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37 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

I used to cycle to work and always arrived early.

One day I go there about 6.30 and there was a "closed for cleaning" sign on the showers - I had a meeting so had to get showered, into the work gear etc...........so walked in to discover that someone had taken a shit on the floor............

i'm no toilet inspector, but we have 2 cuibs (shit) wall/try (pish).

the 2 cubicals 1 asian, 1 western.

at least once a week i walk into the western and there is foot marks on the seat, not the seat but you know what i mean. and shite all over the place.

about 40 guys work in my place. i brought it up at the squad meeting. more or less saying who is the dirty b*****d?  

they walk amounst us

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2 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

i'm no toilet inspector, but we have 2 cuibs (shit) wall/try (pish).

the 2 cubicals 1 asian, 1 western.

at least once a week i walk into the western and there is foot marks on the seat, not the seat but you know what i mean. and shite all over the place.

about 40 guys work in my place. i brought it up at the squad meeting. more or less saying who is the dirty b*****d?  

they walk amounst us

OK, so to be more specific - the jobby in question was all around the area next to the toilet bowl within the cubicle.

The cleaner that let me in (with a wry gin on her face, I have to say), was Polish - and just said what she thought - reckoned that one of our less enlightened South Asian IT Contractors must have been balancing on the actual porcelain to replicate the "hovershite" and got it all wrong...........................

Sick Vomit GIF by CBS

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7 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

OK, so to be more specific - the jobby in question was all around the area next to the toilet bowl within the cubicle.

The cleaner that let me in (with a wry gin on her face, I have to say), was Polish - and just said what she thought - reckoned that one of our less enlightened South Asian IT Contractors must have been balancing on the actual porcelain to replicate the "hovershite" and got it all wrong...........................

Sick Vomit GIF by CBS

It was her.

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4 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

OK, so to be more specific - the jobby in question was all around the area next to the toilet bowl within the cubicle.

The cleaner that let me in (with a wry gin on her face, I have to say), was Polish - and just said what she thought - reckoned that one of our less enlightened South Asian IT Contractors must have been balancing on the actual porcelain to replicate the "hovershite" and got it all wrong...........................

Sick Vomit GIF by CBS

saying that i've had to attempted the 'hovershite' in India. 7hr bus ride between the taj and the pink city.

sweet coffee only. finally stopped, ran to the bog... to find a mountain of shite in the bog. holding my nose throat and ears i hovered and shat out the coffee i'd been drinking for 4 hours.

no bum gun, no paper. life was fine knowing you were part of the community.


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On 03/02/2024 at 16:15, BFTD said:

:lol:  Thankfully not, although the owner did throw up in one of the bins after hours and leave it for us to deal with the next day.

Lovely chap; so sorry he lost his franchise.

See related image detail. Ooh Matron Kenneth Williams GIFs | Tenor

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On 06/02/2024 at 13:43, Peil said:

Whatever works for you, but there's a raft of 'grinders' out there who love to make a show of working all hours of the day.

When I worked in Belfast the junior partner was like that - first in, last out (or tried to be). Wasn't that bad, it was his life, but his constant procrastination, micromanagement and faffing about on "deadlines" often caused problems, and had staff working unneccesary hours.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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  • 2 weeks later...

As one of only *three male staff in a group of 30, Friday was a day of seeing mimosa plants getting passed around and quotes about inspirational women flooding the Whatsapp group. Women of the world unite etc.

Fast forward to this morning and one female colleague calls to say she has taken ill on the bus and is going home and another has stumbled in to the clock in machine, fainted and is currently star-fished on the staff room sofa.

God Bless the ladies!


*of which not one has had a day off sick this year

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3 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

As one of only *three male staff in a group of 30, Friday was a day of seeing mimosa plants getting passed around and quotes about inspirational women flooding the Whatsapp group. Women of the world unite etc.

Fast forward to this morning and one female colleague calls to say she has taken ill on the bus and is going home and another has stumbled in to the clock in machine, fainted and is currently star-fished on the staff room sofa.

God Bless the ladies!


*of which not one has had a day off sick this year

It's only early March! 

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People who talk to themselves while performing individual tasks, i.e. typing out an email and speaking every word aloud.

Cambodian sweatshop rules and cracked whips should be applied.

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I haven't posted in here for a while, mainly as I haven't worked with Milky Gem for quite some time. I left there in March 2021, and started with a recruitment company (to confirm, I am not a recruiter) who were in their infancy before moving to a more established company last year. Perhaps naively, I wasn't aware of the connotations with recruiters. Anyway, this is a story about a lad named Lee. 

Due to the length of this post, I will mark it as a spoiler. 


Lee joined the first company I worked for around November 21. He was late 30's branded himself bit of a sales expert and had just returned from travelling from Australia (however it was later revealed he was most likely deported). 

The turnover in staff in recruitment is wild, if you aren't getting placements, you aren't getting money. You are disposable. In that company before I left, I had a quick look at staff retention, and in a calendar year 32 new starters came in, 8 lasted more than three months.

Lee really struggled to get any deals, now it is worth remembering that these guys were coming in on minimum wage, with the lure of high commission being the selling point. He had to move back home with his Mum (he said this was due to his brother being ill, and his Mum needing help to care for him) and would commute in when he could afford to. Friday's were our designated day at home, but as I was out in London one evening I decided to work from the office and then go out straight from there. Lee was in which was surprising and as soon as he saw me he was very nervous. Now whilst my role was more senior than his, I didn't have any management of him. We chatted for a bit this Friday, and I took real pity on him. He revealed he was being bullied and showed me a WhatsApp chat with other members of staff (some being relatively high up). It was filled with racism,sexism,homophobia and other Bernard Manning type comments. However the abuse he was directly getting was pretty evil. He was very emotional showing it, and asked me to promise that I hadn't seen it which I agreed to. Out of interest I checked his activity and saw he had several placements which would give him a good few grand extra in his pay. I asked if he wanted to go for a beer at lunch but he said he was skint (first alarm bell), so I said I would get them. Again, he was very pleasant, I didn't ask about his financial situation, and we went back to the office. A couple of hours passed, and he asked "would you mind if I got some gear". I was completely taken aback and just said "do whatever mate, it's not for me" he went away for half hour and came back. We didn't really chat too much until I could hear something tap the desk a few times, I looked over and he was cutting his coke up and did a line. I said that the office was really not the place to be doing drugs. He apologised and said he wouldn't do it again. He left for the day, and said he would get me the beers back next week. 

A week goes by, and I go into the office the next Friday. Lee is again sat there but he looked fucking awful. I could see straightaway he forgot that I was coming in, but we both just got on. As lunch came around, I said were we going to go for a beer and like the previous week said he was skint (we had just been paid two days previous, so would have had his commission). I asked if everything was okay, and he confided in me that he owed money to several people in the office. He also had to replenish the office kitty (the office decided to implement a football style fine system; £20 if you were late, £50 for a holiday submitted with less than a weeks notice etc) as he had taken the money. I just felt very sorry for him. The problem (among many) with the company was that they had no formal HR. The only person I could really notify was his boss who was part of the WhatsApp group bullying the lad or go to the CEO who only cared about results. Personal growth was not part of his manifesto. Lee let me know that a beer fridge had been put in the office and we could have a beer from there. I declined as I felt really lost as what to do. As the end of the day came round, Lee asked again if I wanted a beer, I said no and I could see he took it a bit personally. So I said "alright then, what do you want" and as I went to the fridge and opened it there was a pot of chewing gum. I think I said something like "who the f**k freezes chewing gum", Lee leapt from his seat and said to put it back in the fridge. I was very confused and opened the pot, and looked at this yellow/brown liquid and enquired "why has someone put apple juice in this" before sniffing it. It was piss. I just looked at Lee and he just broke down. Now I am stood in an empty office, holding a tub of Wrigleys containing piss. He just said "it's mine". Long story short, but Lee's Mum was a copper and well aware of her son's drug habit.  She had taken him home to try and wean him off his use, including making him do a urine test every week. To get round this, Lee would piss in a container, and give a clean sample from there. 

I explained to Lee that I couldn't let this go, and would have to bring it to the attention to CEO. He begged me not to which was pretty awful to stand in front of. I rung my CEO that evening and explained the situation, but made a point of saying he needed help. Lee rung me over the weekend and said he was sorry for putting me in a difficult position, and he had spoke with the CEO who was going to help him get over his drug habit. A week or two later, Lee was moved to a different office (near Brighton) to get away from the people who were ridiculing him on a daily basis. They knew about his drug trouble, and put two and two together re the missing money (also the fact he had borrowed a few hundred from most members of the office). The trouble with the move was that he was completely isolated, and filled his spare time with some undesirable faces. A few weeks lasted before he stopped turning up on time. Things started going missing from the office (PS4, TV, Monitors) and it got to the point where he was taken in for a meeting with the CEO and his original manager. Most of the office knew he would be sacked, but to our amazement he came out of the meeting and got back to work. What transpired was when they were telling him he was going to be sacked, he said he would share the contents of the WhatsApp group to LinkedIn. They decided on another chance, with a small salary increase to help him pay off his debts. Within a fortnight, he stopped turning up altogether and finally sent a email to the whole company saying he was leaving. The WhatsApp group was deleted, and to my knowledge Lee never took any screenshots, as nothing has ever popped up on LinkedIn. I reached out a couple of times to him but had nothing back.  

I am well aware not all recruitment agencies are like this (my current firm are very professional and a decent company to work for), but the amount of people who get sucked into position thinking that it is a glamorous role is quite staggering. The above story is one of those that I think about fairly often. Could I have done more? Could I have gone around things in a different matter? I started counselling around 6 months after he had left, and it came up quite a lot. He is no longer a contact on WhatsApp and to my knowledge he never found another role. I fully appreciate to get help, you need to want to help yourself, but he was a incredibly lost soul. 

Apologies for the somewhat depressing post, it has weighed very heavily for a while now. 


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53 minutes ago, LondonHMFC said:

I haven't posted in here for a while, mainly as I haven't worked with Milky Gem for quite some time. I left there in March 2021, and started with a recruitment company (to confirm, I am not a recruiter) who were in their infancy before moving to a more established company last year. Perhaps naively, I wasn't aware of the connotations with recruiters. Anyway, this is a story about a lad named Lee. 

Due to the length of this post, I will mark it as a spoiler. 

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Lee joined the first company I worked for around November 21. He was late 30's branded himself bit of a sales expert and had just returned from travelling from Australia (however it was later revealed he was most likely deported). 

The turnover in staff in recruitment is wild, if you aren't getting placements, you aren't getting money. You are disposable. In that company before I left, I had a quick look at staff retention, and in a calendar year 32 new starters came in, 8 lasted more than three months.

Lee really struggled to get any deals, now it is worth remembering that these guys were coming in on minimum wage, with the lure of high commission being the selling point. He had to move back home with his Mum (he said this was due to his brother being ill, and his Mum needing help to care for him) and would commute in when he could afford to. Friday's were our designated day at home, but as I was out in London one evening I decided to work from the office and then go out straight from there. Lee was in which was surprising and as soon as he saw me he was very nervous. Now whilst my role was more senior than his, I didn't have any management of him. We chatted for a bit this Friday, and I took real pity on him. He revealed he was being bullied and showed me a WhatsApp chat with other members of staff (some being relatively high up). It was filled with racism,sexism,homophobia and other Bernard Manning type comments. However the abuse he was directly getting was pretty evil. He was very emotional showing it, and asked me to promise that I hadn't seen it which I agreed to. Out of interest I checked his activity and saw he had several placements which would give him a good few grand extra in his pay. I asked if he wanted to go for a beer at lunch but he said he was skint (first alarm bell), so I said I would get them. Again, he was very pleasant, I didn't ask about his financial situation, and we went back to the office. A couple of hours passed, and he asked "would you mind if I got some gear". I was completely taken aback and just said "do whatever mate, it's not for me" he went away for half hour and came back. We didn't really chat too much until I could hear something tap the desk a few times, I looked over and he was cutting his coke up and did a line. I said that the office was really not the place to be doing drugs. He apologised and said he wouldn't do it again. He left for the day, and said he would get me the beers back next week. 

A week goes by, and I go into the office the next Friday. Lee is again sat there but he looked fucking awful. I could see straightaway he forgot that I was coming in, but we both just got on. As lunch came around, I said were we going to go for a beer and like the previous week said he was skint (we had just been paid two days previous, so would have had his commission). I asked if everything was okay, and he confided in me that he owed money to several people in the office. He also had to replenish the office kitty (the office decided to implement a football style fine system; £20 if you were late, £50 for a holiday submitted with less than a weeks notice etc) as he had taken the money. I just felt very sorry for him. The problem (among many) with the company was that they had no formal HR. The only person I could really notify was his boss who was part of the WhatsApp group bullying the lad or go to the CEO who only cared about results. Personal growth was not part of his manifesto. Lee let me know that a beer fridge had been put in the office and we could have a beer from there. I declined as I felt really lost as what to do. As the end of the day came round, Lee asked again if I wanted a beer, I said no and I could see he took it a bit personally. So I said "alright then, what do you want" and as I went to the fridge and opened it there was a pot of chewing gum. I think I said something like "who the f**k freezes chewing gum", Lee leapt from his seat and said to put it back in the fridge. I was very confused and opened the pot, and looked at this yellow/brown liquid and enquired "why has someone put apple juice in this" before sniffing it. It was piss. I just looked at Lee and he just broke down. Now I am stood in an empty office, holding a tub of Wrigleys containing piss. He just said "it's mine". Long story short, but Lee's Mum was a copper and well aware of her son's drug habit.  She had taken him home to try and wean him off his use, including making him do a urine test every week. To get round this, Lee would piss in a container, and give a clean sample from there. 

I explained to Lee that I couldn't let this go, and would have to bring it to the attention to CEO. He begged me not to which was pretty awful to stand in front of. I rung my CEO that evening and explained the situation, but made a point of saying he needed help. Lee rung me over the weekend and said he was sorry for putting me in a difficult position, and he had spoke with the CEO who was going to help him get over his drug habit. A week or two later, Lee was moved to a different office (near Brighton) to get away from the people who were ridiculing him on a daily basis. They knew about his drug trouble, and put two and two together re the missing money (also the fact he had borrowed a few hundred from most members of the office). The trouble with the move was that he was completely isolated, and filled his spare time with some undesirable faces. A few weeks lasted before he stopped turning up on time. Things started going missing from the office (PS4, TV, Monitors) and it got to the point where he was taken in for a meeting with the CEO and his original manager. Most of the office knew he would be sacked, but to our amazement he came out of the meeting and got back to work. What transpired was when they were telling him he was going to be sacked, he said he would share the contents of the WhatsApp group to LinkedIn. They decided on another chance, with a small salary increase to help him pay off his debts. Within a fortnight, he stopped turning up altogether and finally sent a email to the whole company saying he was leaving. The WhatsApp group was deleted, and to my knowledge Lee never took any screenshots, as nothing has ever popped up on LinkedIn. I reached out a couple of times to him but had nothing back.  

I am well aware not all recruitment agencies are like this (my current firm are very professional and a decent company to work for), but the amount of people who get sucked into position thinking that it is a glamorous role is quite staggering. The above story is one of those that I think about fairly often. Could I have done more? Could I have gone around things in a different matter? I started counselling around 6 months after he had left, and it came up quite a lot. He is no longer a contact on WhatsApp and to my knowledge he never found another role. I fully appreciate to get help, you need to want to help yourself, but he was a incredibly lost soul. 

Apologies for the somewhat depressing post, it has weighed very heavily for a while now. 


Thanks for the post. I think everyone's been in that position, in a less extreme way maybe - but you basically can't always help someone in a tough spot, sometimes all you can do is cross your fingers and hope it works out. It's just the path your former colleague is on.

My uncle has has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia for many years. I remember sitting down with him into the wee hours one night trying to help him work through some of it just to give a little support more than anything else. When I saw him the next day it was like the conversation had never happened and someone had pushed the reset button. I was gobsmacked after we'd chatted for 6 hours or so and felt we'd made a starting point.

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18 hours ago, 2426255 said:

... I think everyone's been in that position... 

No, I have never stood in front of a work colleague holding a container of their piss. Maybe I'm in the minority though so I salute those that have. 

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