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Rangers' Wee Spot in Europe - Season 2023/24

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Is it racist to say its hardly out of character for an Eastern European to be racist towards a black man?

Its hardly the first example of such a thing.

I doubt it'll be proven, and even if it was UEFA will just give them something like a suspended £10k fine. They've got more important fines to be handed out, like clubs covering up advertising signs with flags.

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5 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

I would have assumed that was obvious however my ethnicity is that i am half Chinese which should tell you i'm no stranger to racial abuse, so to be told i'm just a Celtic da and will never know what it feels like well i find that a little bit crass

The fact that you are half Chinese is not obvious, no. Why would it be? So, sorry for being slow on the uptake. 

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14 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

My point of ‘not many’ was based on the demographics of people who attend Scottish football ergo what I’d assume the demographics of this site to be.

 My point stands, someone allegedly punching a racist isn’t ‘equally as disgusting’ as someone allegedly being racist.

I teach my kids a lot about racism, i talk to the kids i teach a lot about racism and what they should do about it because dealing with it with violence only sees the same paid back. 

Racism is abhorrent but history and my own experiences tell me it cannot be solved through violent means and a violent reaction to it can be equally as disgusting or as damaging as the action that caused it. 

We may need to agree to disagree on this point

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2 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

The fact that you are half Chinese is not obvious, no. Why would it be? So, sorry for being slow on the uptake. 

No but the fact i replied to the comment remarking about my ethnicity should have at least given a strong enough clue. Sorry for not spelling it out 

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Roofes challenge was terrible, but I struggle to say it was deliberate. All he would be thinking is getting something on a ball that was there to win, he made a split second decision and it was a bad one.

9/10 times you try similar and circumstances and timing don't align so you kick the keeper squarely in the face but.... when you do, it's always going to be an undebateable red card. Really sore one for the keeper.

Much like somebody leading with the elbow, it is rarely meant, but when elbow/face collides.... it's always a red card.

Edited by Raab
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3 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

No but the fact i replied to the comment remarking about my ethnicity should have at least given a strong enough clue. Sorry for not spelling it out 

I’m trying not to get dragged down a rabbit hole here but your comment remarking about ethnicity neither makes it obvious that you are half Chinese nor does it absolve you from being a Celtic Da. Can we leave this here? 

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2 minutes ago, Raab said:

Roofes challenge was terrible, but I struggle to say it was deliberate.

FWIW I'm absolutely not saying it was deliberate. I haven't seen anyone say that. I'm saying it was reckless. It's like, if he was driving, he didn't aim his car at anyone, but he was driving on a residential street at 50mph. When you do that you're rolling the dice with someone else's safety.

If it were deliberate it would be an assault.

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22 minutes ago, AJF said:

You say it was not a freak accident but then go on and say it doesn’t have to be intentional for it to be reckless. An accident by its very definition is unintentional so if it’s not intentional then it’s an accident so there’s a bit of a contradiction there.

It was reckless but it was also accidental.

Let me guess - you're a driver, aren't you.

Something isn't an accident if it was caused by recklessness. It's not an accident if you knock someone down doing 50mph on a residential street, even if you don't mean it.

Culpable and reckless conduct is a criminal offence that you can be charged with even if there's no evidence that you harmed anyone at all. 

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Last thing while I'm here - from what I've seen Slavia will have to come up with a very good defence, because it really looks like Kamara was racially abused and there's no apparent reason not to believe him.

As much as I hate Rangers, and as tempting as it is to play whataboutery with their fans, unless there's exculpatory evidence I'd like to see Slavia booted out the competition and Rangers through to the next round. Fines and suspensions aren't enough - racists need to lose.

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I don’t want back in the competition tbh. We were beaten and don’t deserve to progress. 

It should be the last game that guy plays for Slavia Prague though, and UEFA should make sure of that.

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He’s definitely said something bad and I’m glad they kicked up about it at the time. It’s much more believable when players react at the time, rather than waiting until after the game or a few days later (not saying that means they’re lying but certain people are always sceptical and the argument is well why didn’t they do something at the time). As for the alleged post game stuff I think it’s poor, as much as I think the guy deserves a doing and have no problem with it happening, the club/players can’t be the ones doing it. It’s a bit like a (less extreme obviously) murder charge, if you know they’ve done it you would obviously want revenge but it’s still better to let the courts, UEFA in this case decide. The alleged battering just lets him/Slavia play the victim a bit.

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Slavia rejects the imaginary accusation of racism after retaliation in the round of 16. The team is now safe at the hotel after the incident under the supervision of the Scottish police.

Slavia resolutely rejects the disgusting accusation of one of her captains, Ondřej Kudely, of racist behavior. Slavia's founders have already imprinted colors where white means "the purity of sporting thought and fair fighting, where the adversary is not the enemy but a respected opponent." Today, Slavia is a multicultural club, which is based on respect for the opponent and mutual respect of people of all cultures. We condemn racism in any form.

After one of the insidious interventions, Ondřej Kúdela expressed his emotions to the address of his opponent: "I told him" You're a fucking guy ". It was said in emotions after two red cards and a series of brutal interventions by an opponent, but I completely reject racism, "said Kúdela.

The players of Slavia in the match faced an unprecedented insidious game of the opponent, which they have not experienced in the history of modern European cups. A series of brutal interventions by the opponent ended with an injury to our players, the goalkeeper Ondřej Kolář ended with ten stitches on his face and a concussion in the hospital.

After the match, the team was not allowed into the cabins and Ondřej Kúdela was cowardly beaten with fists in the face by player Kamara without warning in the presence of coach Steven Gerrard. The UEFA representatives, who were personally present at the whole incident, were also shocked. The team is now safe at the hotel under Scottish police supervision. 

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The Goldson reaction for me is the clincher. Doesn't matter who you support. Some of the shit from celtic fans on twitter saying its deserved because they are a racist club is just mental. The game doesn't need this shit and he should be punished accordingl and hopefully it happens

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