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Sevco and their fans suffer humiliating dossier defeat

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17 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

It's not really though, is it?

Call me naive, but I wouldn't have thought anyone would fail at that incredibly low bar.

I know better now.

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18 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Call me naive, but I wouldn't have thought anyone would fail at that incredibly low bar.

I know better now.

The SPFL dont need to be competent here tbf.

Worst bit is they bungled the vote by firstly even giving a "No" option, and then publishing results before every vote had been cast. A competent board simply says vote yes if you agree, deadline is in 28 days. If we dont get enough votes then it fails. The addition of a "No" vote was simply to rush it through presumably.

Luckily for them they can get out that by simply telling the truth since Rangers have decided they're the leading light in terms of challenging the SPFL. Rangers have tied themselves in knots with lie after lie and are now genuinely trying the "fake news" schtick by claiming they never said there was bullying, despite spending about 2 weeks, and a tweet from the official Twitter account, saying they are being bullied.

There could genuinely have been an argument to have Doncaster and get a change on the SPFL Board, but Rangers have fucked it for everyone by being so fucking thick.

Edited by RandomGuy.
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2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

There could genuinely have been an argument to have Doncaster and get a chance on the SPFL Board, but Rangers have fucked it for everyone by being so fucking thick.

The problem is, that would be reliant on the rest of the SPFL chairmen thinking that Doncaster had been doing a shite job. If they don't, he'd just be replaced by another safe pair of hands who wouldn't do things any differently.

It would be a laugh to see an alternate future where The Rangers got to pick their fantasy SPFL board, though. They'd still be throwing tantrums about clubs not allowing their B team to compete in the Europa League.

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Just now, mike rankine said:
4 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:
Doncaster’s name isn’t on this ?? Thought he’d have wanted his name to this !!

In part, it's a defence of Doncaster and McKenzie therefore wholly appropriate that he doesn't sign it.

Indeed. The letter pointedly doesn't cover the "allegations" that involve Murdo Maclennan and Ross McArthur, who actually are signatories.

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1. The bullying thing is an irrelevance. One man's bullying is another man's lobbying.

2. The claim that monies couldn't be advanced looks completely unconvincing. If clubs were really desperate, they could have voted to take money early but on a full and final basis - so that if the league ever got finished and positions changed, then tough. Or they could have voted to take 80% of the remaining £9m on condition that there was to be a final reconciliation. Some teams might have to pay back something - others would be due something. If a team defaulted on paying back then the SPFL could take it out of the £1.8m retained and/or deducted it from any future prize monies that team were due. But bearing in mind the serious payouts are for positions 1 and 2 - and they weren't changing - the risks were not big. I would still be unhappy, but a lot less suspicious  if they just admitted that there were other possibilities. So the question remains, who's idea was it to weld money release to a yes vote and why? And what exactly was so wrong and unfixable about Rangers' alternative proposal that it couldn't have got onto the board agenda?

3. Not clear what is being said about this £10m liability? That bit is as clear as mud (apart from pleading FFS stop showing our hand to the TV companies. Which is a fair point). 

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The spfl have really spat the dummy out now.
"Douglas Park was nasty and made Neil cry"
"Stewart Roberston will pay for leaking our shifty deals"
" Sevco aren't getting away with this, we did nothing wrong "
Vicky you get dumber by the day.
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5 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

1. The bullying thing is an irrelevance. One man's bullying is another man's lobbying.

2. The claim that monies couldn't be advanced looks completely unconvincing. If clubs were really desperate, they could have voted to take money early but on a full and final basis - so that if the league ever got finished and positions changed, then tough. Or they could have voted to take 80% of the remaining £9m on condition that there was to be a final reconciliation. Some teams might have to pay back something - others would be due something. If a team defaulted on paying back then the SPFL could take it out of the £1.8m retained and/or deducted it from any future prize monies that team were due. But bearing in mind the serious payouts are for positions 1 and 2 - and they weren't changing - the risks were not big. I would still be unhappy, but a lot less suspicious  if they just admitted that there were other possibilities. So the question remains, who's idea was it to weld money release to a yes vote and why? And what exactly was so wrong and unfixable about Rangers' alternative proposal that it couldn't have got onto the board agenda?

3. Not clear what is being said about this £10m liability? That bit is as clear as mud (apart from pleading FFS stop showing our hand to the TV companies. Which is a fair point). 


Bearing on mind that Hearts (perhaps Mrs Budge) have attached themselves to Rangers' coat tails on this issue, are you happy with the contents of the dossier and the tone of it's delivery ?

Is it as "explosive" as you would have hoped / anticipated ?

Just asking, genuine questions, no irony or dig intended.

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Been out pissing around in the garden in the absence of gainful employment.

Have there been any more quality statements by The Rangers, or are they all away singing Land of Hope and Glory with their real pals in England?


Lets fuckin hope so, and lets pull up the fuckin drawbridge


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43 minutes ago, mike rankine said:
46 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:
Doncaster’s name isn’t on this ?? Thought he’d have wanted his name to this !!

In part, it's a defence of Doncaster and McKenzie therefore wholly appropriate that he doesn't sign it.

I probably should have bothered to read it mind you 😂.


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2 hours ago, bennett said:

The spfl have really spat the dummy out now.


"Douglas Park was nasty and made Neil cry"

"Stewart Roberston will pay for leaking our shifty deals"

" Sevco aren't getting away with this, we did nothing wrong "


By "spat the dummy out" I assume you mean answered every claim you lot have clearly and with details of dates to make their responses easily verifiable?

The simple fact remains that Stewart Robertson could have asked these questions at any point in the last month and got your answers, but instead you lot went down the 'dossier' route calling foul, most likely just to appease their moon howling fans.

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11 minutes ago, Green Day said:

Been out pissing around in the garden in the absence of gainful employment.

Have there been any more quality statements by The Rangers, or are they all away singing Land of Hope and Glory with their real pals in England?

  Reveal hidden contents

Lets fuckin hope so, and lets pull up the fuckin drawbridge


You’ll get an outside tap for about £20.00 mate. Better for the plants and you are less likely to get complaints from your neighbours.

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2 hours ago, Spring Onion said:

You're right, do you think your club will ask him to step down or he will resign himself. How do you actually fire one of your own?

I understand they are recruiting for a new gardener......

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2 hours ago, TheGoon said:

They can’t/won’t go to court with this, will they? Despite what the orcs might think?

If they do, it will be glorious when the judge orders them to pay all costs for wasting the courts time.....

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