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The Official Former President Trump thread


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1 hour ago, NewBornBairn said:

No, no you couldn't. North Korea has said they would launch a pre-emptive nuclear attack and you're saying they have a legitimate argument? GTF.

I probably should have said "some might say" as I wouldn't agree with it personally given the guaranteed consequences it would bring about.

In any case I wasn't talking about a pre-emptive nuclear strike, I said lobbing a few missiles at the ships. If you had just seen an unprovoked, ship-based cruise missile attack on another country, then a few days later the aggressor nation sent an aircraft carrier group to your own coastline, I'm not sure what else would need to happen before you felt the need to defend yourself.

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14 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Trump's just said, I trust you, do what you think's best. Generals are in charge of the NSC and the Defence Department now, they have the authoriteh

Yep, that is the overriding issue here. Trump knows nothing about it, perhaps doesn't even want to know anything about it, and is happy to let some trusted generals do virtually as they please. I think something we forget over here, particularly during election campaigns, is just how much the US is filled with bloodthirsty army types, including at the highest levels of power. They'll easily sell "imminent danger" stuff to Trump, in exactly the same way as they did to Obama, Bush, etc. Got to justify their own existence somehow. 

In North Korea, I'm not convinced it truly is as simple as "leave them to it". If they have fully functioning nuclear missiles that is undoubtedly a massive issue not just for the US, Seoul, etc but for mankind. Even in the event of an internal revolution (inevitably it'll happen at some point) the worry would be that Jong-Un or the latest Kim in charge would just think "f**k it" and starting nuking places. Revolutions aren't known for kindly treatment of the former ruler. I think a crisis was fast approaching regardless of who the US President was. Even Obama knew it. The only hope can be some form of resolution is found, but at the moment for the US (and I would've thought, NATO), NK acquiring nuclear missiles is unacceptable, and for NK they will acquire nuclear missiles at all costs. Not sure where the middle ground is, nor am I sure what sending a shitload of military might to South Korea will achieve. But let's not pretend it's a Trump masterplan on show here, he'll be letting the military do what Obama refused for years.

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How many bombs has Britain dropped in 2017?

The UK has been bombing so-called Islamic State targets in Iraq since 2014 and in Syria since the year after.
…BBC analysis shows UK forces have dropped bombs on 69 of the 99 days of 2017 to 9 April.
In that time, at least 216 bombs and missiles have been dropped by the Royal Air Force.
…The UK has conducted more than 1,200 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria since it became involved -
more than any other coalition country bar the United States.
The UK is part of the Global Coalition, a body of 68 partners from across Europe, the Middle East,
Asia, Africa and the Americas which has committed to defeating IS using military action among other tactics.

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2 minutes ago, Paco said:

Yep, that is the overriding issue here. Trump knows nothing about it, perhaps doesn't even want to know anything about it, and is happy to let some trusted generals do virtually as they please. I think something we forget over here, particularly during election campaigns, is just how much the US is filled with bloodthirsty army types, including at the highest levels of power. They'll easily sell "imminent danger" stuff to Trump, in exactly the same way as they did to Obama, Bush, etc. Got to justify their own existence somehow. 

In North Korea, I'm not convinced it truly is as simple as "leave them to it". If they have fully functioning nuclear missiles that is undoubtedly a massive issue not just for the US, Seoul, etc but for mankind. Even in the event of an internal revolution (inevitably it'll happen at some point) the worry would be that Jong-Un or the latest Kim in charge would just think "f**k it" and starting nuking places. Revolutions aren't known for kindly treatment of the former ruler. I think a crisis was fast approaching regardless of who the US President was. Even Obama knew it. The only hope can be some form of resolution is found, but at the moment for the US (and I would've thought, NATO), NK acquiring nuclear missiles is unacceptable, and for NK they will acquire nuclear missiles at all costs. Not sure where the middle ground is, nor am I sure what sending a shitload of military might to South Korea will achieve. But let's not pretend it's a Trump masterplan on show here, he'll be letting the military do what Obama refused for years.

You could substitute the above with the UK and Tory/Labour governments with Trident.

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2 hours ago, Mudder said:

Was listening to an (expert) on Korean affairs on r5 yesterday , who said the US could wipe out NKs military capabilities fairy easily and that most people there and the Army would welcome it, however it would leave a hardline group of about 20-30 thousand of loyal Special Guards , who would reek havoc in Souel which is only 80 miles away and a population of 25 million.


and for the last 30 years US/SK analysis of attacking NK is, how many in Souel would be killed?

Are they Celtic supporters?

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4 hours ago, madwullie said:

Because some countries and leaders aren't stable and are prone to do fucking stupid stuff in the spur of the moment. 


So your argument is that the USA shouldn't have nuclear weapons.  Interesting.

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15 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

The most important part was that he had an onion on his belt, which was the style at the time.

I hear he's still trying to get back that word the Kaiser stole

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4 hours ago, strichener said:

Nothing unites Americans in the way that military dick waving can.

Much as I despise Trump. calling N Korea's bluff by behaving aggressively unpredictable, short of actually bombing them, could be the only way of getting them them to the negotiating table. The NK elite know that their position is all bluff, if they ever tried to use their WDM's they'd be utterly annihilated, even if they survived they'd lose all the perks they enjoy now at the expense of the ordinary N Korean. They've been allowed to get away with threatening Japan and South Korea with nuclear and chemical attacks for too long, and impoverishing and terrorising their own. Bit risky perhaps, but quiet diplomacy has just succeeded in raising the danger their neighbours face higher.

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9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Much as I despise Trump. calling N Korea's bluff by behaving aggressively unpredictable, short of actually bombing them, could be the only way of getting them them to the negotiating table. The NK elite know that their position is all bluff, if they ever tried to use their WDM's they'd be utterly annihilated, even if they survived they'd lose all the perks they enjoy now at the expense of the ordinary N Korean. They've been allowed to get away with threatening Japan and South Korea with nuclear and chemical attacks for too long, and impoverishing and terrorising their own. Bit risky perhaps, but quiet diplomacy has just succeeded in raising the danger their neighbours face higher.

North Korea don't have to threaten with nuclear or chemical weapons.  There are >25,000,000 people in South Korea who are within range of the North's conventional weapons.  The game has worked for the North since the war and I can see no reason why they won't continue with the same.  Goad, threaten, get inducements, withdraw and repeat.

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How much effort has there actually been over the years to deal with NK diplomatically? For as long as I can remember or have paid any attention, there has always been a general dismissal of them as the cartoonish Team America style regime with no interest in relations with the modern world. Even Iran got round the table when they were offered something in return regarding sanctions.

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