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c***s on the road

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I have to say I'd love to be a traffic cop*, I'd be the biggest c**t on the road by a long chalk. None of this "warnings" shite; it'd be on the spot fines, point penalties, the lot - the absolute maximum every time for the slightest infringement.
However, I've been told by someone married to a traffic cop that they see very little wrongdoing when they're driving round in their jam sandwiches. Funny that, possibly a lesson to be learnt.
*I failed the basic qualification for entry. My parents were married.

You’re showing your (or your story’s) age, chief.

They all drive battenburg now dontchaknow?
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  • 3 months later...

The c**t who flashed the lights at me 3 times for not pulling out of the fast lane to let him past. We're in a queue of innumerable cars. Getting past me will get you nowhere. 


I don't mind having the lights flashed if I've mentally tuned out and need a wake up. This leads me onto 30 mind later 

The c**t who gave me a very weak middle finger, without even looking over, when I flashed him for dreaming in the fast lane. I waited 20 secs to see if he'd notice me but he just sat there at 65, no-one in either of the other lanes. He knew he was a c**t, that gesture was for the benefit of his girlfriend in the passenger seat

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On ‎14‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 16:39, eez-eh said:

Anyone in the left-hand lane with the slightest bit of decency would let you barge your way in.

Assuming it's moving, if it's at a standstill there's not too much they could do, but, yes, you're right.

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When you're driving through roadworks on a dual carriageway and both lanes are restricted to 30, and you're in the right lane and an ambulance comes up behind you lights flashing etc, and the left lane is packed solid, what are you supposed to do? Speed up, breaking the 30 limit, until there is a gap in the left? Or do what I did last night and presumptuously barge your way into the left lane, causing the guy behind to loudly conclude you are in fact a cnut on the road?
Had a similar quandary years ago when the m80/m73 was in the middle of its remodelling. It was around 1am, I was the only car on the road just about to enter the single lane coned off connecting road onto the m73 when a copper came tearing along blue lights flashing. Despite me pulling close to the cones to give them room to get past they just tucked in behind me. Now do I pull off through the cones, speed up to let them get to their emergency or just stick at 30? Yup, the longest couple of miles ever at exactly 30 with the cops a couple of feet off my bumper. Was convinced they would stop me when the roadworks stopped but I pulled over and they just tore off ahead of me.

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5 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Anyone flashing their lights as an indication to get out their way when the person they are flashing is a good bit over the limit is a c**t. End of discussion.

Two-c****-on-the-road-thread for this pish

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13 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Anyone flashing their lights as an indication to get out their way when the person they are flashing is a good bit over the limit is a c**t. End of discussion.

I had a boy in a Merc do this to me on the M6. I was at 80 and he came screaming up behind flashing his lights the whole way. Pulled in, let him past, then sat up the c***s arse for the next ten miles. 

Eventually let me past, so I just pulled straight back into the slow lane and dropped to 70. 

He sat behind me until the next junction and left the motorway.

Immature and daft, but his face was hilarious. Fat balding c**t had gone pure beetroot.

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3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

I had a boy in a Merc do this to me on the M6. I was at 80 and he came screaming up behind flashing his lights the whole way. Pulled in, let him past, then sat up the c***s arse for the next ten miles. 

Eventually let me past, so I just pulled straight back into the slow lane and dropped to 70. 

He sat behind me until the next junction and left the motorway.

Immature and daft, but his face was hilarious. Fat balding c**t had gone pure beetroot.

This would have been handy


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8 hours ago, MP_MFC said:

Anyone flashing their lights as an indication to get out their way when the person they are flashing is a good bit over the limit is a c**t. End of discussion.

Not at all. It's not up to one person to police the speed of others. If the guy behind wants to go faster, get out the way and let him

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On 22/12/2018 at 07:51, whiskychimp said:

The c**t who flashed the lights at me 3 times for not pulling out of the fast lane to let him past. We're in a queue of innumerable cars. Getting past me will get you nowhere. 


I don't mind having the lights flashed if I've mentally tuned out and need a wake up. This leads me onto 30 mind later 

The c**t who gave me a very weak middle finger, without even looking over, when I flashed him for dreaming in the fast lane. I waited 20 secs to see if he'd notice me but he just sat there at 65, no-one in either of the other lanes. He knew he was a c**t, that gesture was for the benefit of his girlfriend in the passenger seat

^^^The cùnt's cùnt.

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

Undertake c***s like that

Haha.  My step-son was in court last week having done just that. He can't afford the points on his licence cos he'll lose his job so it's been £1600 to a "Mr Loophole" lawyer to get him off. 

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Visited Dobbies in Stirling yesterday and was looking for a space. Some stupid cow had gone nose first into one then decided to reverse out without looking just as I was going past. No apology or anything, just pointed out that there was no mark on her shitty wee banger so she couldn't possibly have been going fast enough to damage mine even though there was a huge mark down the side of it, which, luckily for her, came off with a bit of T-cut on a baby wipe. Plenty folk walking past but no one stopped to back us up.

Should have administered a swift boot to the pie.

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3 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

Visited Dobbies in Stirling yesterday and was looking for a space. Some stupid cow had gone nose first into one then decided to reverse out without looking just as I was going past. No apology or anything, just pointed out that there was no mark on her shitty wee banger so she couldn't possibly have been going fast enough to damage mine even though there was a huge mark down the side of it, which, luckily for her, came off with a bit of T-cut on a baby wipe. Plenty folk walking past but no one stopped to back us up.

Should have administered a swift boot to the pie.

C**** that shat it in a car park thread for this pish

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1 hour ago, NewBornBairn said:

Haha.  My step-son was in court last week having done just that. He can't afford the points on his licence cos he'll lose his job so it's been £1600 to a "Mr Loophole" lawyer to get him off. 

Middle Class c***s who don't mind their family members killing people on the road thread for this abomination.

What a family of c***s.

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Visited Dobbies in Stirling yesterday and was looking for a space. Some stupid cow had gone nose first into one then decided to reverse out without looking just as I was going past. No apology or anything, just pointed out that there was no mark on her shitty wee banger so she couldn't possibly have been going fast enough to damage mine even though there was a huge mark down the side of it, which, luckily for her, came off with a bit of T-cut on a baby wipe. Plenty folk walking past but no one stopped to back us up.
Should have administered a swift boot to the pie.
I always wondered, mainly due to people ignoring road markings in my local supermarket car park- do normal driving regulations apply to private property such as car parks? If you have a bump due to someone not following normal rules, driving the wrong way up a lane against road markings etc., how does the law (and insurance companies) look at it?

I assume the law couldn't care less but insurance companies will apply normal rules. Anyone had any experience?
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2 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Haha.  My step-son was in court last week having done just that. He can't afford the points on his licence cos he'll lose his job so it's been £1600 to a "Mr Loophole" lawyer to get him off. 

What was the loophole?

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