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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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Baillie tried to score points by saying that more symptomatic testing going on in England than Scotland. (Once normalised for population)
Nicola calmly responds by saying we are testing all symptomatic people, and she's glad more people in Scotland don't have symptoms and our virus rate is much lower than England. Of course says she's sorry for England's rate and it's not a competition etc etc..
But, is Baillie really that stupid or is she covert independence.. I suspect the former [emoji23]

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Just now, John Lambies Doos said:

What the hell you talking about mate? emoji23.png


You've frequently dismissed the Sturgeon vs Salmon stuff saying the public wouldn't be interested in her forgetting a date and you don't see what the fuss is about, well here you go, read that and tell me you sincerely feel this isn't a big deal if true. 

I'm loving the energy going into Boris visiting Scotland though, definitely not deflecting by playing to the gallery. 

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You've frequently dismissed the Sturgeon vs Salmon stuff saying the public wouldn't be interested in her forgetting a date and you don't see what the fuss is about, well here you go, read that and tell me you sincerely feel this isn't a big deal if true. 
I'm loving the energy going into Boris visiting Scotland though, definitely not deflecting by playing to the gallery. 
The issue, yes quite prepared to call it an issue, is that as it stands people who are politically enlightenment and wish independence currently see SNP as only route to this. Regarding the vast majority of people who aren't won't follow this story.
I did however state last night that I was a tad tad worried about soft soft no's moving to yes.. but based on Yes polling above 50% plus some further no's moving over.. I'm not overly worried.
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2 minutes ago, Stormzy said:


You've frequently dismissed the Sturgeon vs Salmon stuff saying the public wouldn't be interested in her forgetting a date and you don't see what the fuss is about, well here you go, read that and tell me you sincerely feel this isn't a big deal if true. 

I'm loving the energy going into Boris visiting Scotland though, definitely not deflecting by playing to the gallery. 

You said yourself he lost you after a bit, don't see why we need to trawl through it all. He lost his credibility years ago, life's too short. 

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1 hour ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

He admitted to one consensual, reciprocated, fully clothed cuddle while both parties were slightly tipsy. He accepted this was inappropriate as he was this woman's boss.

And also a married man who was First Minister of country too presumably?


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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You said yourself he lost you after a bit, don't see why we need to trawl through it all. He lost his credibility years ago, life's too short. 

The guy asked for a general summary and you basically did a hatchet job and posted the part that made it seem nonsense rather than summarising any of the intriguing content. 

It's calm though I can see which posters only deal with the stuff they already agree with and those that treat everything objectively. 

For anyone that missed it


Edited by Stormzy
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7 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

The guy asked for a general summary and you basically did a hatchet job and posted the part that made it seem nonsense rather than summarising any of the intriguing content. 

You might not have noticed but that's why I called it an excerpt. It was the only thing I haven't heard before so I thought his account of his meeting with Salmond might be of interest to readers who couldn't be arsed trawling through the whole self serving testimony.

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You might not have noticed but that's why I called it an excerpt. It was the only thing I haven't heard before so I thought his account of his meeting with Salmond might be of interest to readers who couldn't be arsed trawling through the whole self serving testimony.

Of course I noticed your carefully selected excerpt. You weren't aware so you presumed nobody else should care, right on. 

Anyway, you're not alone, some will only see what they already want to believe. 

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13 hours ago, magic sign said:

Equally if it brings down Sturgeon and Cherry gets anywhere near the leadership, then my vote goes elsewhere. You can blame that on whoever you want, , but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. Maybe you should ask yourself if this particular hill is worth risking the independence you crave.

If Cherry were leader of the SNP at the time of an independence referendum I would vote No. Whoever is in power after that referendum would be in charge of the nation building stuff like the constitution and a bill of rights. I would fully expect her to ban trans women from female space, forcing people who look, sound and dress like women and have done so for years into men's prisons and to use men's toilets, which would put them at serious risk. I'd expect her to remove healthcare for gender dysphoria, reassignment etc. And I don't think she'd stop there, because these people never do. She'd also open the door to all manner of b*****ds, because most of the people on her side of the fence are absolutely definitely not feminists. For example, the recent trans healthcare case in England was funded by American uberChristian loonies.

The irony of this is that those in favour of trans equality are the ones being accused of divisiveness. Yet Cherry is the most divisive figure in Scottish politics today and if they cared at all about party unity, they would swallow their bitterness and dump her. 

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23 minutes ago, Ned Nederlander said:

So Rees-mogg has now used Salmond to undermine the FM

Surely nobody on the right side of Indy can get off on that?

What will Eck himself think of that?

If Salmond cared he’d shut the f**k up.  He is only too well aware of the potential for damage.  

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3 hours ago, GordonS said:

If Cherry were leader of the SNP at the time of an independence referendum I would vote No. Whoever is in power after that referendum would be in charge of the nation building stuff like the constitution and a bill of rights. I would fully expect her to ban trans women from female space, forcing people who look, sound and dress like women and have done so for years into men's prisons and to use men's toilets, which would put them at serious risk. I'd expect her to remove healthcare for gender dysphoria, reassignment etc. And I don't think she'd stop there, because these people never do. She'd also open the door to all manner of b*****ds, because most of the people on her side of the fence are absolutely definitely not feminists. For example, the recent trans healthcare case in England was funded by American uberChristian loonies.

The irony of this is that those in favour of trans equality are the ones being accused of divisiveness. Yet Cherry is the most divisive figure in Scottish politics today and if they cared at all about party unity, they would swallow their bitterness and dump her. 

Id absolutely agree with this, Cherry would be enough to put any decent person off politics. Shes an arsehole of the highest order, along with Mceleny and Macneil. They are quickly becoming the loony fringe of the SNP. Its quite telling that most of the comments in contest of Sturgeons broadcast are either from angry white middle aged men or the raging terf brigade. 

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7 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:


These posts are predicated on the assumption that everyone in the SNP has been sucked into this argument with well-meaning but misplaced good faith arguments, with the other parties/whoever else made it a live issue to suck in the oxygen sitting back and chuckling at the havoc it's causing the SNP at a time when independence is receiving record support. If we were to accept that premise then the adult in the room knocking heads together to stop infighting would be a reasonable solution and the GRA legislation could then proceed and pass or not by a free vote like any other piece of legislation.

However, in reality the issue wasn't thrown in then blown up from outside the SNP by some nefarious actor wanting to derail them and independence. It was turned into such a huge issue within the SNP directly by Joanna Cherry and the rest of her nutter wing containing such intellectual powerhouses as Angus MacNeil and Chris McEleny.

Well actually, that's not true. The most recent story - as reported by BBC Scotland last week - was about an activist who decided to leave the party complaining about 'anti-trans' comments at a local branch meeting. This is what Sturgeon is ostensibly reacting to. That this is a proxy for party infighting is not in dispute, but the idea that this particular intervention was provoked by the nutter wing is just not true. Sturgeon could have filed this departure of some random member in the bin where it belonged, but here we are instead. 

I don't see a 'good faith' side to this debate now, they're both at it. 

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