few funny moments but pretty poor overall.


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Fruitvale Station - A film based on the events in the build up to and shortly after the murder of Oscar Grant by a BART police officer. It had some pretty solid reviews on line so decided to check it out. Was a decent film, not too long either and covers the story fairly well. It is a bit slow though. 6.5/10.

Straight Outta Compton - Agree with what others have said above about this film, I was pretty impressed with it. 8/10

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Straight outta Compton 8.5/10

I'll agree with everyone else, I thought Ice Cubes son was the standout performer.

"What's your name, Brian? Get the f**k out ma house?" :lol:

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Thought Jason Mitchell as Easy E was the standout, but Ice Cube's son was very good, and he's just basically an Ice Cube clone anyways, which helps. But aye, 8/10 I'd say is a fair score for a really good movie.

Went to see Paper Towns last week as well, which was okay I guess. The ending was a bit weird, given the ride that they put on for us to get there, and the acting was fairly suspect from the leads, but it was an enjoyable enough 6/10 movie for the most part.

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