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What Comic Did You Buy When You Were A Nipper?


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2 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

Action was brilliant, so different to any other comic at that time.

However it was that issue, with the chain-wielding thug and the policeman cowering below,  that led to a media outcry (it was dubbed The Sevenpenny Nightmare) and questions being raised in Parliament and publication being suspended.

It came back months later but had lost all of its edge. Sales dwindled and it merged with Battle.

There's an excellent history of it here.


Aye, I'd Googled it for an illustration to give it a bit of context, and unsurprisingly that was the first cover that came up!

Previously, my comic experience had been aunties coming up for their weekly visit armed with that week's Beano or whatever, but that was the first time I can remember word of mouth round the school playground "You NEED to get this new comic..."

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Just the Beano and this:


I remember making my own comic when I was in P7, although 'Skoop' came to an abrupt end soon after my mum started charging me for the raw materials I was nabbing for it.  An early lesson in profit margins saw the business become uneconomical and whenever I see 'Wee Gary' in Limmy's Show, it reminds me of that time. 

Edited by Hedgecutter
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6 minutes ago, Gus Setsniffer said:

Comics ? it was 2 wee regal singles and some matches.


never ever bought comics, if i was ill and of school and my maw bought me some, i liked the beezer more than the beano or dandy.

When you were five year old? That’s proper hardman type stuff.

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The Beano, The Dandy, Warlord, and a million of those wee Commando books. They were highly addictive for your psycho squaddie in waiting. Also Shoot, but although that had some comics in it, it was mainly photos of footballers and those shit games.

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44 minutes ago, deegee said:

Razzle and Men Only for me.

men only was a bit too glossy, cannae beat a reader's wives, back in the full bush days, the hoose was just as interesting as the wife, woodchip wall paper, a living room carpet screaming out for the invention of the rug doctor, ashtray sitting on a coffee table full of fag ends, and in the background a kitchen with a beige and red patterned lino.

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