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Work colleagues

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Throbber, do you not work in the building trade?  Just set about the c***s fucking you around with a hammer, dump the bodies in the foundations of whatever hideous, overpriced monstrosity you are throwing up and recruit some homeless Romanians to do their jobs.

No more problems and your boss will thank you for saving the company money because the Romanians will work for less money.

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I have had an awful time of it from a few work colleagues of late and it's done my head in tbh. I did 4 years at uni and in the summers worked doing building work for a company and while the work was always shit and I was delighted to go back to uni, the co workers were fine and I never got any hassle whatsoever and the money was fine and paid for me to go on holiday whilst paying off debts. Since finishing uni for good I have been back there working since early May, I was happy enough going back and hadn't done enough to get a graduate position yet but that was okay as I was taking lots of time off for certain things in the summer and had holiday in August to save up for too. The general atmosphere at work has just been rather hostile and everyone has been looking for an excuse to go off about anything and I have been left feeling constantly anxious about things and have just been going to work feeling uncomfortable about things and then little comments that get passed around as banter have genuinely bothered me and I have been getting more and more pissed off going to work. July was a particularly bad month for me as my gf was sick all the time during her first trimester of her first pregnancy so I was going home to her being unwell and lying on the couch with the flat a mess after a day of working and getting constant attitude off knob head coworkers. July is usually my favourite month of the year but all of these negative attitudes rubbed off on me and got the better of me to the point I was genuinely miserable of late.

Hopefully this has been a blessing In disguise as I have been more proactive finding work and been picking up the phone a lot rather than just sending cvs and hoping for the best so I shouldn't have to work there ever again, it's just sad that it took such misery for me to pull the finger out and try and do better for myself.

Extended 12" remix produced by Judge Jules.
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4 hours ago, throbber said:

Yeah. The thought that I will one day be dead gets me through the day!


That's the spirit! You'll be right as rain.

It's either that, or take up drinking. Well, drinking more.

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What are your squad doing to you?  Are you being forced to be part of a meat sandwich?  If that is the case, then speak to your supervisor.  He may want in on the act too.  

Your patter is rank rotten. Magee-ish in fact.

Is this what we have come to expect from unskilled workers now?
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3 hours ago, throbber said:


Yeah I do. I'm not a violent or confrontational guy though particularly at work as well as I am well renowned for just keeping my head down and getting on with it. Previously there I have just been left alone and got on fine but this time round I have been right in the middle of it all and feel suffocated by co workers. Basically I just don't belong there and need out.


Maybe it's time to take your graduation gown and mortar board off, at least at work. It will have kicked in that you're better than them now, no need to rub it in.

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We've got a younger lad (22) been with us just over 3 months, good worker when he puts his mind to it, but despite being caught by the boss on numerous occasions, he can't go more than 2 minutes without using his phone.

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42 minutes ago, throbber said:


It's Just continuous in your face and unavoidable shit banter that makes no sense to me, and when I don't respond they can't understand why I don't get their humour.


Been there, it's horrible. Only response is to say something confusing but vaguely funny back, so they think they'll look an idiot if they don't laugh. Then hopefully they'll leave you alone, other than quietly asking for advice on life issues.

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