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Boxing Thread

Meth Damon

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Kovalev actually enjoyed hurting people, his KO of Sillakh is still one of the most ruthless I've ever seen.  His second fight with Pascal was a sustained beating, that he could have finished anytime he wanted.  He even admitted after the fight that he just wanted to prolong it, to hurt him even more.  An evil b*****d of a man.

Edited by MONKMAN
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Kovalev actually enjoyed hurting people, his KO of Sillakh is still one of the most ruthless I've ever seen.  His second fight with Pascal was a sustained beating, that he could have finished anytime he wanted.  He even admitted after the fight that he just wanted to hurt him.  An evil b*****d of a man.
He was a bully, in life and in ring style. Absolutely no inside game and had nothing when forced to go on the back foot. If you let him walk you down, you were fucked no matter who you were. But if you stood up to him he was utterly puzzled. Even Anthony Yarde managed to show a lot of this and nearly got him. Probably why he was unable to get a near 50 year old BHop out of there. The beating Hopkins would have handed that man if he were 5 years younger would have been glorious.
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27 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Kovalev actually enjoyed hurting people, his KO of Sillakh is still one of the most ruthless I've ever seen.  His second fight with Pascal was a sustained beating, that he could have finished anytime he wanted.  He even admitted after the fight that he just wanted to prolong it, to hurt him even more.  An evil b*****d of a man.

I haven't watched this fight in years, and I can still vividly remember big Kov roaring "WHO'S RUNNIN NOW???" at him as he lay splattered on the canvas near hanging out the ring. At that point he was potentially the scariest human being alive. I think his drinking has probably shortened his career significantly, and was apparently wildly excessive long before the Ward fights. Ward basically destroyed his aura though, and a combination of  physical and mental deterioration happened almost immediately after the stoppage in the second. One of my favourite ever fighters to watch in his prime, just utterly ruthless.

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31 minutes ago, Gianfranco said:

Did one of Kovalev’s early opponents not die like a week after the fight?

Yeah, Roman Simakov. Stopped him mid-rounds, but guy was still conscious, went to the hospital, deteriorated, lapsed in to a coma and died 3 days later. Absolutely brutal.

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On 15/01/2021 at 08:54, Bairnardo said:

I'm not  huge fan of Ward outside the ring (this seems to be the thread theme currently) but I enjoyed the section he did with Rogan about the Kovalev fights. 

I remember the firdt time I ever seen Kovalev too... In the build up to him battering Nathan Cleverly. A bad man. 

Ward is my favourite fighter - an absolute top boi in and out of the ring. The 24/7 stuff before the kovalev fight is brilliant as is the "just show up" speech. 

Josh Taylor is a national embarrassment. 

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7 hours ago, JMDP said:

Ward is my favourite fighter - an absolute top boi in and out of the ring. The 24/7 stuff before the kovalev fight is brilliant as is the "just show up" speech. 

Josh Taylor is a national embarrassment. 

As I have gotten older, and in conjunction with the point in my life where I began to dabble with boxing training and sparring, I grew to appreciate more the boys who can get down and dirty on the inside. Used to think it was unattractive to watch, now I love it. Someone that will stand right in the pocket and grind their opponent into submission. This is what's required to beat the version of Canelo we currently see, and it was always what was required to beat Floyd. Hopefully we get someone to do the former before he retires. 

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On 13/01/2021 at 16:51, Boostin' Kev said:

Said it before on here but we shouldn't just boxers by their personalities outside of the ring when they've chosen to earn a living trying to take another man's head of his shoulders basically.  

That’s fair enough, and I would agree in some instances. Taylor, however, is sharing posts claiming that the Covid vaccine is ‘guaranteed to make you sterile’, amongst other nonsense.

Now I don’t know how much time Taylor has put in to the study of vaccines in his life, but I will have a good guess at absolutely zero. For him to share something like that, for him to be so confident in his views after watching a few YouTube videos or reading some anti-vaxxer stuff, that he is willing to share it to his fans, is beyond the pale. It’s not an over exaggeration to say that him sharing utter nonsense like that could come down to a matter of life or death. 100,000 people’s lives have ended in this country alone, where Covid has been a contributing factor. It absolutely amazes me that people like him have the arrogance to think they have worked it all out, and anyone who goes along with the mask wearing, vaccine etc. is a ‘sheep’. 

However don’t forget to buy your official ‘Tartan Tornado’ face masks available from all good stores. 


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I’m arguing with him on Twitter now. His assertion is that the doctors and experts are being paid by Governments to spin their lines, for...reasons. He, of course, has zero evidence to back up this claim.

He’s not just an idiot, he’s a dangerous idiot. No one expects boxers to be role models, they’re in a sport where causing harm to your opponent is the only way to progress after all, but you do want them to be semi decent human beings. Sadly, it increasingly appears that Taylor isn’t one.

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38 minutes ago, J_Stewart said:

I’m arguing with him on Twitter now. His assertion is that the doctors and experts are being paid by Governments to spin their lines, for...reasons. He, of course, has zero evidence to back up this claim.

He’s not just an idiot, he’s a dangerous idiot. No one expects boxers to be role models, they’re in a sport where causing harm to your opponent is the only way to progress after all, but you do want them to be semi decent human beings. Sadly, it increasingly appears that Taylor isn’t one.

Great boxer, absolute moon unit of a boy. The thing about people who hold views like him, is that absolutely nothing will change their mind. They could be presented with all the evidence right in front of them and will still use YouTube videos or some website they’ve found on the 90th page of Google to back them up. It’s confirmation bias in its extreme. 

Guy I know hits out with a lot of these conspiracy theories that go around, the funny thing is that he believes absolutely every one of them. New world order, chemtrails, 5G, vaccines causing autism, and many more. He’s not the brightest so it’s quite easy to have him tied in knots quite quickly. He was telling me there was a global conspiracy to half the population of the earth by 50% by the year 2050, and Bill Gates was involved in some way. After laughing right in his face he showed me a webpage he had up on his phone that was from a supposed US Govt website that was going to prove his point. It showed projected populations, and funnily enough the projection for 2050 of the US population was half. After around 2 seconds of looking at the web page it’s was glaringly obvious to anyone with half a brain cell, that this was most certainly not an official government website. It looked like it had been typed out on Microsoft word and then copied over, the web address wasn’t an official US govt page, and it just looked like something that had been thrown together in 10 seconds. Even after pointing all that out to him, he still believes it. There’s no hope with some people.

Edited by IrishBhoy
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Also, Canelo fighting Yildrim 😳 that will be a good match up. 

When I seen it announced on Eddie Hearns Twitter I sat trying to think where I had seen Yildrim before. Went on Boxrec and see that he has a loss on his record at the hands of Chris Eubank Jr. That was a few years ago now, and for the sake of his own health I hope he has improved drastically since that fight as Eubank absolutely pasted him. 

Also good to see Lee McGregor getting his fight with Guerfi sorted in Dubai. Kash Farooq fights at the start of April, so there’s a slim chance we could see that rematch around July/August time, they both seem to want it. 

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1 minute ago, Boostin' Kev said:

Couldn't care less about his thoughts on covid tbh and would far rather having him representing Scotland's pro boxing hopes than someone like Burns.bQshDtu.png.9c1babcfddc115a65d18a6b5fe16eea1.png

Was going to reply seriously there, but there’s no way you really believe that. Anyone who shares a picture claiming that the Covid vaccine is ‘guaranteed to make you sterile’ either has severe mental problems, or is a massive massive idiot. I don’t think Taylor has severe mental problems. 

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