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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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If you aaw the first film you know what to expect. To be fair after 5 mins you should of noticed it wasnt a serious film

8/10 for me

I hadn't seen any trailers or anything so had no idea. It was obvious when it started but I just didn't find it funny. There was a couple of all right scenes but that was it IMO. Was it made by the same people as Scary Movie et all? It reminded me of those style of films only with Mexicans.

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I never saw the trailer going in either. Its just meant to be seriously OTT stuff. Begs the question tho if you hadnt seen a trailer or know what to expect why were you there?

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I've just finished watching 71: Into the Fire on Netflix. A very good film based on a true story from the Korean War. I'd recommend it if you come across it.

Might take a gander always too much to wade through

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So do i but normally read what its about first

I like to go see things without an opinion on them first. You won't go if you don't think you'll be interested in it. Going in blindly, I've seen Blue Jasmine, 127 Hours, Lincoln, Machete Kills and others. Liked some, didn't like others, but I probably wouldn't have gone to see any of them if I knew what they were about.

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Given that I have no idea what Lady Gaga's acting is like, and she's generally not half as big an idiot as most musicians and her music has f**k all to do with anything, I can't see why her being in a movie is a turn off.

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Watched L.A. Confidential last night and I really enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of Chinatown and this film is very much a kindred spirit to it with it's focus on L.A. and the deep rooted corruption within it. Kevin Spacey is clearly enjoying himself and whenever that happens he's fantastic to watch. Danny De Vito works really well with him in the scenes they are in together too. Just a great neo-noir film.

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To be fair Lady Gaga isn't in it enough to put you off, plus the way her character is played works quite well

On the flip side there is plenty of others to cancel out the gaga effect

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I hadn't seen any trailers or anything so had no idea. It was obvious when it started but I just didn't find it funny. There was a couple of all right scenes but that was it IMO. Was it made by the same people as Scary Movie et all? It reminded me of those style of films only with Mexicans.

It's made by Robert Rodriguez who did Machete and along with Tarantino he did the Grindhouse films (he did Planet Terror of the two).

It's not the same style as Scary Movie at all, it's exploitation. It's supposed to be ridiculous and poorly made (both in terms of weird plot holes/continuity errors and the way its shot)

I absolutely loved it, thought it was fucking hilarious. Gaga is a terrible actress but it works here. I'm more apprehensive about her being in the second Sin City than Machete Kills.

I'm fairly surprised that you hadn't heard of Machete.

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Rewatched Congo last night for the first time in about 5/6 years, god its bad even with Bruce Campbell (who I forgot was in it) and Ernie Hudson. Just dull as dishwater


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Silver linings playbook

I know it's a chick flick but I really enjoy Bradley Coopers work. He was good in this as well. Pretty funny at times.


Went to the cinema to see it, thought it was excellent.

In a thread where Avengers Assemble gets 10/10 it really deserves better than 7/10.

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I watched Dario Agrento's Inferno for the first time last night and I'm sad to say I was mostly disappointed by it. I'm a huge fan of the film it's predecessor Suspiria and I'd heard other people who'd said Inferno wasn't as good as it. However I was still hoping that Inferno would have more of a positive impact on me. The plot of Suspiria isn't particularly strong but it works well enough to enable Argento to create a horror film with a wonderfully nightmarish fairy tale quality to it. Inferno's plot is much weaker and it feels a little scattered in it's focus on it's main character's story arcs. With Inferno, it always feels like Argento can't really be bothered making us invest in the characters and is just too anxious to get on with murdering them. Rose's assumption that she lives witch house is clearly a lucky guess rather than any well thought out logic or detective work before she goes into the cellar.

There were some interesting moments. The scene where the Countess is looking at Mark The sequence in which Rose is chased up through the abandoned apartment floors do get close to being unnerving, and some of the shots as Rose creeps down the cramped enclosed corriders that are very dark with the odd splash of lurid bright colour look suitably creepy. But on the other hand, this scene in a way is a very rough copy from a far better one in Suspiria with the character of Sara and her attempted escape from the dance academy. The ending of Inferno is also more or less a poor copy of the ending of Suspiria and the first proper appearance of the Mater Tenebraraum feels like a sidenote which is disappointing.

The biggest disappointment for me though is actually the score. Suspiria has a soundtrack which had a delightfully warped music box-esque tune that serves as the main theme but was also capable of rising to bombastic, operatic levels when appropiate and Suspiria would be much poorer film without it. Inferno's soundtrack is much less interesting and adds much less to the film. It certainly has a bombastic quality to it, but it never feels appropiate. A lot of it is too electronic or synthy (not sure that is a word but hey ho) and failed to create the appropriate atmosphere for me. The song that bursts into life when Mark goes to confront Tenebrarum is very, very close to being laughably over the top.

So yeah I was massively disappointed by Inferno and as much as I harp on about Suspiria and my love for it, my expectations for Inferno weren't really ridiculously high. I did want to be impressed by Inferno. Has anyone seen the concluding part to the three mothers trilogy The Mother of Tears? If so is it worth checking out?

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