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Public Health Wales have said that the party referred to above did not enter the races and that they now don't hold them responsible for any outbreak.  Doncaster race course have confirmed that they had no attendance from South Wales.



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Accusing someone of causing a Covid spike who was innocent is only the second worst thing Public Health Wales have done this week. 



Edited by Michael W
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Down here in Bristol the traffic is really busy around 6a.m and then anytime after 430*5 so almost back to normal. Some people are still working from home NHS, MOD, but loads have gone back into offices now. 

I'm intrigued at how physically with SD still in force. We have the max permitted under the distancing measures and that equates to around 70 out of 260. The rest of us have been told it will be home working until one way or another SD is ended. Anyone I know working in an office environment have all been told likewise and it seems to be the story with the vast majority of those I deal with in other organisations.


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7 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

"lockdown to save Christmas" really doesn't half come across as cringeworthy patronising bollocks does it. Several people have said it already but the festive period this year is going to be unbearable. 

We're a society of babies so it's in keeping with our little brains to sell a lockdown on "you won't get your little treaty treats otherwise."

Edited by NotThePars
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24 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I'm intrigued at how physically with SD still in force. We have the max permitted under the distancing measures and that equates to around 70 out of 260. The rest of us have been told it will be home working until one way or another SD is ended. Anyone I know working in an office environment have all been told likewise and it seems to be the story with the vast majority of those I deal with in other organisations.


A more cellular office environment will probably be okay, but I think most large open plan offices after having done their sums have worked out that maybe 20-30% occupancy is the best they can shoot for anytime soon. Ours worked out as a similar ratio - something like 25 max on any given day out of a bit over 100 people.

I expect the fact there's a disproportionate amount of traffic on the roads at rush hour might be down to those who are travelling to work actively avoiding public transport and taking their cars instead.

Edited by Hillonearth
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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

Deary me 


"A number of them had Covid tests before the trip, they hadn't had the results back...15 of them on the bus.....same as every year...didn't stop for a pint on the way, what's the fuss about?"

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"A number of them had Covid tests before the trip, they hadn't had the results back...15 of them on the bus.....same as every year...didn't stop for a pint on the way, what's the fuss about?"

That is unbelievable. This is one of those cases where the book should be thrown at them.
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4 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Dildo Hardon says 27% of all tests booked are by people with zero symptoms on presentation. Surely they just send those time wasters on their way. Yes the slot they have booked is already lost but it would save the sample going to already under pressure Labs



I can’t believe nobody picked up on this name 😳

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An interesting 'debate' (if you can call it that) on the Falkirk Herald's Facebook page tonight as a local school pupil tests positive.

It seems that loads of people believe that schools are sitting with hundreds of huge empty classrooms and a plethora of spare teachers to teach classes with reduced numbers.

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7 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Show me where I said it was, again seeing what you want to see. I was referring to the period March to June which, for the vast majority, was supposed to be home schooling not blended learning. I will assume you are of reasonable intelligence and thus assume you realise blended learning will consist of in class schooling and home schooling. I may be assuming a bit too much but for now I'll stick with that assumption.

Uh huh, which renders your reference to March-June as evidence that blended learning doesn't work completely moronic, seeing as this strategy was not implemented anywhere before the summer because classroom teaching was completely scrapped. The choice then was between home learning or f**k all.

The choice now however includes a perfectly reasonable middle ground - not to mention a probably much better learning strategy than your beloved 'stick them in schools all day long' stance. One which is already deemed good enough for the education of the country's college and university students to follow and so should be applied to the country's school children as well.

It's safe to say that you've had an absolute disaster then.

Edited by vikingTON
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As Christmas is the period a lot of businesses pin their profit hopes on there is some kind of twisted sense to try and "save"it. Given the economic damage that had been done we may yet be all encouraged to spend, spend, spend- you can imagine the sort of advertising "it's been a hard, tough year so why not enjoy yourself? It's Christmas after all" etc.

Me? I can never be bothered with Christmas but I might boost the economy by buying some new tinsel for the tree 

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24 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I see the BBC have u-turned following the backlash to their announcement that they were stopping live coverage of the SG daily briefing. To be continued after all.

Yes, but with other 'perspectives'

What a nonsense

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2 minutes ago, Binos said:

Yes, but with other 'perspectives'

What a nonsense

I wonder if I could get on with my other "perspective" that to rid the country of this vile pestilence we should be burning more witches...


...and adults that cycle on the pavement


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