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2 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

You just know the lovejoys will be lapping it up and doing their 2 tests despite being double dosed. Absolute headcases 

Wonder if the likes of JL and our friend Devi are doing these 2 tests every week. 

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On 04/09/2020 at 15:52, Rugster said:

You think it's unfeasible, that with schools recently back, that 100,000 people didn't have a temperature or a cough? 

People aren't just getting tested for the sake of it. It's an invasive, unpleasant test. You honestly think people are just going for a test for fun? 

Testing is increasing because schools are back, because of test and protect tracing, because the R number is higher, and because testing capacity is higher.


On 04/09/2020 at 15:55, strichener said:

People are also getting tested for travel as it is a requirement of the destination country so I would say that there are people getting tested just for the sake of it.  There is no need to show symptons to get a test now and therefore it is highly likely that there are many others that are getting tested for the fun of it.



On 04/09/2020 at 16:00, Rugster said:

Being tested as a requirement of travelling is not being tested for the sake of it. It's a requirement.

Aye, people are getting tested for the fun of it, for sure. 

That's right, because no one, ever talks to anyone else about their experience, or reads about it.


On 04/09/2020 at 16:03, Gaz said:

People getting tested for the fun of it :lol:


On 04/09/2020 at 16:06, Rugster said:

It’s up there with the best, for sure. 

These aged well.  Or at least one of them did.

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I work in a team of 5. 3 Lovejoys, a guy who is a bit in the middle (will adhere, but not so bothered now his family are vaccinated) and me who is and had been trying to live life as normal as possible the whole way through.

The 3 Lovejoys (all double vaxxed) are nothing short of terrified to be around us and can’t understand at all why we would not be testing twice a week. Sadly they were all quite outgoing before this, but just about believe me and my colleague are going to kill them and their family.

Really sad state of affairs tbh.

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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Apparently it's invermectin and the entire globe appears to be willing to sacrifice millions of lives to keep it all a big secret according to nutters like him.

In the real world, the problem with that drug is that the medical people using it won't subject it to proper trials with one of them claiming it would be unethical to use placebos as a control. These are real medical people with serious credentials too and yet this is the pish they come out with.

There is no credible evidence to back that drug for use on covid. I think it's an anti-fungal drug so why anyone would think it would work on a virus is anyone's guess.

Conspiracy theorists do love a "they are trying to cover it up" story.

Here's one: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30464-8/fulltext


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Princess Diana's bodyguard (Trevor Rees-Jones) was the ONLY survivor of the fatal car crash, and had complete amnesia of the event.

He's now AstraZeeneca's Global Head of Security.




Edited by steve55
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11 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I assume this has been shared on here but the replies have cheered me up a bit.




Always amusing that they cast themselves as some sort of moral arbiter whilst then embellishing their point by putting in old images to mislead the reader into thinking those were Friday's scenes. 

Into the bin you go, Hazel Lovejoy. 

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10 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I assume this has been shared on here but the replies have cheered me up a bit.




I'm sure this moron wasn't trumpeting this during BLM marches, Lizard kings death/funeral gatherings, etc, etc.

Im not having it, "footie" is by far the worst of her comments. 

A total Karen Moonunit Lovejoy. 


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25 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I assume this has been shared on here but the replies have cheered me up a bit.




As bad as the Lovejoying and the misleading picture are, Footie? Fucking Footie? Deary me

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I assume this has been shared on here but the replies have cheered me up a bit.




Of all the reactions to this pandemic the "people have died" is the one I understand the least. Even less than people who say the virus doesn't exist. Yes, people have died. Yes, people continue to die from it here and around the world when it's really clear how to prevent that from happening, but that doesn't mean anything. Does she think it's disrespectful to the people who died - primarily due to incompetent government decisions - for anyone to do anything? Does she think people standing next to one another and talking while not wearing masks is going to make another 130,000 die?

I know people are commenting in this thread about how they know people who're terrified to go outside and there are stories of that in the press. I know I'm probably less sensitive to this sort of fear than most people since I've carried on working and being around the public as normal and I know of one person from my work who's ever tested positive - a 22 year old, two weeks ago, no symptoms - but there's going to be years of people absolutely hysterical about being in public, and it's not going to end well.

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After dodging this shit for a year, I reckon I'll be told to isolate tomorrow. One pupil awaiting a result and if he's positive then I'm probably screwed.

Of all the weeks. Finished for the summer on Wednesday, Scotland game on Tuesday and meant to be getting the keys to my flat on Friday. I will be fizzing if I need to lock myself indoors for a week. Insane that I'm also still expected to be in tomorrow even though by lunchtime I may be getting told to isolate.

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50 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I assume this has been shared on here but the replies have cheered me up a bit.




She could maybe explain why Euro 2020 is taking place in 2021.

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28 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Of all the reactions to this pandemic the "people have died" is the one I understand the least. Even less than people who say the virus doesn't exist. Yes, people have died. Yes, people continue to die from it here and around the world when it's really clear how to prevent that from happening, but that doesn't mean anything. Does she think it's disrespectful to the people who died - primarily due to incompetent government decisions - for anyone to do anything? Does she think people standing next to one another and talking while not wearing masks is going to make another 130,000 die?

I know people are commenting in this thread about how they know people who're terrified to go outside and there are stories of that in the press. I know I'm probably less sensitive to this sort of fear than most people since I've carried on working and being around the public as normal and I know of one person from my work who's ever tested positive - a 22 year old, two weeks ago, no symptoms - but there's going to be years of people absolutely hysterical about being in public, and it's not going to end well.

Exactly, what should we do? Adopt a permanent state of perpetual mourning? I mean more people died in WW2, should we still all have anderson shelters and rationing? 
Its hysterical pish. The Helen Lovejoy thing i started was a piss take, but its quite clearly the direction many of these folks are taking now.

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For all my chat on here about lifting restrictions, I have realised over the last few days that I still had some trepidation about mixing with people. That has been blown out of me by going down to London for the game.

Apart from wearing masks if you fancied it on the tube or going to the toilet in a boozer, there was no difference between the week I just had down South versus 2019. Plenty people on the underground sitting next to each other and if anyone was not wearing a mask then no one was glaring at them or giving them abuse.

No one had a mask on at the game. No one had a mask on in the concourse while everyone was drinking pints of Heineken. A woman even took her mask off to cough on the tube 😂

Went for a pint in Edinburgh on the way up the road tonight with my mate who is a Geordie and he was saying that it was similar to London when he went home - eg taxi driver saying they could wear a mask if they wanted to but he wasn't arsed.

I was at the fanzone in Glasgow Green on Tuesday. Past tense. I've come back to my flat and I've had 7 LFTs put through my door. I am 30 years old, have no underlying conditions and will not be attending anything that requires proof of a negative test. I was at the fanzone 6 days ago which was fully outdoors and spaced out to a ridiculous degree. 

The messaging from the government in Scotland has been disgraceful for about 4 months now. The Simps can say whatever they want but Sturgeon, Leitch and The Guys have destroyed the public's confidence in leaving the house which I worry we can never repair in Scotland. It's akin to the Wee Frees terrifying kids playing in the park on a Sunday. They've made a Noel Hunt of many things 8n England over the last 18 months but they're far more willing to bounce back than we are up here.

BRB away to take my LFT for the fanzone I went to 6 days go.

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I work in a team of 5. 3 Lovejoys, a guy who is a bit in the middle (will adhere, but not so bothered now his family are vaccinated) and me who is and had been trying to live life as normal as possible the whole way through.
The 3 Lovejoys (all double vaxxed) are nothing short of terrified to be around us and can’t understand at all why we would not be testing twice a week. Sadly they were all quite outgoing before this, but just about believe me and my colleague are going to kill them and their family.
Really sad state of affairs tbh.
I would probably kill them tbf, but not by giving them Covid.
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