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16 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
And Trident.

Not before we nuke the Cayman Islands, Jersey, Bermuda, Broughty Ferry and every other scumbag tax haven.

Just ensure that the fallout from the Broughty Ferry one doesn’t reach Monifieth.

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14 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

1st year at high school all of my maths periods were the last of the day

Sorry, perhaps I should have been a bit clearer.  I meant primary schools, where the teacher has pretty much full control of the timetable.  High school is logistically challenging in that regard. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:


You can rest easy.

It's difficult to get these guys out of their labs.

Clock watchers and "hourly rate" scientists get weeded out pretty damn quickly.

Those left are obsessive about their careers and it doesn't stop for them when they leave the office.

What should be more concerning to society is that the overwhelming amount  of research in the UK is performed by people with less than 5 years experience,

Don't get me wrong. They are the among the most talented people in society and are overseen by experienced Principal Investigators but most are on PhDs or are postdocs (1-5 years experience post-PhD) trying to nail their first permanent job having obtained their PhD. The Principal Investigators rarely do lab work. That's left to the most inexperienced people. That should concern people.

As an aside, scientists use UK and EU grant money and then publish predominately in international journals (usually US-owned publications) who hide the results behind paywalls. So the public, who pay for the research to be done, then have to pay again to access the results. Elsevier is a big example. I remember reading that their profits were £35bn. A growing number of scientists are forced into using an illegal online service to access these papers for free. That scandal is for another day though.

Elsevier are Dutch and starting to be so bad that they are being boycotted by some (Germany springs to mind)  but yes, broadly what you are saying is correct the big publishers are making billions from research and locking away many of the results.

Your point about illegal online services isn’t correct anymore though, most are legal now as they follow publishers copyright policy - making pre-prints and Author Accepted Manuscripts available with permission in institutional or subject repositories, even shit commercial ones such as academia.edu and Researchgate aren’t illegal. Likewise Research data sets are much more common now - it’s getting a lot better but we aren’t all the way there yet. 

Edited by Jambomo
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30 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

They appear fairly normal lessons in the circumstances, they are doing the best they can in what is a technology shitstorm in most authorities but that'sa different issue. You would think the teachers are choosing to not work, it's as if NS has ordered them back and they have said no. Why single them out ?

A: Because teachers were the only group of lockdown employees being made out to be martyrs, weeping in anguish that they can't get to a classroom and teach the country's precious young minds. And they're also good for a meltdown when their relative inactivity is correctly added to their already existing laundry list of holidays. 


Edited by vikingTON
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A: Because teachers were the only group of lockdown employees being made out to be martyrs, weeping in anguish that they can't get to a classroom and teach the country's precious young minds. And they're also good for a meltdown when their relative inactivity is correctly added to their already existing laundry list of holidays. 
Who is martyring them?
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8 minutes ago, virginton said:

A: Because teachers were the only group of lockdown employees being made out to be martyrs, weeping in anguish that they can't get to a classroom and teach the country's precious young minds. And they're also good for a meltdown when their relative inactivity is correctly added to their already existing laundry list of holidays. 


Did you do the PGDE or the MA route?  Just curious, given your obvious expertise on the subject.  I think it would be good CPD if I were to come and observe you teaching as well, seeing at you're an expert on the subject. 

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Don't think that you really need to be an 'expert' to see that a 195 day contract per year plus ~14 weeks' of the schools shut constitutes the biggest skive of any sector of the Scottish economy right now.


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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Don't think that you really need to be an 'expert' to see that a 195 day contract per year plus ~14 weeks' of the schools shut constitutes the biggest skive of any sector of the Scottish economy right now.


I am contracted for 146, having binned my last job for changing to 161


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6 minutes ago, virginton said:

Don't think that you really need to be an 'expert' to see that a 195 day contract per year plus ~14 weeks' of the schools shut constitutes the biggest skive of any sector of the Scottish economy right now.


So you're admitting that you have absolutely no knowledge, qualification or experience to justify your opinion? Do you have any empirical research or evidence to back up your fanciful notion that we're all skiving?  


At worst, we're working our contracted hours for once. 

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I'm looking forward to the shortage in teachers in certain subjects being filled by all the posters that think it is a doddle. If you can teach home economics you could virtually pick where you want to work.

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10 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Thrilled with his victory over supermarkets, VT is now going for teachers. Has he overstretched? Time will tell.

Has he suggested that all the teachers should live next to their schools yet?

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Thrilled with his victory over supermarkets, VT is now going for teachers. Has he overstretched? Time will tell.
He's built a helluva straw man.

Someone suggested teachers should work overtime for no money, and gaz rightly explained why that was a stupid idea.

Since then vton has decided that teachers are martyrs, and need brought down a peg.

I'm happy to admit that for the first time in my career I'm not working my allocated 35 hours atm, and I'm certainly enjoying spending some quality time with my own kids. But I'm desperate for this to be over so that things can return to normal.

By far the best thing about being a teacher is the actual teaching. When you've got a decent class there's nothing better, and as someone mentioned earlier - it's all the added bullshit that builds the stress.

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