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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Casa De Mi Padre 7.5/10

This really, really tickled me. I mean it hit all my funny bones. So many wonderful little sight gags and asides. Just the whole thing of Will Ferrell speaking Spanish (badly) with subtitles killed me all the way through. A wonderful parody of something I've never seen!  And the music was great too. Honestly this seems to have gone under the radar and not been well received but I thought it was really good. (Netflix)

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Had an unexpected opportunity to take the wean to the cinema during the week, so we saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul....had no other choice at the time we went, unfortunately. I'd only seen the first one, and thankfully the titular wimpy kid wasn't as big a c**t in this one. Seriously, I can't think of a main character that you're supposed to sympathise with who comes across as a bigger arsehole; there isn't a single thing he does through the whole film that isn't self-centred.

Anyway, this one was alright, as far as films-you'd-never-see-if-you-didn't-have-a-kid go. It's the stereotypical National Lampoon's Vacation style road trip movie, with the standard cliched archetype parents, and the idiot older sibling. There are a couple of unsubtle nods to Hitchcock for the parents in the audience. That's about it. Probably more bearable than the new Transformers film, which is as damning as faint praise gets.

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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

 Seriously, I can't think of a main character that you're supposed to sympathise with who comes across as a bigger arsehole; there isn't a single thing he does through the whole film that isn't self-centred.


Not a film character, but Ted Mosby would probably give him a run for his money.

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8 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Not a film character, but Ted Mosby would probably give him a run for his money.

I had to look that up. At this rate I'll never be one of the cool kids  :(

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Baby Driver 6/10

Okay, I liked this film, but I didn't love nearly as much as I wanted to. The first twenty minutes are fantastic, frantic and fun. From then on though, there are just so many small things that, once you start thinking about it that I just couldn't buy. For all the hype, the cast and director I expected so much more.



The main character was fun from the start, but I don't know if they were going with some misanthrope, or some Forrest Gump with shades type character. His fun Chris Pratt-lite routine at the start was alright, but it disappeared completely, like that cheeky-chappie pysche just fucked at the first part of adversity, and at no point did I feel like things were not going to work out for him in the end.

The female lead has some 'you come to me' eyes about her, but nothing really else going on. I didn't like that Jon Hamm went from a cool don't play by the rules, Heat type character best bud to ridiculous Jason X.

Kevin Spacey went from bad guy to good c**t over love? He could have been much more of a struggle but to flip it and kill him off so cheaply (although I did fun the prop funny).

Nah, f**k off. Jamie Foxx' character was the c**t's c**t, and one that probably should have been the main antagonist at the end rather going out so early, it just felt so anti-climatic.

The soundtrack had a couple of good songs. I expected more from Edgar Wright however with his previous for Scott Pilgrim credit, but this felt like a really shite rip off of trying to be Guardian's of the Galaxy except they shoe horned songs that had no relevance into that stage of plot and weren't even that good. Barry White's song to Jon Hamm's confronting to kill Baby and his bird off? I'm not saying it's not an alright song, but how the f**k does that work?



Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Had an unexpected opportunity to take the wean to the cinema during the week, so we saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul....had no other choice at the time we went, unfortunately. I'd only seen the first one, and thankfully the titular wimpy kid wasn't as big a c**t in this one. Seriously, I can't think of a main character that you're supposed to sympathise with who comes across as a bigger arsehole; there isn't a single thing he does through the whole film that isn't self-centred.
Anyway, this one was alright, as far as films-you'd-never-see-if-you-didn't-have-a-kid go. It's the stereotypical National Lampoon's Vacation style road trip movie, with the standard cliched archetype parents, and the idiot older sibling. There are a couple of unsubtle nods to Hitchcock for the parents in the audience. That's about it. Probably more bearable than the new Transformers film, which is as damning as faint praise gets.

Ferris bueller is also a kant. In the originals the parents especially Steve zahn were best bit of it. Wee lad had all the books and they did a reasonable job of translating them into movies.
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Mindhorn. .....8/10

Low budget comedy nonsense filmed on Isle of Man apparently from people behind mighty boosh? Loved it.


I'm not a Mighty Boosh fan at all, but I also thought this was great. Usually hate anything musical in films but got to love a good spoof:



Never clocked these lyrics until now though: "A thousand kisses and sad goodbyes but it's to late for anymore, The ferry to the mainland leaves at six, I got to be there twenty minutes befooooooore!"


I like the guy from Horrible Histories in general though. Had me thinking of 'Stupid Deaths' from a great under-the-radar (albeit kid's) comedy show.

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21 hours ago, the jambo-rocker said:

Baby Driver 6/10

Okay, I liked this film, but I didn't love nearly as much as I wanted to. The first twenty minutes are fantastic, frantic and fun. From then on though, there are just so many small things that, once you start thinking about it that I just couldn't buy. For all the hype, the cast and director I expected so much more.

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The main character was fun from the start, but I don't know if they were going with some misanthrope, or some Forrest Gump with shades type character. His fun Chris Pratt-lite routine at the start was alright, but it disappeared completely, like that cheeky-chappie pysche just fucked at the first part of adversity, and at no point did I feel like things were not going to work out for him in the end.

The female lead has some 'you come to me' eyes about her, but nothing really else going on. I didn't like that Jon Hamm went from a cool don't play by the rules, Heat type character best bud to ridiculous Jason X.

Kevin Spacey went from bad guy to good c**t over love? He could have been much more of a struggle but to flip it and kill him off so cheaply (although I did fun the prop funny).

Nah, f**k off. Jamie Foxx' character was the c**t's c**t, and one that probably should have been the main antagonist at the end rather going out so early, it just felt so anti-climatic.

The soundtrack had a couple of good songs. I expected more from Edgar Wright however with his previous for Scott Pilgrim credit, but this felt like a really shite rip off of trying to be Guardian's of the Galaxy except they shoe horned songs that had no relevance into that stage of plot and weren't even that good. Barry White's song to Jon Hamm's confronting to kill Baby and his bird off? I'm not saying it's not an alright song, but how the f**k does that work?



Yeah I just saw and I agree with most of that. It was entertaining in a tongue in cheek way but there were one or two small things that annoyed me.

I'd still give it a solid 7/10 though...

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6 hours ago, Biscuits said:

The circle (Netflix) - Tom hanks and Emma Watson in film about the future of social media. Was ok 7/10.

You got me at "Tom Hanks and Emma Watson". I love a good cast, even though the social media thing is getting boring since Fincher.

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Went to see The House last night. Absolutely shite.

About a couple who start up an illegal casino in order to fund their child's university after her scholarship is cut by a corrupt councillor.

Really disappointed with this, I am a big fan of both Jason Mantzoukas and Nick Kroll but even they weren't enough to save this film. Jeremy Renner was also criminally underused. Would not recommend.


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