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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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Today was the breaking point for me and this team. Going to Palmerston and getting a doing from a piss poor QOS team. Same old excuses after the match, same old problems during the match. My limit is reached. God help the poor sods who decide to go along on Boxing Day, the result and performance will no doubt suck any Christmas cheer you had right out you. Scunnered by this group of players and manager 

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Didnt go today, not going on Boxing day, then I'm sure we wont get to go anyway for the next few months

We've waited for years for the unwashed to get relegated,. its happened and we're a fucking midden.

I'm now at a stage where I support the things happening off the pitch and totallly bambozzled by whats happening on it. We need chsnge


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10 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

Two centre halves, a right back, at least one wide player, two central midfielders and at least one striker is an absolutely huge ask for January, but it’s what we need. 

Are you aiming for the promotion play offs with that list?

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10 hours ago, itzdrk said:

Should say, for all they are minging they are given no protection whatsoever, which is baffling because we set up to sit in.  They might be mildly better if we aren't asking chumps like Muirhead and McAllister to protect them. 

That's a fair point. Under Hopkin i thought they got a bit more protection and also seemed to have more of a defend at all costs mentality. Duffy sets up in a similar negative way although they look more exposed and  much less fight on show. Another reason we should be attacking a bit more as the less time the ball spends near our defenders the less errors can occur

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7 hours ago, Alimcg said:

Late getting home today so didn't buy the QoS TV stream.. Thank feck!. Maybe we need to splash the cash and get Ross Jack in maybe get us up to the Premiership

Rothes going well but I don't think he's the answer. 

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Is he gone yet? He simply cannot survive that. Home attendances will drop below season ticket numbers. That's how stark the situation is.

Assuming he is gone, the priority needs to be a centre mid we've needed one since day zero. Duffy and Smith talked about bringing someone in before the window closed and we got nothing. I assume they weren't better than we already had. Murdoch is trying to play two positions and it's not working.

On my wishlist: a central midfielder, a central defender, a right back, a right winger and a centre forward. I'd be looking for all 5 to be starters.

If we need to move folk on we should loan them out if it comes to it. A bit like Miller. Even if the loanee isn't paying all their wages a contribution will help us bring in more. I'd like to see McGinty, Salkeld & McAlister leave. I've had it with them. Closely followed by Chalmers, Fjortoft and Baird. Perhaps some of those three can be redeemed but the first three need punted.

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10 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Today was the breaking point for me and this team. Going to Palmerston and getting a doing from a piss poor QOS team. Same old excuses after the match, same old problems during the match. My limit is reached. God help the poor sods who decide to go along on Boxing Day, the result and performance will no doubt suck any Christmas cheer you had right out you. Scunnered by this group of players and manager 

There was nothing “piss poor” about us yesterday 3-0 going on 7 or 8.

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Just now, Rjc-1988 said:

There was nothing “piss poor” about us yesterday 3-0 going on 7 or 8.

Surely you can appreciate he meant piss poor in terms of your performances this season.  That was your first win in 10 league games. No-one is taking anything away from your performance yesterday.

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I used to arrange Christmas activities around the football but at the moment I am not going on boxing day, I might watch the stream but if anything comes up I'll gladly miss it. 

The only reason to watch currently is to see how bad they are with my own eyes. There is an argument that when it is like this, the team needs your support. In this situation, they don't. 20,000 singing in encouragement couldn't help this shower. Less people watching in disbelief will maybe help them. 

I've gone through some of the worst times as an Ayr fan. It has normally been down to circumstance that we have been bad, small budget or bad injuries but this time it has been purely down to incompetence which makes it all the more frustrating.  It feels like when Stainrod had an idea to sign a load of junior players like Tam Woods and Cameron Connie and almost took us to the bottom tier. 

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20 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

I used to arrange Christmas activities around the football but at the moment I am not going on boxing day, I might watch the stream but if anything comes up I'll gladly miss it. 

The only reason to watch currently is to see how bad they are with my own eyes. There is an argument that when it is like this, the team needs your support. In this situation, they don't. 20,000 singing in encouragement couldn't help this shower. Less people watching in disbelief will maybe help them. 

I've gone through some of the worst times as an Ayr fan. It has normally been down to circumstance that we have been bad, small budget or bad injuries but this time it has been purely down to incompetence which makes it all the more frustrating.  It feels like when Stainrod had an idea to sign a load of junior players like Tam Woods and Cameron Connie and almost took us to the bottom tier. 

Aye I think that incompetence factor is what has pissed me off more than anything, when on paper we had a lot going for us. As said previously, we have a bigger budget than we have before. We had a couple of relatively successful years in the championship, as well as last seasons close call, to look back on as a blueprint of what was necessary. We had a new owner who was clearly willing to put some money into the club. We had a reputation for a few years as being a great club to develop and nurture young players before they head to the Premiership or down south. We had a close relationship between fans and club, as good as I've seen it tbh. We had a lot going for us, and somehow we've ended up in this position. I'm praying for a good January, but my hope is really low.

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