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13 minutes ago, Shanner said:

I'd recommend learning to walk on stilts if you follow a team with more than 100 traveling fans and want a decent view of the game at Drumchapel. 

I have been at the ground for my boys' football, to me that is what the pitch is for there. It is a sports centre nothing more. For youth football no issue with it however it should be no where near tier 6. I know there is talk of a covered terrace and tannoy however that is purely a tick box item for the license. 


Sadly another astro with no character entering the league. 

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16 minutes ago, Shanner said:

I'd recommend learning to walk on stilts if you follow a team with more than 100 traveling fans and want a decent view of the game at Drumchapel. 


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Ok rhubarb / wos / whatever new name, let’s take your points one at a time.
so you are not anti any club . . . 🤔 

For me after watching last night, that performance from Darvel is a sign of what is to come.

No training for a few weeks because of constant Wed games which affect Tue and Thu sessions. Same this week with 3 games in 4 days - but all clubs are having issues with that. The biggest issue was on Sat. Bringing in U20s on Monday afternoon that have not been part of formation or strategy meetings was 100% the correct thing to do despite the difficulties that would have. Most people I have spoke to have said Scotty P was the man of the match and a complete stand out despite that. Maybe if they have been a chance earlier they would have been better prepared but it would have been easier for them to say NO when asked. They haven’t been asked most of the season, it was probably the most difficult game for them to come into given the situation and the opponents who would have rightly been up for the game. But everyone turned up, gave it their all, but Auchinleck were far the better team. 

There appears to be serious issues brewing, major issues with pitch which is not going to be a quick fix.

Yes that cannot be denied. See my other post on the pitch. We had a plan, we had it ready, but because of all the trolling, my wee sad face appeared, and I thought why. But see who I call my elders, the pitch boys, they are there every day trying to just keep it going until the end of the season. Perhaps if you were not anti- “any club” you would be down helping with them. I certainly am. And so are many others. Do you know what was being planned for this summer? Were you part of the solution? Or does it suit to just be part of the problem?
Serious issues brewing? After 1 game against good opposition and no preparation? Should you not be positive about the U20s or are you writing them off too? No one else at the club is.

Rumours that the big earners are going to have their contracts ripped up and be free to leave.

Have you seen the contracts? Have you spoken to anyone at the club? Have you asked the question? Rumours?
What you mean is that is what you would like to happen and hope will happen. 
I have seen all the contracts and never has there been any discussions regarding tearing any contracts up. Regardless of what you think of behind the scenes, the players have earned their right to be where they are and that is being completely disrespectful to them and the club to start that rumour. The only discussions around contracts that have actually happened was about supporting some of them if they wanted to start their coaching badges as a thank you for all their service. The U20s were also recently supported with the most generous U20s contracts in the history of the club. All budgeted for and all planned out. It may or may not be as much as other clubs will offer but it was what they deserved from the club.

I think Darvel will, and very quickly, find their natural level. Unless the club opens itself to former committee members I worry about their long term future.

Really? Is that the best solution? Ask former members that constantly snipe from the sidelines, moan about absolutely everything, put as little money in the club as possible, and try and stop others doing it, is the right thing to do to stop you worrying.
Are the former committee members going to start playing? If all the players are having contracts ripped up, then that might be the only way to stop you worrying?
Or would it be better for these people to get behind the team they purpose to support? Committees come and go but the club should always stay with you. The agenda for everything just now appears to be to restore the glory days and former committee men. I only know 1, but from what I see the committee and volunteers in place just now give absolutely 100% only to be torn down at every opportunity. I don’t care who are pals with who. All I know is because former people have no say, everything is wrong, but some still want to be front and centre of attention. I don’t. I pulled myself back because of the personal attacks, mainly by you, and despite constantly saying you were wrong, it suited your agenda to tell everyone I was the new big boss and on an ego trip. Unfortunately for you that was never the case and the new big bad never actually existed.

John Gall going at the end of the season and I would imagine along with the mojority of the committee that were his pals, Frank Hill will be away tail between legs and I would imagine all the hangers ons will be away too.

Not sure who you think Johns pals are on the committee? I only knew 1 person before I bought our hospitality season passes this year. They might all be his pals, but I can assure you that from what I see, he gets as hard a time from me and several others, as he will ever had had in his time. The same people who stepped in at the weekend to do the laundry, to organise the kits, without being asked. The same people who probably will have moaned about me over the past few months (to myself in person for the benefit of the club), my constant questions and going through every single little detail, who despite any issues, still turn up, still do do the lines, the nets, the pitch, the pie hut, the bar, the gates. Constantly sniping at them doesn’t bother them. It’s the club first, personal agendas second, and they have my total admiration for that.

The tie in with Galston YFC is in tatters as well. Bronsky, Aitken, Sideserf all on way to Gartcairn, Syme strongly linked to Talbot all players going on a free as the club can not honour contracts.

Tie in with Galston is in tatters? You must know something I don’t because I sat down with some of the committee recently and all was good. Not heard anything but you must be close enough to know something else?
Three players heading to Gartcairn? First I’ve heard again? Pretty sure any buying club has to contact the selling club? You’ve not even used your favourite phrase “I heard”. You have said they are all away. You are completely wrong. No offers received and all still under contract but you know best.
Syme strongly linked to Auchinleck? Really? Have you spoken to Syme? Do you know anything about him or are you just trying to unsettle the boy? 
The club cannot honour contracts? Again, please let me know your evidence. I do the wages, I pay the wages, I have seen the contracts, and everything is in order. Budgets have been prepared for the next 2 years and still remain one of the top four budgets in the league. All properly costed and calculated.
Stop trying to create headlines when there are none. Improved contracts have been issued to the U20s and the first team are demanding bonuses extra to their contracts which have been addressed. Giving more money than need to? Yep sounds like contracts are being more than honoured and actually enhanced if you ask me.

Leishman and G Wilson to retire with Leishman heading back to Talbot as a club ambassador. Hutton returning to Pollok. Michael Oliver bringing players in from Ashfield while Michael Kennedy sets to loan darvel players.

Again, you must have better sources than me. For the talent those two players have, I think all the club would like them to stay, whether as impact players, or to help into a coaching position. Up to the manager and the players, but I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone at the club that they are top professionals, give everything they have, and would be a credit to any club. Yes time is catching up but there is no substitute for experience and training they have that can be passed on. For me, they are up there with the reason the club is where it is. Total professionals.
Hutton returning to Pollock? Have you been walking around a different planet to me? Do you know if he is still under contract at Pollok, a free agent, wants to retire, or wants to help development at the club by staying on? Did you really just type that?
Michael Oliver bringing players from Ashfield? I’ve not issued any contracts to anyone for management or playing. The committee hasn’t met to discuss any applications they have had already. Is that just your way of unsettling players at the club? Contrary to what is being said, someone at the club actually told two players they were being signed this year and also for next. Guess what? No one knew and I feel sorry for the players talked to - and their families - that now have to look elsewhere because everyone knew contract talks would be in the summer and no signing would be made this year before then. But obviously someone thought different.
MK to loan Darvel players? Nope not seen anything there either.

So everything posted was a blatant lie trying to wind folk up and destroy a club you say is close to your heart.

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6 minutes ago, FHill said:

Ok rhubarb / wos / whatever new name, let’s take your points one at a time.
so you are not anti any club . . . 🤔 

For me after watching last night, that performance from Darvel is a sign of what is to come.

No training for a few weeks because of constant Wed games which affect Tue and Thu sessions. Same this week with 3 games in 4 days - but all clubs are having issues with that. The biggest issue was on Sat. Bringing in U20s on Monday afternoon that have not been part of formation or strategy meetings was 100% the correct thing to do despite the difficulties that would have. Most people I have spoke to have said Scotty P was the man of the match and a complete stand out despite that. Maybe if they have been a chance earlier they would have been better prepared but it would have been easier for them to say NO when asked. They haven’t been asked most of the season, it was probably the most difficult game for them to come into given the situation and the opponents who would have rightly been up for the game. But everyone turned up, gave it their all, but Auchinleck were far the better team. 

There appears to be serious issues brewing, major issues with pitch which is not going to be a quick fix.

Yes that cannot be denied. See my other post on the pitch. We had a plan, we had it ready, but because of all the trolling, my wee sad face appeared, and I thought why. But see who I call my elders, the pitch boys, they are there every day trying to just keep it going until the end of the season. Perhaps if you were not anti- “any club” you would be down helping with them. I certainly am. And so are many others. Do you know what was being planned for this summer? Were you part of the solution? Or does it suit to just be part of the problem?
Serious issues brewing? After 1 game against good opposition and no preparation? Should you not be positive about the U20s or are you writing them off too? No one else at the club is.

Rumours that the big earners are going to have their contracts ripped up and be free to leave.

Have you seen the contracts? Have you spoken to anyone at the club? Have you asked the question? Rumours?
What you mean is that is what you would like to happen and hope will happen. 
I have seen all the contracts and never has there been any discussions regarding tearing any contracts up. Regardless of what you think of behind the scenes, the players have earned their right to be where they are and that is being completely disrespectful to them and the club to start that rumour. The only discussions around contracts that have actually happened was about supporting some of them if they wanted to start their coaching badges as a thank you for all their service. The U20s were also recently supported with the most generous U20s contracts in the history of the club. All budgeted for and all planned out. It may or may not be as much as other clubs will offer but it was what they deserved from the club.

I think Darvel will, and very quickly, find their natural level. Unless the club opens itself to former committee members I worry about their long term future.

Really? Is that the best solution? Ask former members that constantly snipe from the sidelines, moan about absolutely everything, put as little money in the club as possible, and try and stop others doing it, is the right thing to do to stop you worrying.
Are the former committee members going to start playing? If all the players are having contracts ripped up, then that might be the only way to stop you worrying?
Or would it be better for these people to get behind the team they purpose to support? Committees come and go but the club should always stay with you. The agenda for everything just now appears to be to restore the glory days and former committee men. I only know 1, but from what I see the committee and volunteers in place just now give absolutely 100% only to be torn down at every opportunity. I don’t care who are pals with who. All I know is because former people have no say, everything is wrong, but some still want to be front and centre of attention. I don’t. I pulled myself back because of the personal attacks, mainly by you, and despite constantly saying you were wrong, it suited your agenda to tell everyone I was the new big boss and on an ego trip. Unfortunately for you that was never the case and the new big bad never actually existed.

John Gall going at the end of the season and I would imagine along with the mojority of the committee that were his pals, Frank Hill will be away tail between legs and I would imagine all the hangers ons will be away too.

Not sure who you think Johns pals are on the committee? I only knew 1 person before I bought our hospitality season passes this year. They might all be his pals, but I can assure you that from what I see, he gets as hard a time from me and several others, as he will ever had had in his time. The same people who stepped in at the weekend to do the laundry, to organise the kits, without being asked. The same people who probably will have moaned about me over the past few months (to myself in person for the benefit of the club), my constant questions and going through every single little detail, who despite any issues, still turn up, still do do the lines, the nets, the pitch, the pie hut, the bar, the gates. Constantly sniping at them doesn’t bother them. It’s the club first, personal agendas second, and they have my total admiration for that.

The tie in with Galston YFC is in tatters as well. Bronsky, Aitken, Sideserf all on way to Gartcairn, Syme strongly linked to Talbot all players going on a free as the club can not honour contracts.

Tie in with Galston is in tatters? You must know something I don’t because I sat down with some of the committee recently and all was good. Not heard anything but you must be close enough to know something else?
Three players heading to Gartcairn? First I’ve heard again? Pretty sure any buying club has to contact the selling club? You’ve not even used your favourite phrase “I heard”. You have said they are all away. You are completely wrong. No offers received and all still under contract but you know best.
Syme strongly linked to Auchinleck? Really? Have you spoken to Syme? Do you know anything about him or are you just trying to unsettle the boy? 
The club cannot honour contracts? Again, please let me know your evidence. I do the wages, I pay the wages, I have seen the contracts, and everything is in order. Budgets have been prepared for the next 2 years and still remain one of the top four budgets in the league. All properly costed and calculated.
Stop trying to create headlines when there are none. Improved contracts have been issued to the U20s and the first team are demanding bonuses extra to their contracts which have been addressed. Giving more money than need to? Yep sounds like contracts are being more than honoured and actually enhanced if you ask me.

Leishman and G Wilson to retire with Leishman heading back to Talbot as a club ambassador. Hutton returning to Pollok. Michael Oliver bringing players in from Ashfield while Michael Kennedy sets to loan darvel players.

Again, you must have better sources than me. For the talent those two players have, I think all the club would like them to stay, whether as impact players, or to help into a coaching position. Up to the manager and the players, but I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone at the club that they are top professionals, give everything they have, and would be a credit to any club. Yes time is catching up but there is no substitute for experience and training they have that can be passed on. For me, they are up there with the reason the club is where it is. Total professionals.
Hutton returning to Pollock? Have you been walking around a different planet to me? Do you know if he is still under contract at Pollok, a free agent, wants to retire, or wants to help development at the club by staying on? Did you really just type that?
Michael Oliver bringing players from Ashfield? I’ve not issued any contracts to anyone for management or playing. The committee hasn’t met to discuss any applications they have had already. Is that just your way of unsettling players at the club? Contrary to what is being said, someone at the club actually told two players they were being signed this year and also for next. Guess what? No one knew and I feel sorry for the players talked to - and their families - that now have to look elsewhere because everyone knew contract talks would be in the summer and no signing would be made this year before then. But obviously someone thought different.
MK to loan Darvel players? Nope not seen anything there either.

So everything posted was a blatant lie trying to wind folk up and destroy a club you say is close to your heart.

Why were the U20's used? Were there players who refused to turn up after Tony's sacking?

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9 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

Why were the U20's used? Were there players who refused to turn up after Tony's sacking?

I can’t answer the last part. That will stay in the dressing room.

But a lot of injuries and a belief that the U20s could use first team game time before the cup final in case they were needed as the league is sadly gone. I take my hat off to the U20s as they could easily have said no as their own team were playing the same night. But club first, as they always do, even if just to sit on a bench, including Jack Howie cancelling a Blackpool tournament without being asked because he knew he was needed. 
Credit to David and his backroom team for bringing them in even if only for experience this season and under extremely challenging circumstances.

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1 hour ago, Wos-observer said:

I have been at the ground for my boys' football, to me that is what the pitch is for there. It is a sports centre nothing more. For youth football no issue with it however it should be no where near tier 6. I know there is talk of a covered terrace and tannoy however that is purely a tick box item for the license. 


Sadly another astro with no character entering the league. 

It's not the astro that is the issue with these sports centres.

I have been to astros at Bonnyton and down here at Newton Stewart and St.Cuthberts. There is not much to criticise with the fan facilties at the above.

I know there are some who only feel football should be played on muddy pitches that have grass for 2 weeks in July. Remember the uproar when grass was replacing ash, it was the start if the apocalypse for some. Astros are the future with wetter weather becoming the norm.

The problem is as you have said; the cages at places like Stepford, Huntershill and Airdrie (MTC). They are as you state ideal for youth games not semi-pro.

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1 hour ago, An Absolute Imposter said:

It's not the astro that is the issue with these sports centres.

I have been to astros at Bonnyton and down here at Newton Stewart and St.Cuthberts. There is not much to criticise with the fan facilties at the above.

I know there are some who only feel football should be played on muddy pitches that have grass for 2 weeks in July. Remember the uproar when grass was replacing ash, it was the start if the apocalypse for some. Astros are the future with wetter weather becoming the norm.

The problem is as you have said; the cages at places like Stepford, Huntershill and Airdrie (MTC). They are as you state ideal for youth games not semi-pro.

You're needing to visit proper parks. Your description there could never be levelled at Auchinleck for example.

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4 hours ago, clansman said:

Local derby with a capacity of about 150.

Brutal, will they be selling tickets? Not exactly fair to Bankies fans who’ve followed their club for decades to be turned back at the gate because its overcrowded etc. same could be said for other teams like Lok, Talbot etc who bring decent away supports. No way is the donald dewar leisure centre an appropriate venue. 

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7 hours ago, An Absolute Imposter said:

It's not the astro that is the issue with these sports centres.

I have been to astros at Bonnyton and down here at Newton Stewart and St.Cuthberts. There is not much to criticise with the fan facilties at the above.

I know there are some who only feel football should be played on muddy pitches that have grass for 2 weeks in July. Remember the uproar when grass was replacing ash, it was the start if the apocalypse for some. Astros are the future with wetter weather becoming the norm.

The problem is as you have said; the cages at places like Stepford, Huntershill and Airdrie (MTC). They are as you state ideal for youth games not semi-pro.

I’d say pitch quality is as good as it’s ever been for the most part. And I include the notoriously sodden Keanie Park in that.

Granted a few howlers (St Rochs, Thorniewood) but mostly in good condition. Special mention to Irvine Vics and the old guy who does the pitch there - two seasons ago it was pristine when they beat Burgh.

As for the ash pitch point, given the last ash pitch in the old Central League (no idea which was the last in Ayrshire) went in 1981 and it was the last by a few years, it’s a bit of a moot point and not the same as grass v Astro.


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8 hours ago, An Absolute Imposter said:

It's not the astro that is the issue with these sports centres.

I have been to astros at Bonnyton and down here at Newton Stewart and St.Cuthberts. There is not much to criticise with the fan facilties at the above.

I know there are some who only feel football should be played on muddy pitches that have grass for 2 weeks in July. Remember the uproar when grass was replacing ash, it was the start if the apocalypse for some. Astros are the future with wetter weather becoming the norm.

The problem is as you have said; the cages at places like Stepford, Huntershill and Airdrie (MTC). They are as you state ideal for youth games not semi-pro.

Agree with this, Townhead Park in Cumnock is a still a great ground, decent food, great social club, views are pretty good (aslong as they move the goals) 


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6 minutes ago, ibenji said:

Agree with this, Townhead Park in Cumnock is a still a great ground, decent food, great social club, views are pretty good (aslong as they move the goals) 


Wasted by the plastic pitch.

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1 hour ago, andy25 said:

Wasted by the plastic pitch.

Sure for the football groundhopper or football snob types it’s probably not that popular but for the average fan experience it’s still one of the best grounds in the west 

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8 hours ago, ibenji said:

Sure for the football groundhopper or football snob types it’s probably not that popular but for the average fan experience it’s still one of the best grounds in the west 

If preferring to watch my football on grass makes me a snob, then so be it. I can literally think of well over 30 grounds off the top of my head that I'd prefer to watch a game.

What I will concede is that, if I had to watch a game on plastic, it is probably the best place to do so, rather than one of those awful cages.

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22 hours ago, FHill said:

Ok rhubarb / wos / whatever new name, let’s take your points one at a time.
so you are not anti any club . . . 🤔 

For me after watching last night, that performance from Darvel is a sign of what is to come.

No training for a few weeks because of constant Wed games which affect Tue and Thu sessions. Same this week with 3 games in 4 days - but all clubs are having issues with that. The biggest issue was on Sat. Bringing in U20s on Monday afternoon that have not been part of formation or strategy meetings was 100% the correct thing to do despite the difficulties that would have. Most people I have spoke to have said Scotty P was the man of the match and a complete stand out despite that. Maybe if they have been a chance earlier they would have been better prepared but it would have been easier for them to say NO when asked. They haven’t been asked most of the season, it was probably the most difficult game for them to come into given the situation and the opponents who would have rightly been up for the game. But everyone turned up, gave it their all, but Auchinleck were far the better team. 

There appears to be serious issues brewing, major issues with pitch which is not going to be a quick fix.

Yes that cannot be denied. See my other post on the pitch. We had a plan, we had it ready, but because of all the trolling, my wee sad face appeared, and I thought why. But see who I call my elders, the pitch boys, they are there every day trying to just keep it going until the end of the season. Perhaps if you were not anti- “any club” you would be down helping with them. I certainly am. And so are many others. Do you know what was being planned for this summer? Were you part of the solution? Or does it suit to just be part of the problem?
Serious issues brewing? After 1 game against good opposition and no preparation? Should you not be positive about the U20s or are you writing them off too? No one else at the club is.

Rumours that the big earners are going to have their contracts ripped up and be free to leave.

Have you seen the contracts? Have you spoken to anyone at the club? Have you asked the question? Rumours?
What you mean is that is what you would like to happen and hope will happen. 
I have seen all the contracts and never has there been any discussions regarding tearing any contracts up. Regardless of what you think of behind the scenes, the players have earned their right to be where they are and that is being completely disrespectful to them and the club to start that rumour. The only discussions around contracts that have actually happened was about supporting some of them if they wanted to start their coaching badges as a thank you for all their service. The U20s were also recently supported with the most generous U20s contracts in the history of the club. All budgeted for and all planned out. It may or may not be as much as other clubs will offer but it was what they deserved from the club.

I think Darvel will, and very quickly, find their natural level. Unless the club opens itself to former committee members I worry about their long term future.

Really? Is that the best solution? Ask former members that constantly snipe from the sidelines, moan about absolutely everything, put as little money in the club as possible, and try and stop others doing it, is the right thing to do to stop you worrying.
Are the former committee members going to start playing? If all the players are having contracts ripped up, then that might be the only way to stop you worrying?
Or would it be better for these people to get behind the team they purpose to support? Committees come and go but the club should always stay with you. The agenda for everything just now appears to be to restore the glory days and former committee men. I only know 1, but from what I see the committee and volunteers in place just now give absolutely 100% only to be torn down at every opportunity. I don’t care who are pals with who. All I know is because former people have no say, everything is wrong, but some still want to be front and centre of attention. I don’t. I pulled myself back because of the personal attacks, mainly by you, and despite constantly saying you were wrong, it suited your agenda to tell everyone I was the new big boss and on an ego trip. Unfortunately for you that was never the case and the new big bad never actually existed.

John Gall going at the end of the season and I would imagine along with the mojority of the committee that were his pals, Frank Hill will be away tail between legs and I would imagine all the hangers ons will be away too.

Not sure who you think Johns pals are on the committee? I only knew 1 person before I bought our hospitality season passes this year. They might all be his pals, but I can assure you that from what I see, he gets as hard a time from me and several others, as he will ever had had in his time. The same people who stepped in at the weekend to do the laundry, to organise the kits, without being asked. The same people who probably will have moaned about me over the past few months (to myself in person for the benefit of the club), my constant questions and going through every single little detail, who despite any issues, still turn up, still do do the lines, the nets, the pitch, the pie hut, the bar, the gates. Constantly sniping at them doesn’t bother them. It’s the club first, personal agendas second, and they have my total admiration for that.

The tie in with Galston YFC is in tatters as well. Bronsky, Aitken, Sideserf all on way to Gartcairn, Syme strongly linked to Talbot all players going on a free as the club can not honour contracts.

Tie in with Galston is in tatters? You must know something I don’t because I sat down with some of the committee recently and all was good. Not heard anything but you must be close enough to know something else?
Three players heading to Gartcairn? First I’ve heard again? Pretty sure any buying club has to contact the selling club? You’ve not even used your favourite phrase “I heard”. You have said they are all away. You are completely wrong. No offers received and all still under contract but you know best.
Syme strongly linked to Auchinleck? Really? Have you spoken to Syme? Do you know anything about him or are you just trying to unsettle the boy? 
The club cannot honour contracts? Again, please let me know your evidence. I do the wages, I pay the wages, I have seen the contracts, and everything is in order. Budgets have been prepared for the next 2 years and still remain one of the top four budgets in the league. All properly costed and calculated.
Stop trying to create headlines when there are none. Improved contracts have been issued to the U20s and the first team are demanding bonuses extra to their contracts which have been addressed. Giving more money than need to? Yep sounds like contracts are being more than honoured and actually enhanced if you ask me.

Leishman and G Wilson to retire with Leishman heading back to Talbot as a club ambassador. Hutton returning to Pollok. Michael Oliver bringing players in from Ashfield while Michael Kennedy sets to loan darvel players.

Again, you must have better sources than me. For the talent those two players have, I think all the club would like them to stay, whether as impact players, or to help into a coaching position. Up to the manager and the players, but I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone at the club that they are top professionals, give everything they have, and would be a credit to any club. Yes time is catching up but there is no substitute for experience and training they have that can be passed on. For me, they are up there with the reason the club is where it is. Total professionals.
Hutton returning to Pollock? Have you been walking around a different planet to me? Do you know if he is still under contract at Pollok, a free agent, wants to retire, or wants to help development at the club by staying on? Did you really just type that?
Michael Oliver bringing players from Ashfield? I’ve not issued any contracts to anyone for management or playing. The committee hasn’t met to discuss any applications they have had already. Is that just your way of unsettling players at the club? Contrary to what is being said, someone at the club actually told two players they were being signed this year and also for next. Guess what? No one knew and I feel sorry for the players talked to - and their families - that now have to look elsewhere because everyone knew contract talks would be in the summer and no signing would be made this year before then. But obviously someone thought different.
MK to loan Darvel players? Nope not seen anything there either.

So everything posted was a blatant lie trying to wind folk up and destroy a club you say is close to your heart.

Just to clear things up, I am not a Darvel fan and nor am I Rhubarb however if this suits your agenda then so be it. 


With regards to the "most generous U20s contracts in the history of the club" that you mention, giving that the u20s have only completed their 2nd season at u20s this statement although may be factually correct is hardly a boast, you are only entering the 3rd year with an u20s team there isn't a 100 year history of the u20s, so the statement is a fairly mute point giving that the u20s is only a new team. I for one am all for supporting the u20s development league if used correctly however at moment and this isn't a Darvel related statement but a statement across the board, the u20s for me at the moment is an extension of Boys Club football and not necessarily about getting boys into first team football. 


As an outsider looking in you have all this funding in place and grand plans, you either stay and deliver it all as you said you are capable of due to your extensive experience at Kilmarnock and Kilwinning Rangers (I what roles you played, I do not know! I have been round this level a long time and never heard of you), if you walk away and cite "trolling" as the reason I think it shows you up as the Walter Mitty character that you are. If you deliver what you have said you would while at the same time restoring the clubs reputation amongst other clubs that you have played a significant role in ruining i.e. Pollok and Talbot, the two biggest clubs at this level, if you can deliver what you have said you can then fair play. Walk away and it is simply a case that you are out your depth. 


There had been speculation for the full week before McInally got the bullet that Michael Oliver was coming in. The day of the Irvine Meadow game, before and during the game there was talk of McInally getting sacked after the game. I think there are ways to conduct yourselves as a club and this carry on is not it. Although not McInally biggest fan, giving the off field issues at Darvel this season he was on track to be the clubs most successful manager and have the clubs best ever season. Giving Tony's infamous reputation for taking clubs to the cleaners (Pollok/Cumnock fans may be able to offer some input) my understanding is that he doesn't go quietly and/or cheaply, I don't know the figure however I think both clubs just mentioned had to fork out considerable sums following his dismissal. I don't think Tony is the type of character to go without a fuss. Certainly reading his families posts there is no goodwill between both parties. 


Although players can be assets they can also be liabilities, if money is tight, already poor gates are only going to get worse. Darvel may need to come to an agreement to release the players. I know 3 players currently at Darvel will be playing for Gartcairn next season. 


In terms of John's pals on the committee, Stuart Wilson, Stevie Gilmour, Frazer Gall etc...were only there once John came in and only there because John is there. 


You talk about maintaining for the next two years a top 4 budget, is there a published list of each clubs' expenditure? Do you know the outgoings of the bigger spending clubs(or reported bigger spending clubs) Gartcairn, Clydebank, St Cadocs, Johnstone Burgh etc...is the claim you are going to have a top 4 budget able to be substantiated? 


If Talbot were to make Syme an offer, he is there in a heartbeat. I have been told from a reliable source that Syme has been trying to get the move to happen and is very keen on the move. 


Giving that Leishman and G Wilson have had considerable injuries which keeps them out for many games, then it is in the clubs best interest if an agreement can be reached to let them retire. 


Regarding the pitch, I personally do not blame John Gall for this, considerable sums which from my experience although mainly in synthetic surfaces, a figure of £250k for a new pitch would not be in any way unreasonable to assume has been spent on it. The company Allgrass who have twice installed the surface, first time I am lead to believe without drainage, we by all accounts a reputable contractor however whether they have failed or whoever was in charge pf the design (this may also be Allgrass) one thing is for certain and that is that the pitch has failed and is no longer and probably hasn't been all season, fit for purpose. While the work the volunteers put in should be commended, if they do not have experience in this type of work then a maintenance contractor should be brought in, yes there may be issues with Allgrass and you have cancelled maintenance contract with them however you have companies such as GT grougdcare, Pro-turf etc...that you see working on different parks. Surely if you cancel one contract with a contractor it shouldn't be the case that you just don't keep up maintenance of the pitch, bring in another contractor. 

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37 minutes ago, clansman said:

Looks like a rhubarb, quacks like a rhubarb, probably a rhubarb.

Could not have said it any better.

Still no happy? but I keep forgetting that he is a physio, a pitch specialist, a football agent, a contract lawyer, and knows everything about everything.
Not a Darvel fan but knows how they think the pitch was constructed and “knows” Syme is on the move. I hope that’s not true. But if it their reliable source that they use to get in the know for all of the above, then I’ll pass.
the under 20s comment is a low blow. Presuming it was to big them up. I’m sure that’s the only reason for saying as they were outstanding last night.


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4 minutes ago, GIRUU said:

Could not have said it any better.

Still no happy? but I keep forgetting that he is a physio, a pitch specialist, a football agent, a contract lawyer, and knows everything about everything.
Not a Darvel fan but knows how they think the pitch was constructed and “knows” Syme is on the move. I hope that’s not true. But if it their reliable source that they use to get in the know for all of the above, then I’ll pass.
the under 20s comment is a low blow. Presuming it was to big them up. I’m sure that’s the only reason for saying as they were outstanding last night.


Again believe what you want, we know this is Frank's burner account. 


Are you defending the pitch, there isn't a worse grass pitch in the league. That is with considerable sums being spent on it. Doesn't take an expert to know the construction or design has failed. If you read what I said, by all accounts Darvel did do research in terms of contractor who I believe carried out works at Ibrox. Yes there is obviously an ongoing issue over who is to blame for the pitch being as bad as it is however if you cancel a maintenance contract due to a dispute with the contractor, you simply can not cancel the maintenance as such another contractor should have been brought in. 


Syme has been touting himself around, in particular to Talbot. Whether they are interested or not I have no clue they always seem to keep matters in-house a bit better than most. Like it or not, the attraction at Darvel was purely money and that applies to all players. Once money is no longer free flowing, the appeal of the club is simply not there when you compare it to other clubs. If for talking sake you take a Pollok or Talbot with good grounds, big fan base etc...I am sure they are more attractive for players than Darvel who with no disrespect are not much more supported than some of the glorified boys club. 


My point on the u20s was not a low blow. To say it is the biggest in the clubs history makes it out to be something that has been ongoing for decades, as mentioned they are just finishing their 2nd season and managed to finish 2nd in the league which is good going. As always mentioned I encourage all teams to utilise the u20s system. 


I know you will have a few nodding heads amongst the Clydebank fans as they do not like that a have mentioned pitch sharing should not be allowed so it goes against their believe that despite being formed 20 years ago and with no significant history they somehow are a big club. I maintain, this is one of the worst WoS leagues in a while, if Clydebank couldn't win it this year then I don't see them winning it anytime soon. 

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6 minutes ago, Wos-observer said:

Again believe what you want, we know this is Frank's burner account. 


Are you defending the pitch, there isn't a worse grass pitch in the league. That is with considerable sums being spent on it. Doesn't take an expert to know the construction or design has failed. If you read what I said, by all accounts Darvel did do research in terms of contractor who I believe carried out works at Ibrox. Yes there is obviously an ongoing issue over who is to blame for the pitch being as bad as it is however if you cancel a maintenance contract due to a dispute with the contractor, you simply can not cancel the maintenance as such another contractor should have been brought in. 


Syme has been touting himself around, in particular to Talbot. Whether they are interested or not I have no clue they always seem to keep matters in-house a bit better than most. Like it or not, the attraction at Darvel was purely money and that applies to all players. Once money is no longer free flowing, the appeal of the club is simply not there when you compare it to other clubs. If for talking sake you take a Pollok or Talbot with good grounds, big fan base etc...I am sure they are more attractive for players than Darvel who with no disrespect are not much more supported than some of the glorified boys club. 


My point on the u20s was not a low blow. To say it is the biggest in the clubs history makes it out to be something that has been ongoing for decades, as mentioned they are just finishing their 2nd season and managed to finish 2nd in the league which is good going. As always mentioned I encourage all teams to utilise the u20s system. 


I know you will have a few nodding heads amongst the Clydebank fans as they do not like that a have mentioned pitch sharing should not be allowed so it goes against their believe that despite being formed 20 years ago and with no significant history they somehow are a big club. I maintain, this is one of the worst WoS leagues in a while, if Clydebank couldn't win it this year then I don't see them winning it anytime soon. 

Rhubarb Rhubarb Rhubarb 

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1 hour ago, Wos-observer said:

Again believe what you want, we know this is Frank's burner account. 


Are you defending the pitch, there isn't a worse grass pitch in the league. That is with considerable sums being spent on it. Doesn't take an expert to know the construction or design has failed. If you read what I said, by all accounts Darvel did do research in terms of contractor who I believe carried out works at Ibrox. Yes there is obviously an ongoing issue over who is to blame for the pitch being as bad as it is however if you cancel a maintenance contract due to a dispute with the contractor, you simply can not cancel the maintenance as such another contractor should have been brought in. 


Syme has been touting himself around, in particular to Talbot. Whether they are interested or not I have no clue they always seem to keep matters in-house a bit better than most. Like it or not, the attraction at Darvel was purely money and that applies to all players. Once money is no longer free flowing, the appeal of the club is simply not there when you compare it to other clubs. If for talking sake you take a Pollok or Talbot with good grounds, big fan base etc...I am sure they are more attractive for players than Darvel who with no disrespect are not much more supported than some of the glorified boys club. 


My point on the u20s was not a low blow. To say it is the biggest in the clubs history makes it out to be something that has been ongoing for decades, as mentioned they are just finishing their 2nd season and managed to finish 2nd in the league which is good going. As always mentioned I encourage all teams to utilise the u20s system. 


I know you will have a few nodding heads amongst the Clydebank fans as they do not like that a have mentioned pitch sharing should not be allowed so it goes against their believe that despite being formed 20 years ago and with no significant history they somehow are a big club. I maintain, this is one of the worst WoS leagues in a while, if Clydebank couldn't win it this year then I don't see them winning it anytime soon. 




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