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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Westminster is basically the Bullingdon Club writ large..which is why the Tories have generally been the most successful party inside it. Only Westminster could be able to deflect attention from the chaos the Tories have created by having Corbyn calling them stupid people the headline news of the week.

My prediction is still the same....heading for a 2nd Ref next month, after all other 'options' have been voted down. Brexit ain't happening. In a year or two it will all be swept under the carpet and the Tories will return to power with an increased majority at the next GE, as Corbyn will still be Lab leader then.

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22 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Only a VOC in the government by the official opposition will be called.  

I did post that already in response to your previous post.


And I already replied to you the reason for it being brought forward. I disagree with it being proposed but it's not in doubt that is has been, which is what i have said.

Only a VOC from the official opposition must be called. Any other is at the discretion of the Government.

Edited by Londonwell
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5 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Westminster is basically the Bullingdon Club writ large..which is why the Tories have generally been the most successful party inside it. Only Westminster could be able to deflect attention from the chaos the Tories have created by having Corbyn calling them stupid people the headline news of the week.

My prediction is still the same....heading for a 2nd Ref next month, after all other 'options' have been voted down. Brexit ain't happening. In a year or two it will all be swept under the carpet and the Tories will return to power with an increased majority at the next GE, as Corbyn will still be Lab leader then.

There legally has to be six months between a referendum being legislated for and being held.

It's impossible to have a referendum before the summer.

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Don't usually take the Tory side on anything, but that was an absolutely horrendous comment, and I don't like that it's only the Tories who have taken offense. If it's only them, I'd be sorely disappointed.

Complete double standards in action though. 



I'm no Corbyn fan btw - it's just being used as a stick to beat him with.


If May had called Corbyn a stupid man I don't think we'd have the over the top reactions we've had today - some are saying this is sexist for their own petty political ends.


Would they have said it was sexist if the phrase "stupid man" was used?


I doubt it very much.


She's a woman who is stupid - its not saying that all women are stupid as some are deliberately taking this.


In any case, far worse has been said in that chamber without an eyelid batted.


PS Corbyn is a stupid man - not for using the phrase - but for being so utterly fucking useless.




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7 hours ago, Detournement said:

A little known fact is that the BMA limit the number of places in medical schools which has left us with a situation where every medical degree course is oversubscribed yet there is still a shortage of doctors.

Bollocks. Central government sets the funding and hence number of places. The BMA is a trade union (a fairly poor one for its members). The vast majority of doctors are employed within the NHS - pay is set annually by the nominally independent DDRB, which in reality just goes by what government says.

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BBC news at 6 has it as their second item. But, despite the ambiguity over whether or not he actually said the word “woman”, they boldly state that he appears to say it as if it’s fact.

I’m not a massive fan after the way he’s handled Brexit the past few months, but the media will literally jump on anything to try put the pressure on him instead of focusing on the shit show of a country we currently are.

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1 hour ago, Londonwell said:

Btw i'm aware literally no-one is talking about it but a vote of confidence against the Gov was submitted last night...

I was told the noted master strategiser OHHHHHHHH JEREMY COOOOOOOOOOORBYYYYYYYYYYYN was holding off on the opposition's vote of no confidence, for when it would be mostly likely to be effective

In the subsequent week his confidence motion got told "naw" by the government and he's now done this. I'm going back to Skye.

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5 hours ago, Principal Flutie said:

Don't usually take the Tory side on anything, but that was an absolutely horrendous comment, and I don't like that it's only the Tories who have taken offense. If it's only them, I'd be sorely disappointed.

Sign of the times.

If a woman had said  "... stupid man.... ", and he'd called foul,

he'd probably be laughed all the way to the extremely large lorry queue at Dover.

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I hope #stupidgate doesn't divert attention from that the Conservative Party have introduced a bill today that would ensure freedom of movement to the middle and upper classes, but exclude the working and lower middle classes. This comes directly from a stupid woman's obsession with immigration and her wrecking of negotiations with the EU with her red line on freedom of movement. Stupid cuntbitch. imo.

Edited by welshbairn
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45 minutes ago, Cyclizine said:

Bollocks. Central government sets the funding and hence number of places. The BMA is a trade union (a fairly poor one for its members). The vast majority of doctors are employed within the NHS - pay is set annually by the nominally independent DDRB, which in reality just goes by what government says.

When the NHS was set up in 1948, it was partly because enlightened people on both sides of the political spectrum considered it the right way to go.

The main obstacle was getting the doctors to agree.  In the end they were more or less bought off to persuade them in. 

Today, if I recall correctly, the average for a full time bog standard GP is about £100,000 a year.   

As an aside....

My brother in law, now long retired,  qualified as a dentist in 1967. He always earned a very healthy living from then on.

He did private patients  and NHS patients.  It was all just what came with the job.

In the early 1990's when the Tory government made changes to the way dental treatment would  be paid for......

ie,  they reduced what they would pay to dentists for treatment on the NHS...,

my brother in law was astonished at how many of the younger dentists coming  through really welcomed the chance to ditch the less profitable NHS patients. 


Today, where I live there are 4 dentists in a radius of 10 miles.  

Precisely 1 of them accepts NHS patients.   It took years for me to move from their waiting list and be accepted as a patient.

I have few illusions about the self-serving attitudes of some of those in the medical professions. 



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