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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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32 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Are teachers not being paid for their work? :1eye

They are supposed to be professionals.

They are very well paid by comparison with most sectors.

If they want a job with an hourly rate they should stop fucking whining and become janitors.

Their first thought right now should be helping this generation of kids recover their shattered education.

They can learn a lot from nurses who are piling the hours in trying to save people's lives without worrying about how much money they are earning.


27 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I don't recall any nurses or doctors saying "f**k the pandemic, whaurs ma extra dosh for wurkin' mair oors?"

They just got stuck in.

Kids need teachers to step up and do their bit for them. We all need that unless we want our future pensions to be zero.

You spout some amount of pish. 

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1 hour ago, Steven W said:

When you consider the hours that nurses etc in the NHS must be doing just now to get us through this, teachers getting a bit arsey about possibly doing a little extra so the kids can catch up isn't a good look

I think specialist ICU nurses will be putting in the hours but my sister is a nurse, she got moved from her cushy office/teaching position  to dealing with covid arrivals, she does 4 hour a day in the hospital and 1 hour in an online meeting before she starts. SO a lot less hours than before but also a  fair bit more risky.

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You don't have to ignore them. Drawing on reserves and re assigning resources to different departments is not the same as being overwhelmed.
At no point was any member of the public who needed medical attention at risk of not getting any.
Have ignored most of your posts on here but on the second paragraph I am going to bite. A friend of a friend down south lost a very close relative last week due to this. He in his 50's with no known underlying conditions who was in intensive care for a least 4 weeks before succumbing.

His family contacted NHS 4 times while he was displaying symptoms of this virus and despite their concerns they were fobbed off until the 4th call over a week later and he was taken into hospital. Within 24 hours he was in a ventilator and never recovered.

This was towards the start of this shitshow when they were fobbing people off from going into hospital. It was quite clear to his family that he needed hospital treatment and it wasn't until the the 4th time of asking when they said enough was enough that they got it and by then it was too late. Had he been treated properly in the first place there is a very real chance he would still be here. So how you can sit and say that anybody who was at risk of needing treatment was never in danger of not getting is Total shite. There are no doubt countless others who didn't get treatment in time and have not lost thier lives as a result.
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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

If there is any truth in that then that is absolutely fucking scandalous.

Yep. Correct again.

Somehow I don't think scientists whose job it is to find a vaccine are getting time and a half for a spot of extra hours

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

If there is any truth in that then that is absolutely fucking scandalous.

So you are saying, so the smartest people in the country who working hard to potentially lives and end the crisis should not be financially rewarded for it?

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24 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

Aye we will all have to pay this back, even the people who are getting f**k all 

Yep, had nowt so far, I'll wait and see what happens over the next fortnight, not great for those falling through the cracks, especially when businesses that have profited from this are getting a wedge of sorts as well. 

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No way am I reading back through all this (no doubt quality) trolling to find out, but has Oaksoft found yet another account to talk to himself under?

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1 minute ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

No way am I reading back through all this (no doubt quality) trolling to find out, but has Oaksoft found yet another account to talk to himself under?

It appears so. Todd is delighted because it's taking the attention off his nightmare.

Alternatively, he might be a third oaksoft alias.

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


I don't know anyone like you've desribed and I spent enough years in scientific research to know what I'm talking about.

Round yer nans bit aye?



Edited by Bairnardo
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But they do have a contracted number of hours, and the teachers I know all work well in excess of that as if is. Some of them also give up their holidays to take their pupils on overseas trips, for which they have to pay their own way too.
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The forum chimps have arrived and an interesting discussion ends as a result. :1eye

Theres nothing interesting about you howling for working people to be told they have to work their holidays for no extra money. You're a trolling gimp, a tory c**t or most likely both. 



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1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

Yep, had nowt so far, I'll wait and see what happens over the next fortnight, not great for those falling through the cracks, especially when businesses that have profited from this are getting a wedge of sorts as well. 

I’ve been informed I’m not eligible for anything, but by f**k I’ll be paying for years to pay it all back. I’ve had the piss ripped out me for the 21 months I’ve been self employed, by other lads as I don’t take cash !! Everything goes through the books, everything done properly. I’ve sat for long enough through this, expecting very little, but at least something, but no, hee haw. I’m back at work, f**k them. 

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

What sort of logic is this? Wouldnt you be better served demanding fair treatment for your sister than equally unfair treatment for others?More fool you. Dont inflict your unwillingness to hold to the terms of your contract or your willingness to devalue your own time onto others.


Pay cuts for all is what you are advocating. Dont you think we are going to be asked to pay for all this as it is? Maybe best avoid cutting eachother throats with the distinctly Tory, "your lucky tae have a job" lie.

It’s not a huge unfairness just that I don’t really see why a teacher is more or less valuable than a civil servant.

Van drivers and others have been mentioned but who do you think is dealing with millions of claims for universal credit etc? Not a huge deal but they’ve not been mentioned once.

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Oaksoft pretending he's not delighted when people finally give him the attention he's been begging for  :lol:

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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It’s not a huge unfairness just that I don’t really see why a teacher is more or less valuable than a civil servant.
Van drivers and others have been mentioned but who do you think is dealing with millions of claims for universal credit etc? Not a huge deal but they’ve not been mentioned once.
They arent more or less valuable, the teachers are simply using their union for which they pay their dues, and rightly so.
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