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When will indyref2 happen?



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9 hours ago, Jedi said:

I know that any criticism of the SNP's handling of the current public sector pay disputes, their response to the cost of living, or any comment on the GRA which is not fully supportive of it and all its tenets will be dismissed as trolling, Tory sock puppeting etc...but it will be interesting to see how the wider Scottish public feels in a month or two.

This is perhaps not the wisest hill for you to die on -

  • The current pay disputes have either been or are closer to being ended up here v England. NHS staff (ex nurses) have accepted their offer.
  • The Scot Gov is providing more support to vulnerable people in the cost of living crisis than in England.
  • GRA is only a problem for those tories and the occasional religious nutter who dont like "others" to have the same human rights as the rest of us.
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19 hours ago, Jedi said:

2 ways to look at it.

In 8 years, 'Yes' is still around where it was back then.

Or..44% is a good 'starting point' for any future campaign,

The spread in the last 7 polls is 49% to 54% meaning its at least 5 points higher, there was no 'Don't Know' option on the ballot paper 8 years ago, so no reason to use the with DKs Inc. View now. 

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25 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

This is perhaps not the wisest hill for you to die on -

  • The current pay disputes have either been or are closer to being ended up here v England. NHS staff (ex nurses) have accepted their offer.
  • The Scot Gov is providing more support to vulnerable people in the cost of living crisis than in England.
  • GRA is only a problem for those tories and the occasional religious nutter who dont like "others" to have the same human rights as the rest of us.

And there we are: We are doing "better' than England regarding nurses, and that's all that matters.Have the RCN in Scotland rejected the latest 'offer' or not?

What stats/figures show that the Scot govt is doing 'more' than Westminster to assist with the cost of living? Are they making a £400 payment to every household as a contribution to energy bills eg?

'Only' religious nutters, bigots etc would have any questions about the GRA. I think that is a rather lazy stereotype of people who have concerns about some of the substance of it. If you take a look across social media there would appear to be a significant number of female SNP supporters who are questioning some of its elements. To write them off as religious nutters/bigots/Tories doesn't really work.

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2 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Just checked the polling thread, and no mention of 800 at all (let alone it being  “widely cited”)

are you lying again, and why would you do so?

I will have a good look at the thread again to find the 800 figure as you have done..well done on reading through that many pages..

I would also suggest withdrawing a 'lying' accusation.

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11 hours ago, Jedi said:

And of course don't knows excluded has No at 51%.

A few weeks ago we were told that Independence was a shoe in 

If you are going treat each individual poll in isolation you'll end up bipolar.

Polls have their own intrinsic error based on size and weighing. Therefore you need several polls to help filter the error down. If one poll says you are on 49+/- 3% then you can treat it with some caution. If 3 polls in a row say it then you can be more certain that is the correct position.

I haven't been following this thread that closely lately. Presumably each of the Yes leas polls was followed by one of your 'time will tell' type posts? And now this one has given you license to indulge us all with your rantings about how all Scotland really thinks like you do and hence that's why the vote has fallen back?

In truth, the likely position is that Yes is a tad higher than it was. We are still largely in dead heat territory, possibly with a small advantage to Yes, reversing the longer trend of No being a nose in front. The simple fact that Yes can pull a lead like that should be a warning to Unionists that the SNP could fight and win a de facto Indy election. It won't though.

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3 minutes ago, Jedi said:

I will have a good look at the thread again to find the 800 figure as you have done..well done on reading through that many pages..

I would also suggest withdrawing a 'lying' accusation.

Excellent - have a look.  Given you gave us teh date of the poll, it is easy to read from there. 

On the lying point, I will withdraw it if you can show you weren’t. However, the very definition of lying is “ making false statements”. You have done that on this thread, and rather than backing down when challenged, you have doubled down with fresh false statements. 

The easy way to stop being called a liar is to stop lying. 

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3 minutes ago, Jedi said:

And there we are: We are doing "better' than England regarding nurses, and that's all that matters.Have the RCN in Scotland rejected the latest 'offer' or not?

What stats/figures show that the Scot govt is doing 'more' than Westminster to assist with the cost of living? Are they making a £400 payment to every household as a contribution to energy bills eg?

'Only' religious nutters, bigots etc would have any questions about the GRA. I think that is a rather lazy stereotype of people who have concerns about some of the substance of it. If you take a look across social media there would appear to be a significant number of female SNP supporters who are questioning some of its elements. To write them off as religious nutters/bigots/Tories doesn't really work.

1 - Who else should a devolved govt compare themselves to when the poster was talking about UK industrial disputes? Yes the RCN have rejected it, but based on the Scot Gov offer being almost 2 x the English one, I know where my money is on a resolution................

2 - The £400 payment is UK wide, stop embarassing yourself.

Pretty obviously I was describing support over and above that provided UK wide.  I could start with the increased weekly Scottish Child payment, hows that for a start? 

3 - OK, I agree - I would add deluded people (inc some SNP MSPs) with no grasp on facts who tell us that "beardy guys in a dress will storm female dressing rooms with their tadgers out" after this legislation to that list.

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1 hour ago, Jedi said:

What stats/figures show that the Scot govt is doing 'more' than Westminster to assist with the cost of living? Are they making a £400 payment to every household as a contribution to energy bills eg?

The Scottish Child Payment.


Only' religious nutters, bigots etc would have any questions about the GRA. I think that is a rather lazy stereotype of people who have concerns about some of the substance of it. If you take a look across social media there would appear to be a significant number of female SNP supporters who are questioning some of its elements. To write them off as religious nutters/bigots/Tories doesn't really work.

It would be wrong to stereotype in this way when there are clearly a set of people who object to this legislation, who refuse to enter into any substantive discussion on its merits, who are only doing so because they are awful, degenerate, utterly self serving and vile individuals who object only on the grounds that its the SNP that have done it. 

A key indicator of this stance is entirely cynical and ignorant pish about "wasting parliamentary time when they could be doing X other thing." No surer red flag that the person speaking is an utter weapon. 

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Anyone who has raised any questions about the legislation both in Parliament and on social media..many of them on the latter people who also cite themselves as SNP voters/supporters and in the former the SNP MSP's who voted against it are 'utter weapons' and 'vile' 'degenerates' 'awful' people. 

Glad we got that straightened out. A reasoned post as always @williemillersmoustache...or is it only me who is vile, degenerate, self serving and awful (despite note commenting on whether I agree with the substance of the GRA or not) and not the SNP supporters?

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9 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Anyone who has raised any questions about the legislation both in Parliament and on social media..many of them on the latter people who also cite themselves as SNP voters/supporters and in the former the SNP MSP's who voted against it are 'utter weapons' and 'vile' people. 

Glad we got that straightened out 

Don't try and widen this out to imply I was referring to people other than you poppet.

9 minutes ago, Jedi said:

 Glad we got that straightened out. A reasoned post as always @williemillersmoustache...or is it only me who is vile, degenerate, self serving and awful (despite note commenting on whether I agree with the substance of the GRA or not) and not the SNP supporters?

In fact it's the not commenting on the substance but still objecting that's the key. A superb self own.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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'Vile, degenerate, self-serving, awful, absolute weapon of a person' (if you ask any questions of SNP policy that is, unless you are 'in' the SNP and then none of the above applies.

Nothing like ignoring any form of debate and disagreement and resorting to entirely personal abuse of the worst kind ....

An utterly rancid piece of work on your part.

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Gentlemen, you've clearly hurt Jedi's feelings most grievously. An apology is clearly required, lest he go to the grave with these cold, harsh words stamped upon the sinews of his heart.

I fear the dreaded spectre of the CyberNat is rearing its ugly head once more. Oh, to return to the bipartisan Tory/Labour days, when political discourse was polite, and nobody ever said bum to a goose.

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11 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Gentlemen, you've clearly hurt Jedi's feelings most grievously. An apology is clearly required, lest he go to the grave with these cold, harsh words stamped upon the sinews of his heart.

I fear the dreaded spectre of the CyberNat is rearing its ugly head once more. Oh, to return to the bipartisan Tory/Labour days, when political discourse was polite, and nobody ever said bum to a goose.

I know, I don't know how I will manage to get up in the morning again, after being 'owned' by the intellectual giant/ hard man keyboard warrior @williemillersmoustache....I am still gobsmacked that he manged to make it through the latest hate fuelled rant without recourse to a good smattering of F*c* that f*u*ing f*ck...still his fanboys will be along to greenie him up shortly

happy father ted GIF

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4 minutes ago, BFTD said:

 Oh, to return to the bipartisan Tory/Labour days ...

That's a big ask given that they are indistinguishable on Brexit, immigration and independence whilst Sir Keith is also less than keen to support workers looking for a fair deal on pay. Little wonder that Jedi and his ilk are avoiding the more traditional left/right debate - "left" has been consigned to the bin by Labour. 

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