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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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A few restaurants in Ayrshire have temporarily closed in recent days due to a staff member testing positive. When will this circus end? Closing venues because someone (possibly asymptomatically) tested positive. That’s why I haven’t sat in a restaurant since pre covid. Fck having to get a test/isolate because you’ve been in the vicinity of someone. As much as I can’t wait for masks to be binned, having to sign in at places is the thing I’m looking forward to be punted most of all 

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3 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

A few restaurants in Ayrshire have temporarily closed in recent days due to a staff member testing positive. When will this circus end? Closing venues because someone (possibly asymptomatically) tested positive. That’s why I haven’t sat in a restaurant since pre covid. Fck having to get a test/isolate because you’ve been in the vicinity of someone. As much as I can’t wait for masks to be binned, having to sign in at places is the thing I’m looking forward to be punted most of all 

Until the isolation rules change, I don't see what the option is here. Staff are almost certainly close contacts and they'll need to be isolated when something like that happens. 

I'm sure they don't want to have to close either as it's a massive pain in the arse, but if they're found to be operating contrary to the rules they'll be in a lot of bother. 

Believe this is due to be addressed soon at least in respect of schools, but it needs to be wider. 

Edited by Michael W
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6 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Believe this is due to be addressed soon at least in respect of schools, but it needs to be wider. 

The document which the government released a couple of weeks ago (the same day Sturgeon announced the July 19th date for Level 0) mentioned that this was being reviewed more generally.

Edited by craigkillie
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14 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

A few restaurants in Ayrshire have temporarily closed in recent days due to a staff member testing positive. When will this circus end? Closing venues because someone (possibly asymptomatically) tested positive. That’s why I haven’t sat in a restaurant since pre covid. Fck having to get a test/isolate because you’ve been in the vicinity of someone. As much as I can’t wait for masks to be binned, having to sign in at places is the thing I’m looking forward to be punted most of all 

I believe there’s a lot of people in Scotland called M. Mouse. 

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Been a spate of positive tests etc. in people I know in the last week or so. My sister, and a few work colleagues. In one case (a work colleague) she was feeling ill, her son tested positive and then she did. She's been double-jagged (as has my sister) and is off work, feeling lousy. 

Now, in context, catching a bug, feeling ill and being off work are not new phenomena to Covid. 

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My flatmate has probably been ill with it for two weeks. Well he took two lft tests which were negative. Then finally got a positive test on his first PCR on Monday. I have tested negative and have had no symptoms whatsoever. Am I eventually going to get it? Or am have I somehow got lucky.

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A pal of mine who I go to ICT games with has been double jagged but has tested positive (LFT then follow up PCR). Isn't feeling too bad, apparently feels like he has a bad cold, but still needs to isolate for 10 days (I think). 

Hoping for news of my second jag soon. Should be around the start of August all being well.

Edited by RiG
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7 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

My flatmate has probably been ill with it for two weeks. Well he took two lft tests which were negative. Then finally got a positive test on his first PCR on Monday. I have tested negative and have had no symptoms whatsoever. Am I eventually going to get it? Or am have I somehow got lucky.

Are you jagged?

My workmate's daughter caught it. Of the household of 5 people, my workmate now has it (one jag) and her son and daughter both have it (unvaccinated). The son's girlfriend and my workmate's husband are both double jagged and have no symptoms and are returning negative tests.

Edited by djchapsticks
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Another Twitter panic-merchant - and this one is just lies. We're at 4000 cases a day and have 200 people in hospital in total (unless people are in hospital for just one day, discharged and a whole new 200 people take their place)

His whole timeline is panic.


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5 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

My flatmate has probably been ill with it for two weeks. Well he took two lft tests which were negative. Then finally got a positive test on his first PCR on Monday. I have tested negative and have had no symptoms whatsoever. Am I eventually going to get it? Or am have I somehow got lucky.

My stepsons two flatmates bot tested positive a few weeks ago.  He never got it.  Had a few LFT's and a PCR.  After his negative PCR the English app told him he didn't have to isolate ay more (after about 5 days or so of isolation)

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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

My stepsons two flatmates bot tested positive a few weeks ago.  He never got it.  Had a few LFT's and a PCR.  After his negative PCR the English app told him he didn't have to isolate ay more (after about 5 days or so of isolation)

Damn bots, first trying to get me to buy BitCoin - now spreading the virus.

Edited by Les Cabbage
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4,234 new cases of COVID-19 reported
42,843 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
10.5% of these were positive
6 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
16 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (down from 19)
275 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 235)
3,816,251 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,722,725 have received their second dose

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4 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

4,234 new cases of COVID-19 reported
42,843 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
10.5% of these were positive
6 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
16 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (down from 19)
275 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 235)
3,816,251 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,722,725 have received their second dose

Interesting point on the testing I heard discussed on radio. A lot of people are using lateral flow tests as a screener. They test negative and do no more. But if they test positive, then they go for a PCR test. In other words, a lot of potentially negative testers are being weeded out, making the % figure here higher than it would have been if everyone who did a test, did a PCR one. 

6 deaths is more than we like to see, but at least still in single figures. ICU down again. 

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Forty two thousand eight hundred and forty three tests. 

6 deaths is a bit of a sad upturn but hopefully an outlier of a day. 

Other than that still looks like the vaccine is doing the job we need and the virus is spreading among the most sociable and resilient age groups. 


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6 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

4,234 new cases of COVID-19 reported
42,843 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
10.5% of these were positive
6 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
16 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (down from 19)
275 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 235)
3,816,251 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,722,725 have received their second dose

i'm back to having that sinking feeling that this won't be allowed to continue for much longer , hope tae f**k i'm wrong

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5 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

i'm back to having that sinking feeling that this won't be allowed to continue for much longer , hope tae f**k i'm wrong

Yes, but how quickly are they turning them round? That is the important question.

if it’s 150 getting discharged a day and about the same coming in for a wee puff of oxygen overnight then it’s really not that big a deal.

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