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3 hours ago, Zen Archer Esq. said:

A question for everyone.

I had my first Teams meeting today and could only see other participants when they spoke (on at a time).

Is there a way to see everyone at the same time during chat?

Is there not a gallery view button?

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The team I work in are based across 2 offices, I have a half hour meeting every day with the team in the same office, and another with the wider team. I also have a weekly hour long chat with a group of mates within the team, who I'd usually socialise with out of work. I don't mind all of the meetings at all.

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5 hours ago, Zen Archer Esq. said:

A question for everyone.

I had my first Teams meeting today and could only see other participants when they spoke (on at a time).

Is there a way to see everyone at the same time during chat?

Yes. Turn your boiler to frost protection mode.

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16 hours ago, Zen Archer Esq. said:

A question for everyone.

I had my first Teams meeting today and could only see other participants when they spoke (on at a time).

Is there a way to see everyone at the same time during chat?

Surveillance technology 

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14 hours ago, CountyFan said:

You can't win with this stuff to be fair. Most managers pay lip service to it but if they didn't there would be just as many folk saying "isn't it shocking that nobodys asked how we are, they don't care about us" 

I've been calling my team once a fortnight (delegated alternate weeks) and it's usually clear within the first 30 seconds if someone feels the need to have a chat or not.  I do feel like i have to call all of them though so that they don't think i've got favourites or anything. I reckon 60% would prefer that i just left them alone. 

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12 hours ago, trainspotter said:

Skim reading through the summary points from the daily senior management meetings and seeing how many things “went well” or were “great” makes me wonder if I am working at Sunshine Desserts.

They didn't get where they are today by not being able to summarise.

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19 hours ago, The Moonster said:

When this all kicked off my boss said we'd have a conference call on Teams every Friday "just so people weren't feeling alone in lockdown". We had 1 meeting on the first Friday and we've not had any more. I know folk mean well with this stuff, but surely managers realise that the majority of people in work places aren't actually close to each other and are simply friendly in the work to be nice?

We've been having two (completely optional) team "coffee mornings" every week and that seems to have gone pretty well. Just basically a chance for a catch up. We do actually all tend to get on pretty well beyond work though so it's probably a bit different to most workplaces.

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20 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Work: Hey just to let you know its great if you want to just phone up your colleagues and have a chat.

Me: OK. *Doesn't phone anyone for a chat*

Work: Heyyyy.... so we've been asking around - haha not in a creepy way! - and noticed you've not had any social phone conversations with any of your colleagues we asked.

Me: Uhuh?

Work: So we were thinking maybe it would be helpful for you to do that?

Me: No not really thanks.

Work: OK, well we'll leave it for now, we don't feel like we need to make this compulsory ha ha ha.

This'll be interesting.

I've had that conversation.

I'm in a very minor managerial role, with one person working under me. When this shit kicked off and we were furloughed, we exchanged a couple of texts along the lines of, "you OK? Aye, I'm fine. Give me a call if you get sick and need someone to bring groceries or whatever. Aye, thanks, will do. Talk to you later". It recently turned out that I was supposed to be calling the young one regularly so my boss could fill out a form saying that I was keeping track of my underling's health. Er, no - you aren't paying me just now, if you have admin work to be getting on with, how about the guy who's still getting the full whack of his inflated salary for doing hee-haw makes the effort?

We also got an email from one of the board a while back informing us about all the extra cleaning procedures that would need to start being done before our sites reopen, and we should make our way into work now to get cracking. Quickly followed up by someone from senior management, who never answers emails, with a panicky "HAHAHA WE'VE FURLOUGHED OUR STAFF SO YOU CAN'T DO THAT, EVERYONE JUST IGNORE!"

We've had suspicions before, but it's been a real eye-opener as to exactly how out of touch with their own organisation our board actually are.

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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I'm  on one now addressing staff survey results. The fact I'm also on here tells you everything.

If it's anything like our staff survey the questions will have been weighted to give positive answers. 


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4 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I enjoyed doing our "anonymous" staff survey then getting called into the office by the boss to be told off for my responses. 🙄

Ours asks separately for your age group, which sex, business area etc. I'm sure they don't use any of that identify anyone though. I would if I was in charge, although a few mugs outed themselves today if they hadn't already been spotted. E.g.

"Thirs niver any trainin for me.

Have you enrolled in any of the tailored e-learning on the intranet?

Naw, that wiz when a wiz aff.

It's been available for a few months and has been relaunched and updated for home working.

Well a niver seen it."


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95% of my office are currently working from home, yet we are still getting asking to do our monthly catch up with the TL to discuss how things are going. What are they expecting just now? :lol: 

How many games of Warzone that you’ve won
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Just finished up a training meeting on Teams, the trainer would explain a new process then ask does anyone have any questions, to which one women on my team kept answering "No, we're fine"

STFU Bebe, you don't talk for me! 

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