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2020 on P&B - Best and Worst

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I told you, the big shots are firing, aiming for the Christmas No. 1.

Gunther, @John Lambies Doos, @oaksoft.

Some of the advice on the Evil Neighbours thread makes normal P&B advice ie burn your house or car down, tackle complex electrical/gas work on your own, seem positively reasonable.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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31 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I told you, the big shots are firing, aiming for the Christmas No. 1.

Gunther, @John Lambies Doos, @oaksoft.

Some of the advice on the Evil Neighbours thread makes normal P&B advice ie burn your house or car down, tackle complex electrical/gas work on your own, seem positively reasonable.

Gunther was a fucking weird poster, everytime I seen him post he would bring up his wife and post a picture up, absolute oddball behaviour, whenever I think off him I remember this fantastic bodying of a post from a Stenny fan, and it all fits. 

On 06/08/2016 at 12:58, Francesc Fabregas said:

I'm pleased to see Günther being called out for his outlook and attitude towards women and the LGBT community. I've met a lot of people from Pie and Bovril offline through the old fives tournaments and the Pie and Bovril Select side of 2007 and 2008 and he's the only person I have actively disliked. It's been a while since I've had the misfortune of being in his company but his posts on these forums are a mirror image of his real-life persona.

There was an incident after one of the Select games that has always troubled me. We were playing a match at the astroturf pitches at Stirling University (I can't remember who it was against or what the score was) and whilst we were in the communal showers, Günther grabbed a hose (which I presume was used for cleaning) and began squirting us with cold water. I think he took a genuine pleasure in watching us frolic naked, his big goggle-eyed face lighting up with glee. I don't think anyone found his antics funny.

Günther's post across Pie and Bovril always seem like a scramble for relevance, to borrow virginton's well-worn phrase, and a need to assert his masculinity. Every time he appears to lose an argument, his trump card is either his wife's appearance or how comfortable his life is. I don't think there's anyone else on the forum quite as desperate - imagine boasting about living in Larbert! There is a real seedy underbelly to his content and I truly believe it to be reflected in real life.


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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It was a little dry and academic in parts.

The feedback I got from my mum was "you're not writing your  PhD thesis now".

I captured the leading male protagonist pretty well but the character Celia Foxglove needs a little work. I feel I haven't quite captured the essence of her femininity. Tricky business writing female roles when you are a man. Still it's only a rough first draft.

^^^Serious mummy issues.

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53 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It was a little dry and academic in parts.

The feedback I got from my mum was "you're not writing your  PhD thesis now".

I captured the leading male protagonist pretty well but the character Celia Foxglove needs a little work. I feel I haven't quite captured the essence of her femininity. Tricky business writing female roles when you are a man. Still it's only a rough first draft.

Think I preferred when you were just displaying your unyielding hatred for the poor, tbh.

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25 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I assume it got deleted due to being an utterly terrifying glimpse into the terrifying mind of that particular poster


20 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

When is someone going to tell me what was said

I'm sorry but if you're not going to plug your mind into this website like Neo from the Matrix then you don't deserve to read the most depraved content that gets shared on here.

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