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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I don't think the looters and protesters should be put together as if there's the same thing. The protesters create a bit of a safe zone from the police and the looters come in and exploit it. There will be a bit of cross over but they're not the same.

If I've done that, it's because I'm thinking from the point of view of the authorities. There's no difference as far as they're concerned.

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6 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I still don't think anything will change, however, but maybe over time something will happen. Unless the state manages to restrict access to cellphones with cameras of course, mwahahahaha.

Seen people say this will be like 1905. Spontaneous, leaderless and eventually rudderless and smashed with even worse reaction.

Edited by NotThePars
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18 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

One thing I was warned about over there was that you never, ever approach the police. Would've been nice if someone had warned me before I approached a parked patrol car for help with a very minor incident and was screamed at to, "STAY AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE! STAY AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE!"

Whoever posted that they act like an occupying army was dead on. No matter how many times people try to point out aggression, corruption, and plain stupidity from our police force, there is absolutely no comparison.

I was told the exact same thing. Unless you feel like you are in a genuine life threatening position, don’t engage with the police. The UK police aren’t perfect but I would think I would be able to use words to reason with them in certain situations, these American storm troopers seem to have one setting only. 

EDIT - When we went to America we were told by our work under no circumstances to say to border police that we travelled for ‘work’, as a colleague had spent 6 hours in an interview room the month before. We were to say we were here for ‘business’, and instructed to carry a folder with our hotel confirmation print out and details of our return flight. 

Watching the actions of the American police these last few days is actually sickening, the force they are using to deal with defenceless protestors just shows them up as the absolute cowards they are. It’s as if they’ve never swung a baton in anger in their career before and they are taking every opportunity to do so now, wether it’s black youth, middle aged woman or pensioners with walking sticks.  I’ve hardly been following it closely but I’ve seen videos of police pepper spraying guys lying yielding on the floor, just because they can... throwing other police out the way so they can swing their batons at the back of an innocent journalists head,  who is in the middle of running away from them...and then the video today where it appears to show a pensioner walking towards them trying to hand back a police helmet, get shoved in the chest and crack his head on the pavement, and then wait 30 seconds as god knows how many officers walk past him as blood pishes from his head. That ones not even a police problem, it’s a human problem, how can their instincts not be to help the man.

As a few people have said, if this is the sort of stuff they are getting upto when they are aware that literally the worlds media is watching them, what are they doing when they think they aren’t being recorded. 

Seen a few posts on here (Bennett), and on Twitter, saying that if you just comply with the police instructions you will be fine. I wonder if anyone that said that would like to change their minds now, after watching some of the antics the american police have been getting up to. You could be the most compliant, courteous, polite, nicest guy on the planet but if you are standing within an arms length of a policeman armed with a baton you are getting hit with it. 

Edited by IrishBhoy
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6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I don't think the looters and protesters should be put together as if there's the same thing. The protesters create a bit of a safe zone from the police and the looters come in and exploit it. There will be a bit of cross over but they're not the same.

Protesters = good guys, looters = wanks.

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2 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

A bold strategy.


Christ, Lou Reed's gotten fair radicalised in his old age.

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10 minutes ago, LincolnHearts said:


Literally no-one with more than two brain cells could believe that that was a "legit" image, so by posting it you're either incredibly stupid, or using a variation of "just asking questions" to get away with posting what is plainly a racist image.

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1 hour ago, Gaz said:

Literally no-one with more than two brain cells could believe that that was a "legit" image, so by posting it you're either incredibly stupid, or using a variation of "just asking questions" to get away with posting what is plainly a racist image.

Given some of the blatantly racist stuff he’s done in the past, I’m inclined to think it’s the latter. However, he’s also come across thick as f**k regularly too, so it’s a tough one.

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The Courier (morning paper covering Tayside and Fife) is not known as a bastion of democracy or progressiveness.

A key article in today’s edition eviscerates Trump, raises issues of racism in Scotland and acknowledges white privilege.

Changed days?  Let’s hope it’s a start.


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