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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Id absolutely agree with this, Cherry would be enough to put any decent person off politics. Shes an arsehole of the highest order, along with Mceleny and Macneil. They are quickly becoming the loony fringe of the SNP. Its quite telling that most of the comments in contest of Sturgeons broadcast are either from angry white middle aged men or the raging terf brigade. 

I'm only seeing the walloper above cause you quote him.

That's the perfect example of hysteria. Cherry has never said or done any of these things or indicated support for any of them, but he just knows that's what she would do cause he's knows she's a massive transphobe who just hides it really well but he knows how they really think and therefore how they would act.

Fanny talk from a fanny.  And from someone who genuinely thinks he's an intelligent, reasonable person, when he's an extremist judgemental conceited nutcase.

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14 minutes ago, virginton said:

The most recent story - as reported by BBC Scotland last week - was about an activist who decided to leave the party complaining about 'anti-trans' comments at a local branch meeting. This is what Sturgeon is ostensibly reacting to.

I doubt it was that, more likely the reactions to the proposed freedom of expression amendments to the Hate Crimes bill. It was a daft time to introduce such a minefield of a bill imo.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 hours ago, GordonS said:

If Cherry were leader of the SNP at the time of an independence referendum I would vote No. Whoever is in power after that referendum would be in charge of the nation building stuff like the constitution and a bill of rights.

Not true. There would be an interim constitution voted on in parliament followed by a full constitutional convention after the first elections.

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Just now, Baxter Parp said:

Not true. There would be an interim constitution voted on in parliament followed by a full constitutional convention after the first elections.

Its also the height of immaturity and arrogance to say 'an independent Scotland must be exactly how I want it to be in every way or it shouldn't happen wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'

You either want independence, or you don't. You believe Scotland should govern its own affairs, or you don't.  No conditions attached, or you don't actually support independence, just your version of it.

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6 hours ago, GordonS said:

If Cherry were leader of the SNP at the time of an independence referendum I would vote No. Whoever is in power after that referendum would be in charge of the nation building stuff like the constitution and a bill of rights. I would fully expect her to ban trans women from female space, forcing people who look, sound and dress like women and have done so for years into men's prisons and to use men's toilets, which would put them at serious risk. I'd expect her to remove healthcare for gender dysphoria, reassignment etc. And I don't think she'd stop there, because these people never do. She'd also open the door to all manner of b*****ds, because most of the people on her side of the fence are absolutely definitely not feminists. For example, the recent trans healthcare case in England was funded by American uberChristian loonies.

The irony of this is that those in favour of trans equality are the ones being accused of divisiveness. Yet Cherry is the most divisive figure in Scottish politics today and if they cared at all about party unity, they would swallow their bitterness and dump her. 

I'm with you sister.

I've decided that I'm going to abstain in the next Holyrood election and spoil my indyref paper because I just cannot abide Fergus Ewing and his cosying up to the hunting, shooting landed gentry.

I've written to him demanding that if doesn't nationalise all the shooting estates and reimagine them as workers collectives, I'll be jolly well angry and withhold my vote.

What was worse, he didn't even bother to respond to my ultimatum.

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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Id absolutely agree with this, Cherry would be enough to put any decent person off politics. Shes an arsehole of the highest order, along with Mceleny and Macneil. They are quickly becoming the loony fringe of the SNP. Its quite telling that most of the comments in contest of Sturgeons broadcast are either from angry white middle aged men or the raging terf brigade. 

Every party has a loony fringe and I don't hold that against anyone who's a member of them or votes for them. I usually admire their decision to stay and fight. When a party encompasses half the country it's bound to have a fair share of zoomers. When they take charge or have a big influence over policy, that's a different matter.

Mind you, arguably the Tories have been taken over by their loonies but they seem to be popular anyway.

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I'm with you sister.
I've decided that I'm going to abstain in the next Holyrood election and spoil my indyref paper because I just cannot abide Fergus Ewing and his cosying up to the hunting, shooting landed gentry.
I've written to him demanding that if doesn't nationalise all the shooting estates and reimagine them as workers collectives, I'll be jolly well angry and withhold my vote.
What was worse, he didn't even bother to respond to my ultimatum.
I'm presuming this is a whoosh
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1 hour ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

I'm only seeing the walloper above cause you quote him.

That's the perfect example of hysteria. Cherry has never said or done any of these things or indicated support for any of them, but he just knows that's what she would do cause he's knows she's a massive transphobe who just hides it really well but he knows how they really think and therefore how they would act.

Fanny talk from a fanny.  And from someone who genuinely thinks he's an intelligent, reasonable person, when he's an extremist judgemental conceited nutcase.

f**k up

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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23 minutes ago, sophia said:

I'm with you sister.

I've decided that I'm going to abstain in the next Holyrood election and spoil my indyref paper because I just cannot abide Fergus Ewing and his cosying up to the hunting, shooting landed gentry.

I've written to him demanding that if doesn't nationalise all the shooting estates and reimagine them as workers collectives, I'll be jolly well angry and withhold my vote.

What was worse, he didn't even bother to respond to my ultimatum.

If you're calling me sister for the reason it appears, that would make you a p***k. So I'll assume not. Maybe you think there's nothing more important than independence but I don't think that's healthy. What would be the point of independence if it meant replacing one sent of c**ts with another?

I wouldn't vote for Fergus Ewing - I'd probably vote Labour in that constituency - but I'm not going to get into why.

The cause of independence is a marathon, not a sprint, and in the long run it's better to lose with the right people than win with the wrong people. I understand why the SNP need him but I would never vote for a person like him, or Mark McDonald or Derek Mackay.

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7 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
34 minutes ago, sophia said:
I'm with you sister.
I've decided that I'm going to abstain in the next Holyrood election and spoil my indyref paper because I just cannot abide Fergus Ewing and his cosying up to the hunting, shooting landed gentry.
I've written to him demanding that if doesn't nationalise all the shooting estates and reimagine them as workers collectives, I'll be jolly well angry and withhold my vote.
What was worse, he didn't even bother to respond to my ultimatum.

I'm presuming this is a whoosh

It looks like sarcasm with a slice of misgendering for the lols to me. 

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1 minute ago, GordonS said:

If you're calling me sister for the reason it appears, that would make you a p***k. So I'll assume not. Maybe you think there's nothing more important than independence but I don't think that's healthy. What would be the point of independence if it meant replacing one sent of c**ts with another

Because you could vote those c***s out.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

Not true. There would be an interim constitution voted on in parliament followed by a full constitutional convention after the first elections.

That's a guess. Nobody knows what would happen or how long it would take to the first set of election. IMO whoever was FM at the time would be in a uniquely powerful position and would almost certainly win the first elections anyway. And someone like Cherry, I wouldn't trust her to step back and allow things to happen that she didn't want. There's no way she would hand power over equalities to a cross-party convention.

This is fantasy stuff anyway because she'll never be leader of the SNP.  

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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:

Because you could vote those c***s out.

If Scotland was the kind of country that could elect a governing party led by Cherry then I would expect it to do so again straight after independence. Thankfully, it's not. Yet.

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