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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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All he can say is it depends, like everything else to do with Covid. 
This but with a row back from his uber pessimistic talk of last week. We all know it will be 1m distancing by then but the 2m plans are too advanced for day 1 given the holidays start on Friday. There will quickly produce a plan B on return.
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Have just been scrolling through the last 5 pages and am amused with the pish being spouted about working/middle class/teachers etc.

I started working in the late 70s and have never been aware of any class distinction. There have always been people who are up their own arses and consider themselves better than anyone else, but imo, there is no middle class as such.

There are, and will always be people who go to school/college/university, get some sort qualification (or not), then get a job and have to work to get a house, have kids etc. Then there are people who fanny around through school/university and get bankrolled into some position their well off parents engineer for them.

Not sure that counts as working/middle class, though

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I've been teaching 26 years now and, although it gets easier in that your experience can see you through, there is a constant updating of courses and content.

In my own area of Business Studies you have to keep developing your skills and knowledge to keep pace with New Technology not to mention the ever-changing environment that business operate in. That's keeping up with legislation, economic policies, social trends, environmental issues and so on.

That's crazy man. Must be the only job anyone has where things can change over 26 years. If I had a medal I would send it to you right now.

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2 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

If you need someone to tell you what needs done then its the system that's rubbish. As for holiday requests and appraisals well the first one should be automatic and the second is pretty much pointless.
Let workers make decisions for themselves and trust them.
Away and shove your meetings as well, load of shite.

Jesus wept. You are a complete fucking idiot.

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A couple of dissapointing reports on immunity, looks as though they really need to focus on getting the public onboard with track, trace and isolate to get the country up and running.

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Misses the point as ever.
Aye. I've only been teaching 12 or so years maybe and I've taught Standard Grade and Higher/Advanced, then Int 1, Int 2 and Higher Still/Advanced then National 3/4/5 and CfE Higher/Advanced. And that's just the senior school. We've also went from 5 to 14 to CfE with a lot of change even within CfE for the juniors. All at the same time the parents have increased demands, budgets have been cut, staff shortages abound and support services for pupils with learning or behaviour problems have been decimated (Todd was asking upthread about what do you do with someone who just won't take a telling - in the past you might have excluded or sent them to an off-campus facility where there are specialists and a police liaison etc. but guess what? Cut. So we have to "internally exclude" them instead which is a joke as all it does is make them miss more classes while taking a member of staff out thr picture). Yes, other industries and sectors have seen change, but is there the same level of public scrutiny? I'd encourage anyone who thinks it's a cushy number to try it - even arrange a visit to a local school to see what the job is like (many schools will allow that to former pupils etc if they are considering going to teacher training college) - some of you might even enjoy it.
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Jesus wept. You are a complete fucking idiot.

Was being totally serious as well.

I do think that lots of firms might realise that having a top heavy organisation isn't great though and most are surviving just fine without all the direction.

Of course there's a need for some management but not micro management.


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15 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Was being totally serious as well.

I do think that lots of firms might realise that having a top heavy organisation isn't great though and most are surviving just fine without all the direction.

Of course there's a need for some management but not micro management.


If you’d just made this sensible point at the start instead of babbling about nobody ever needing a boss then it would have been preferable.

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32 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Got to admit I wasn’t taking this seriously until I saw this. Really hit home. We’ve lost cruisin chubbies.


Checked out their website:

Individuals depicted in the images are models and used solely for illustrative purposes"


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If D.A.F.C  is advocating workers owned cooperatives then they're pretty popular historically and across the globe. Down with the hated bosses, be your own boss.

Edited by NotThePars
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3 hours ago, Mr Tourette said:

Have just been scrolling through the last 5 pages and am amused with the pish being spouted about working/middle class/teachers etc.

I started working in the late 70s and have never been aware of any class distinction. There have always been people who are up their own arses and consider themselves better than anyone else, but imo, there is no middle class as such.

There are, and will always be people who go to school/college/university, get some sort qualification (or not), then get a job and have to work to get a house, have kids etc. Then there are people who fanny around through school/university and get bankrolled into some position their well off parents engineer for them.

Not sure that counts as working/middle class, though

You used to be able to tell by hats. 





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12 hours ago, Gaz said:

I've always wondered why, if teaching is so easy, and the perks are so great, why there is a massive teacher shortage. You'd think folk would be lining up to do it.

The only career advice my old man ever gave me was "don't become a teacher" 

He was a teacher 

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8 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:
9 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
Misses the point as ever.

Aye. I've only been teaching 12 or so years maybe and I've taught Standard Grade and Higher/Advanced, then Int 1, Int 2 and Higher Still/Advanced then National 3/4/5 and CfE Higher/Advanced. And that's just the senior school. We've also went from 5 to 14 to CfE with a lot of change even within CfE for the juniors. All at the same time the parents have increased demands, budgets have been cut, staff shortages abound and support services for pupils with learning or behaviour problems have been decimated (Todd was asking upthread about what do you do with someone who just won't take a telling - in the past you might have excluded or sent them to an off-campus facility where there are specialists and a police liaison etc. but guess what? Cut. So we have to "internally exclude" them instead which is a joke as all it does is make them miss more classes while taking a member of staff out thr picture). Yes, other industries and sectors have seen change, but is there the same level of public scrutiny? I'd encourage anyone who thinks it's a cushy number to try it - even arrange a visit to a local school to see what the job is like (many schools will allow that to former pupils etc if they are considering going to teacher training college) - some of you might even enjoy it.

No one is saying it's a "cushy number". There seems to be a disproportionate number of teachers who think their job is impossible and ever changing, while everyone else is sitting with their feet up living an easy life and working 10 hours a week.

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