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UEFA making a decision in March I think as to viability and crowd capacity. Might be taken out of all governments hands as I can see this being moved to a single host with Russia being the preferred option if rumours are to be believed.

I can see the FA Heavily lobbying them to have it in England.
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1 minute ago, mizfit said:


I can see the FA Heavily lobbying them to have it in England.


Seems the likely option being as they already have both semis and the final. Maybe UK wide with Ireland unless Brexit fucks it all up.

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1 hour ago, Scosha said:

It’ll be a good laugh seeing what they’ll do with all the Scotland fans due to travel to London in June. 
If we’re still living under restrictions by the summer then the blame fully lies with the Scottish Government. 


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16 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm not in favour of vaccine passports, but the tightest acceptable restriction that should even be in the same room as the table would be the option to choose between a period of self isolation on return, or be vaccinated prior to travel.

Not sure the best policy is to trust anti-vaxers (which there seems to be a fuckload of) to self isolate when they come back home tbh.

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I think UEFA would rather give it to Russia since they did a good job hosting in 2018 and it is very easy for Russia to deny visas to anyone they don't want travelling. I doubt the English authorities would be very happy dealing with Scotland and Wales fans piling in for group games.

UEFA also have a massive sponsorship deal with Gazprom...

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45 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I think UEFA would rather give it to Russia since they did a good job hosting in 2018 and it is very easy for Russia to deny visas to anyone they don't want travelling. I doubt the English authorities would be very happy dealing with Scotland and Wales fans piling in for group games.

UEFA also have a massive sponsorship deal with Gazprom...

Unless Gazprom are willing to massively subsidise it, I can't see Russians filling stadiums at the prices they're charging, especially where Russia isn't playing, so not a big money spinner for Uefa. Uefa have denied the story which first appeared in a Paris local paper quoting unnamed sources, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a bit of Russian spinning. If Covid's still running rampant and the vaccine roll out has been much slower than expected, I suppose a BCD tournament in Russia could be an option.

Edited by welshbairn
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It doesn't make sense for people to be moving around the continent when there might be big differences in vaccination progress, so I wouldn't be surprised to see UEFA pick somewhere and stick with it. This does also somewhat suppose that travel restrictions are lifted too: the Schengen zone/UK after Brexit example has been outlined already, but even some countries within the zone have limited travel from other Schengen countries. If the roll out goes well, then maybe this will all be moot. 

I guess we will just have to wait and see. Russia or France seem the obvious candidates if they have to do this given the recent tournaments held. Beyond that you would imagine Germany, England, Spain and Italy are well served to host with limited notice too if required. 

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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
3 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
You presume correctly. I won't pay for access either, btw, but it's another nice wee piece about one of the multiple benefits Brexit will bring to good old Blighty.

The meltdown on the TripAdvisor forums is hilarious especially from the pro Brexit Gammons who are booked to baste their blubber in the Canaries for New Year. All the EUs fault of course.

Post a few, then - I could do with a giggle.

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Post a few, then - I could do with a giggle.

This was one of umpteen threads however it appears theirs is more strictly moderated than it is on here and a lot of the "best" post have been deleted as inappropriate rendering it rather boring now




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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I really don’t meant this to make me sound like a kunt but I’m starting to wonder how effective masks really are. I was working last night outdoors and could clearly see my breath and my colleagues streaming through our masks😑

What were you expecting, that a mask will stop *all* of your breath from escaping? Of course it won't. What it will do is stop *some* of your breath escaping. Which, combined with other social distancing measures, will lessen (not eliminate) the risk of transmission.

Think of the analogy of wearing a condom at the same time your wife takes a contraceptive pill. Neither of them will completely eliminate the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. One of them will lessen the risk. Both together will lessen it further.

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14 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I really don’t meant this to make me sound like a kunt but I’m starting to wonder how effective masks really are. I was working last night outdoors and could clearly see my breath and my colleagues streaming through our masks😑

wow I never realised you could actually breathe through these masks.....that's an amazing revelation.  What next, glasses you can see through? hats that fit on your head?

Why were your colleagues streaming through your mask?

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18 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I really don’t meant this to make me sound like a kunt but I’m starting to wonder how effective masks really are. I was working last night outdoors and could clearly see my breath and my colleagues streaming through our masks😑

You could be on to something here. It's likely that every medical professional has been wasting their time and you've made an incredible discovery.

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21 minutes ago, gav-ffc said:

Had my first dose yesterday morning, bit of a sore arm last night but that’s away now and as I’ve never had a flu jab I have heard that’s standard.

Never had a sore arm from the flu jab. Best check your arm hasn't fallen off, tbqhqy.

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