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Better Call Saul

The Real Saints

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Last episode ever?

Great show.

Last of the first series.

Caught up with last weeks and the episode from yesterday last night. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jimmy try to be a normal lawyer and how he is trying to help the people at the care home. The whole bin raking scene was well done and I loved the idea of him writing on the bog roll :lol:

Mike - woah. The whole car park scene was just fantastic. Trevor from GTA was as OTT as they come but the way Mike dealt with him was fantastic. The big guy running off just topped the scene off.

Can't wait for next weeks although knowing that it won't be on again until early next year is depressing :(

Edited by The Minertaur
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That last scene was just horrible to watch.

It's a shame that Jimmy is really trying to be a good honest lawyer but deep down all he is looking for is his brother to be proud of him. Wouldn't surprise me if this is the very start of how he becomes Saul Goodman.

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Oh god, the feels from that episode...

I mean its heartbreaking;

Jimmy is trying so desperately hard to win his brothers approval, and Hamlin's too, and we get to see that with him literally raking through garbage in order to help him on a case, trying to stick up for the elderly, how happy he was at passing the bar, taking pride in building *his* case; yet Chuck still see's him as little more than a jumped up mailroom assistant with ideas above his station, with a joke degree, that will never, ever be his peer....

Edit: I was sort of hoping it would maybe turn out, once I clocked Chuck was behind Hamlin's refusal to hire him, that the reasons would be more noble i.e. Chuck didn't think Jimmy would be happy there and wanted him to start his own practice with the money from the settlement - that single line to start his tirade ("You are not a lawyer") was just horrible, as was what followed... I wanted to give Jimmy a hug, he looked so utterly crushed...

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Thoughts on the finale?

I thought the ending felt slightly forced. We didn't really need that brief conversation with Mike and we definitely didn't need to hear 'Smoke in the Water' whilst Jimmy drove off. For me, the episode could have ended with Jimmy hesitating outside HHM, caught in two minds about whether or not to turn back. That would have been enough, and it arguably would have had more of an impact. It lacked the subtlety of Walter White's more gradual transformation in Breaking Bad.

Apart from that, it was another excellent episode. I enjoyed watching Jimmy's downward spiral and appreciated the 'Belize' and 'Kevin Coster' references from BB. The 'bingo' scene was hilarious. Looking forward to Season 2. On the whole, a very well-done series thus far.

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I liked the ending, and not sure that it felt forced. It was like Jimmy really needed it to be enforced in his own head how he felt. Mike was in the general area and he decided to, for lack of a better term, vent at him.

Plus, we don't know how they're going to work Season 2. We've been told already TWICE now that they're going to be doing stuff from after Breaking Bad as well. So Season 2 might well see that happen, with Season 1 basically closing that chapter of his life, showing us how he got to where he was.

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Kind of agree with the Real Saints, would have preferred if it was left with Jimmy standing outside the court in two minds what to do. I think there was still some milage in his change from Jimmy to Saul but going by the ending I think he will take on the persona of Saul fairly quickly next season.

That's my only negative though in what was otherwise another great episode. Its a pity it's over already.

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