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Fair point. I'm not overly convinced Loony is looking for an actual discussion any more so than he is attempting (rather poorly) to troll, though, hence the hesitancy for any serious engagement.
There's also the factor that in less than an hour there's going to be no real reason left to really get involved in much discussion - i've made arguments over the last 18-21 months for why what is about to happen, and we are finally there.
There's no trolling. You're points just aren't very good.
You have me as a Sturgeon lover even though I've consistently posted failings in her and her government.
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5 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:
10 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
This cannot be a serious question, so I'll leave you to enjoy your night.

There seems to be a plethora of her face mask wearing failures. It can't be difficult to point out more than one that can't be argued with.


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3 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:
8 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
This cannot be a serious question, so I'll leave you to enjoy your night.

There seems to be a plethora of her face mask wearing failures. It can't be difficult to point out more than one that can't be argued with.

Well you can argue with them all you like, but if your argument appears to be that "she forgot," that "everyone else has done the same," or that it doesn't really matter because the law is about to expire then that's a bit of a poor argument IMO. I don't really know what you'd want me to say to convince you otherwise.

You claim not to support NS, and (rightly) say there is plenty other things to use against NS, yet, rather than combine her failings to present a case against her you are instead in here vehemently defending her on this.

It's a weird take.

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I see your mood has not improved this week.
That trip to the beach doesn't seem to have done you much good at all.
Cheer up. In about 32 minutes, this thread will hopefully have died.

I'm knackered having spent the last day and a half of my trip in hospital with my wife.

Reading the black-white shite this thread has turned into hasn't helped either. God forbid anyone dares have a different view from the real cultists.
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I can think of 3 occasions now where Sturgeon has failed to wear a mask in an indoor environment despite it being legally mandated or advised through guidance:
1) The funeral incident in late 2020
2) The Prince Phillip memorial service last month
3) The incident in question this weekend
It’s very clear that Sturgeon’s own personal feelings towards masks are in line with the majority of posters on this thread. She is effectively pandering to the simps through her public rhetoric on them. 
Incident 1 was nothing, a genuine oversight imo.

The other two are different though, those were deliberate choices. As I said to the missus after Phil the Greek's funeral, if she really believes that masks work as well as the laws she has come up with would have us believe, then she would be wearing a mask everywhere crowded indoors, and not hide behind the fact that she was in England at the time.
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Well you can argue with them all you like, but if your argument appears to be that "she forgot," that "everyone else has done the same," or that it doesn't really matter because the law is about to expire then that's a bit of a poor argument IMO. I don't really know what you'd want me to say to convince you otherwise.
You claim not to support NS, and (rightly) say there is plenty other things to use against NS, yet, rather than combine her failings to present a case against her you are instead in here vehemently defending her on this.
It's a weird take.

I really can't argue with them all. The latest one is clearly a breach.
I'm not vehemently defending anything.
There have been 3 accusations of her breaking the law.
One looks fairly clear cut, one definitely isn't and one would take an utter pedant to say she'd done something deliberately wrong.
The " just forgot" negative argument is anti-NS point scoring that not even the opposition thought it was worth raising.

If there are other face mask issues feel free to cite them but those have been the only ones used to try and crucify her with. Also used as a comparison to Boris and his crew as an equivalence of breaking the law.

You think I'm trolling by trying to show why Boris should be out on his arse over this s breaking of a law (on multiple occasions) and how devastating it is to people across the country and why Sturgeon's law breaking really shouldn't be seen in exactly the same light.

One is clearly far worse than the other.
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Incident 1 was nothing, a genuine oversight imo.

The other two are different though, those were deliberate choices. As I said to the missus after Phil the Greek's funeral, if she really believes that masks work as well as the laws she has come up with would have us believe, then she would be wearing a mask everywhere crowded indoors, and not hide behind the fact that she was in England at the time.
I think that second incident is probably worse than the latest one because when push comes to shove she's more concerned with not offending the royalist media than with her actual belief in face masks.
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3 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:



I really can't argue with them all. The latest one is clearly a breach.
I'm not vehemently defending anything.
There have been 3 accusations of her breaking the law.
One looks fairly clear cut, one definitely isn't and one would take an utter pedant to say she'd done something deliberately wrong.
The " just forgot" negative argument is anti-NS point scoring that not even the opposition thought it was worth raising.

If there are other face mask issues feel free to cite them but those have been the only ones used to try and crucify her with. Also used as a comparison to Boris and his crew as an equivalence of breaking the law.

You think I'm trolling by trying to show why Boris should be out on his arse over this s breaking of a law (on multiple occasions) and how devastating it is to people across the country and why Sturgeon's law breaking really shouldn't be seen in exactly the same light.

One is clearly far worse than the other.


Did you bother to read the article I linked?

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8 hours ago, Loonytoons said:
8 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:
This cannot be a serious question, so I'll leave you to enjoy your night.

There seems to be a plethora of her face mask wearing failures. It can't be difficult to point out more than one that can't be argued with.

Dinnae be a halfwit man, I could tell you about several times in the last 6 months where I have forgotten to wear a facemask, including one time when I spent about half an hour in the supermarket before I realised.

Its not a normal thing to have to wear them, personally I am sick of them, and I am pleased that they are disappearing.

However, its also not normal behaviour to whip your phone out and "capture the first minister" when she forgets hers.

Frankly, whoever did that is OFTW and a bit of a VL regardless of their politics.

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19 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Dinnae be a halfwit man, I could tell you about several times in the last 6 months where I have forgotten to wear a facemask, including one time when I spent about half an hour in the supermarket before I realised.

Its not a normal thing to have to wear them, personally I am sick of them, and I am pleased that they are disappearing.

However, its also not normal behaviour to whip your phone out and "capture the first minister" when she forgets hers.

Frankly, whoever did that is OFTW and a bit of a VL regardless of their politics.

To be fair, the guys who filmed it look genuinely happy to see her and just want a photo - they're also not wearing masks. I don't think they posted it to get her fined or sacked. Soms folk had clearly hoped this pandemic would end Sturgeons reign and as the last of restrictions die out they are clutching at anything. 

Before I'm called a simp here, I won't be voting for her or her party any time soon and I feel she's made a mess of policy through the pandemic. I don't think she's done anything that merits a resignation or sacking though. It'd be hypocritical of me to demand Sturgeon wears a mask when I haven't bothered since the end of January. 

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5 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

To be fair, the guys who filmed it look genuinely happy to see her and just want a photo - they're also not wearing masks. I don't think they posted it to get her fined or sacked. Soms folk had clearly hoped this pandemic would end Sturgeons reign and as the last of restrictions die out they are clutching at anything

Yep, and the fact that she had several journalists in tow would also suggest that she simply made a mistake...........as many of us have, on many occasions.

And, as you also said - you have the ability to see this even as a non Sturgeon fan which suggests only the moonhowler bampots are grasping this as a "thing".

I fully expect Douglas Ross to be all over this later, the total fanny that he is.

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Equating not putting a mask on with having numerous parties during the original peaks of the pandemic when everyone else was consigned to their homes is absolutely batshit mental. Yes they are both ‘breaking the rules that they have set’, but let’s not get ludicrous about it.

I have been, and continue to be, a fairly big Sturgeon/SNP out proponent but people are getting carried away here.

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