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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Blob (1958)

Oh my God, how terrifying can one film be?

No wait, terrifying ain't the word I'm looking for.

Ah yeah, that's it... shite! Steve McQueen is the only person involved with this picture that can act, and the 'blob' may be the crappest thing in the history of motion theatre.

They must have been easily pleased back in the 50s, as this is complete and utter bollocks!

3/10 for managing scare people 50 years ago with a big sphere of jelly.

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Guest BasraTon

Angels and Demons DVD - 7/10

The New Terminator film DVD - 6/10

Down Where the Buffalo Roam, Down Amongst The Big Boys, Elephants Graveyard - all 9/10

Edited by BasraTon
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Coach Carter (2005)

First time I've seen it since it was in the cinmea, so I'd forgotten most if. Very good film, lots of good acting (especially by Samuel L. Jackson). A very good story of a man trying to change the 'expectations students of a not-so-good, whilst being a very successful basketball coach.


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Dogma (1999)

Kevin Smith's take on the Dogmatic laws of Catholicism could have gone down 2 ways. Thankfully this went down the better route and is a laugh out fun film. The cast is superb, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (more about them latter) as disposed angels sent to life out the rest on eternity on earth, to Chris Rock as an apostle, Alan Rickman,who is always great...regardless of what movie, as the 1 true voice of God and to even casting Alanis Morissette (an Atheist) as God. Sure there is more F words than Al Pacino in Scarface, mostly brought by Jay and Sielnt Bob....ok just Jay then, but it's all in good taste, and Salma Hayek in that scene. :wub::wub:

But back to Damon and Affleck. It has always struck me how often these 2 were in the same films together at the early stages, and how good both of them were....but around about after this film they branched off, and while Damon enjoyed major successes in the Borne series, Affleck stuttered and too me this just don't seem right. Affleck is a great actor imo (Chasing Amy being arguably his best role) but a few bad choices of movie's and it went the way of the pear. How fickle Holywood really is.


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paparazzi 5/10

i thought after watching the trailer this would have been a great under-rated find to watch. Starts off promisingly enough but after a while tailed off a little. Course the detective knew he knew it was the main charactor that fucked them all up. Okay in bits, but the story could have been so much better.

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The Bridge At Remagen

Watched it again in the early hours of this morning. March 1945 and the battle for the last bridge still standing over the Rhine. A total classic of a war film. Viewed from both sides of the conflict with the retreating Germans realisiing they're f*cked (Robert Vaughn as a Nazi major) and the battle weary Americans tired and sickened by the slaughter (George Segal and Ben Gazzara leading the race for the bridge). Great stuff.


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The Godfather 10/10

One of the bests films ive ever seen in my life

The Godfather Part 2 9/10

Brilliant film but i prefered the first one

Final Destination all 3 7/10

All 3 are very similar so thought i would rate them as one.

Pretty good a bit gruesome but was a half decent set of films, i enjoyed them a lot more than i thought i would.

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Komodo vs. Cobra (2005) (TV)

This had the potential to be the worst film ever made, however as the komodo dragon and the cobra both of which made me laugh every time they came on the screen at the most predictable moments it can only get a 3/10 score.

That was until the last moment when the dead guy they spoke to, after he fell out a bush covered with komodo saliva and badly burnt, came back to live looking like a cobra... slight flaw with this...

That and the news reporter filming events on a camcorder saying "these events aren't something created by a Hollywood effects expert", well evidently. :lol:


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The Ugly Truth

Went along to see it with the burd, it was alright. Some pretty funny moments in it. Gerard Butler really, really can't act though, and his American accent is even worse than his Scottish one.

Decent rom/com. 5/10.

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