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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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55 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

A typically spiteful and prejudice ridden analysis.

Sneering, some might say.

It's not based on prejudice; it's based on simple demographic facts as well as Scotland's notorious issues of crap diets and not enough exercise. 

The number of people with type 2 diabetes alone has increased to 19% of the over 65s population, who make up around half of all sufferers of that disease by GP records. 

That you don't like the reality that ageing and chronic ill-health are undermining Scottish healthcare or think that it is unfair to cite age is irrelevant. In the same way that it was irrelevant to a pandemic virus that has just ripped through exactly those demographics and not healthy 30 year olds.  

Edited by vikingTON
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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

It's not based on prejudice; it's based on simple demographic facts as well as Scotland's notorious issues of crap diets and not enough exercise. 

The number of people with type 2 diabetes has increased to 19% of the over 65s population, who make up around half of all sufferers of that disease. 

That you don't like the reality that ageing and chronic ill-health are undermining Scottish healthcare or think that it is unfair to cite age is irrelevant. In the same way that it was irrelevant to a pandemic virus that has just ripped through exactly those demographics and not healthy 30 year olds.  

So you're still running with the claim that "the boomer generation are all now falling apart" then?


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10 minutes ago, throbber said:

Just a bit worried about this spike in deaths over the festive period.

What spike in deaths? It's essentially flat.

That you think there have been 150,000 deaths in the UK in the last 28 days is absolutely wild.


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25 minutes ago, throbber said:

Since the start of the pandemic there has been 150 thousand coronavirus deaths with a positive COVID test within the last 28 days in Britain, but I bet I will still have to go back to work on Monday regardless.

Covid: UK records more than 150,000 deaths https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59923936

FTFY, you were missing a lot of words

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59 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
3 hours ago, deegee said:
I’ve thought for a while, we’ve (in the UK) had too high an expectation from the NHS; exactly as you say, there’s too much free access and treatment and I’d vote for a means tested system rather than the vanity projection of free prescriptions for all in Scotland. COVID has brought this all to an acute need for resetting in the future. My work colleague in Ireland pays around £100 or so per month for health insurance and I’d happily pay more for a better serviced NHS. They have their own issues in Ireland to deal with; mainly staffing as trained nurses and doctors often move to UK or USA etc for better salaries.
That’s also my concern about pumping more endless money into our NHS; you lose a large chunk straight away in salaries and admin rather than frontline staff and equipment etc. Either way, I suspect we’ll be paying a lot more for the NHS one way or another in the coming years. 

Clearly you have no understanding of the cost of means testing. It's a hugely expensive method of delivering services or welfare. It's also massively bureaucratic and given the levels of bureaucracy already within the NHS, more is the last thing that's needed. Means testing prescriptions for example would merely exclude people currently receiving with no perceived savings.

You are correct; I don’t have any actual idea on the management and administration of means tested systems. It’s never been a need in my working life but regardless, there is surely a way to get better delivery of pharmacy and doctor services for those more in need, whilst others, dare I say it; middle aged middle income workers like myself can easily afford to pay in a bit more. Maybe it’s a question of direct increase in taxation but that’s never going to win votes from

the majority of the public.

As I said, it’s going to be a costly re-boot to improve and modernise the NHS, one way or another for all of us.

Edited by deegee
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2 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Someone on one of the local Facebook pages I'm on 🙈


Absolutely tragic what covid has turned certain individuals into. You would think before covid there wasn't such a thing as death. Funnily enough the people I see and hear complaining about non mask wearers/anti vaxxers are majority overweight and have done nothing by the looks of it to look after their own health.

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6 hours ago, virginton said:

More concern mewling from the shan modellers:

Note the above phrase - "slowing down" - which I think it's fair to say most people would interpret in the context of a pandemic as 'still increasing, but more gradually than before'. 

Meanwhile, in the land of reality:


They are just pathological liars at this point in their far too long stint in the limelight. 

Yup, the deliberate use of 'slowing down' when it's clearly 'falling' is weaselry of the highest order.


3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I saw the original thread a few times in the week, the extent some people seem to want things to be as bad as possible is mad.

Folk like Ian will be in bits as the pandemic starts to peter out in the next few months.


2 hours ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

12,602 new cases of COVID-19 reported*

57,907 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*

25.1% of these were positive

26 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive

48 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

1,362 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

4,390,076 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,041,550 have received their second dose, and 3,082,231 have received a third dose or booster.

Non-incidental hospital admissions is closer to 800.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

150 thousand coronavirus deaths in the last 28 days in Britain, but I bet I will still have to go back to work on Monday regardless.

Covid: UK records more than 150,000 deaths https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59923936

I have to say one thing I absolutely did not see coming was throbber being a Granny Danger alias account.

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What is this Guido Fawkes 'fact check', btw? I can only assume it's because of a specific time that Scotland and England case rates were compared? Official government data shows Scotland currently with higher cases per 100,000 than England:


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Wife has been very poorly for the last five days with a severe respiratory infection (not Covid) and is now on antibiotics.
GP tells her that they are seeing a huge increase in this type of disease in comparison to the last 2 years when there was very little. Because of that, the GP surmises that the annual flu jab is much less effective this year against non- Covid flu. Interesting!
Maybe, at the start we should just have let things rip and over the 2 year period the outcome wouldn’t have been much different but, we could have lived (or died) much more ‘normal’ lives.
Sounds similar to the wife's pal and her husband. He started coughing like f**k about a fortnight before Christmas, been through two lots of antibiotics and still isn't 100%. She then came down with it in between Christmas and New Year and is absolutely floored still.
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