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Coronavirus and the Scottish Championship

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5 hours ago, Sting777 said:

Who knows!!  It’s on record now so she can’t deny she said it. Everyone in today’s panel can’t believe she has been asked to do a paper when the money is ready to be distributed now.  It was made clear that this action would not save Hearts, Thistle or Stranraer from the drop.

“Do a paper”? What does that even mean?

5 hours ago, JagsCG said:

Doncaster and SPFL getting absolutely ripped apart on Sportsound.

I didn’t listen to it, but who was ripping them apart, Budge? 

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2 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

“Do a paper”? What does that even mean?

Presumably make it a legal document/contract, rather than the SPFL accepting money from a completely unknown source.

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Once again, a board member of an SPFL club making Neil Doncaster seem like a competent professional by comparison.

Maybe this is all part of a plan to get him a better job elsewhere.

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That panel are a joke and it doesn't surprise me that note one of them understand that to request such a proposal in writing is the professional and most reasonable next step.  Ex-footballers are probably not best placed to make comment on the ins and outs of the handling of finances.

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3 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Formalise  the proposal. The law doesn't allow to to take money that you can't account for.

This is true but I imagine what was really meant here isnt ID'ing the source of the funds which presumably should be very easy. I imagine the two crucial questions are:

1 - what are the conditions, if any, attached to this donation? ie is it conditional on some form of reconstruction, or only payable to clubs outside top division (who are set to play anyway) or only payable in the top two divisions (to ensure Hearts can play), etc

2 - how would it be proposed to be distributed? Blanket amount per club? Blanket amount per registered professional player (since my understanding is it was proposed to pay for covid testing)? Different amounts per club depending on division (which makes little sense since presumably the cost of tests is the same). 

Etc. These are the things that need clarified. If its truly just an arbitrary donation there is nothing stopping the donors from writing 42 cheques right now and posting them. It doesnt have to go through the League. Its not without conditions because she already said it was to ensure lower league clubs could play (although underwriting the additional cost of testing will not in itself solve the problem for clubs with no income to hire a squad).

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I just hope that the SPFL board don't act like many of the posters on here and just ignore this (perhaps) opportunity. One of the things Budge was complaining about was the lack of interest from anyone at the SPFL. Surely someone, (maybe a highly paid chief exec) should have been jumping all over this and not telling her to get on with it and present a paper? Ann Budge made it plain that her interests lie in protecting Hearts and that's where she wanted to direct her energies. Ok, there is a chance that this is pie in the sky and will come to nothing but surely Scottish football can't take that chance?

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I just hope that the SPFL board don't act like many of the posters on here and just ignore this (perhaps) opportunity. One of the things Budge was complaining about was the lack of interest from anyone at the SPFL. Surely someone, (maybe a highly paid chief exec) should have been jumping all over this and not telling her to get on with it and present a paper? Ann Budge made it plain that her interests lie in protecting Hearts and that's where she wanted to direct her energies. Ok, there is a chance that this is pie in the sky and will come to nothing but surely Scottish football can't take that chance?
If it's as simple as Ann Budge is suggesting, then it would take half an hour to knock up a proposal paper detailing where the money comes from, the purpose of it and any conditions.
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8 minutes ago, true_rover said:
26 minutes ago, ScottyG said:
I just hope that the SPFL board don't act like many of the posters on here and just ignore this (perhaps) opportunity. One of the things Budge was complaining about was the lack of interest from anyone at the SPFL. Surely someone, (maybe a highly paid chief exec) should have been jumping all over this and not telling her to get on with it and present a paper? Ann Budge made it plain that her interests lie in protecting Hearts and that's where she wanted to direct her energies. Ok, there is a chance that this is pie in the sky and will come to nothing but surely Scottish football can't take that chance?

If it's as simple as Ann Budge is suggesting, then it would take half an hour to knock up a proposal paper detailing where the money comes from, the purpose of it and any conditions.

But it's not up to her to decide the details, purpose or any conditions, so why should she? If the SPFL don't want it the they should just say so!

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6 minutes ago, ScottyG said:

But it's not up to her to decide the details, purpose or any conditions, so why should she? If the SPFL don't want it the they should just say so!

Its up to the donors to decide the conditions, which could include the purpose and the detail. If shes acting as the intermediary between them and the SPFL then why shouldnt she put some of the detail in writing?

Whats more worrying is how in, apparently, several discussions between Budge and Doncaster there was confusion over the conditions behind the donations.

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13 minutes ago, ScottyG said:

But it's not up to her to decide the details, purpose or any conditions, so why should she? If the SPFL don't want it the they should just say so!

You've swallowed Budge's propaganda quicker than BBC Scotland.

Asking Budge to put in a paper and formalise it is not the same as saying they don't want it.

Also, she is the intermediary with these donors so the onnus is on her. They approached her and she has a responsibility to bring it forward or even pass them to Doncaster. I think he even said as much.

Budge has had an almighty mare here. She's turned something that could be a good news story into a farce.

Edited by Trogdor
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22 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:

A partly fair point but only addresses the problem in the top half of the two lower divisions. Playoffs change nothing in regards to ghe meaninglessness of games in the lower halves of tables really nor for the top end of the Premier.

They do if you set up your playoffs properly. For the lower leagues: 

1st and 2nd go up automatically (with 13th and 14th straight down from the top two flights)

3rd and 4th go into the playoff semi final with 12th from the Premiership

5th then plays the team that finishes top of the bottom section for the last semi final spot. 

A similar playoff can be set up to determine at least one of the European spots in the top flight, as they have already been doing in the Netherlands for years.

That said, we should hardly be putting a premium on 'competitive games' above all else in any sort of reconstructed setup. We already have an insanely high number of competitive games under the current format: the overall standard is brutal though and has been declining for years. A larger and more stable midtable would give coaches the breathing space to develop an increasingly cohesive team, instead of chucking in more ringers to keep their club up/get into the playoffs every six months.

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58 minutes ago, ScottyG said:

I just hope that the SPFL board don't act like many of the posters on here and just ignore this (perhaps) opportunity. One of the things Budge was complaining about was the lack of interest from anyone at the SPFL. Surely someone, (maybe a highly paid chief exec) should have been jumping all over this and not telling her to get on with it and present a paper? Ann Budge made it plain that her interests lie in protecting Hearts and that's where she wanted to direct her energies. Ok, there is a chance that this is pie in the sky and will come to nothing but surely Scottish football can't take that chance?

Seriously, are you 12? Nobody, but nobody, has expressed a lack of interest. A lot of cynicism and scepticism but thats not the same thing. She / they havent been asked for anything unreasonable. 

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37 minutes ago, ScottyG said:

But it's not up to her to decide the details, purpose or any conditions, so why should she? If the SPFL don't want it the they should just say so!

Are you a child?

Do you seriously expect an organisation so open to public scrutiny as the SPFL to agree to accept money without question from an unknown source with no paper trail or opportunity to ask questions of the donor?

Eta, snap!

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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