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2020 on P&B - Best and Worst

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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Another great example of why the heads gone thread needs brought back. Remember when JTS said he would no longer be bothered by certain posters? That lasted a while.

I recall him claiming that he was heading off to the beach for the rest of the year and wouldn't be posting again. In the period since he's had a meltdown managed to get himself banned/deleted his account, then come back with another meltdown account. Some people just don't know how to fully switch off*!



















and are fantasists


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Guest Axle Grease
3 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

Believe Jimmy still posts on here under the username @pawpar

Naw he doesn't. He no longer has an account.

One of his last incarnations got him being hassled by PM accusing him of being someone else, square goes the lot 😂😂

Some other rocket on here was the culprit. Another who's head had 'went' some time ago. 

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Prediction of the Year 2020

Granny Danger projecting 3m covid deaths within 8 days in Scotland in March, shortly followed by him claiming everyone else just couldn't understand basic arithmetic 

I've now put him on Ignore, so it's entirely possible he's beaten this with his crazy ramblings since then

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5 minutes ago, Andrew Driver said:

Some will remember I predicted that @Marshmallo would get back to a neutral reputation by the time the bells strike to welcome in 2021.   It'd a tough ask but if he puts in the hours and keeps it sober it's def poss.   10 days garnering 43 green (net) per day.    Play a trump card like the death of a dog or a relative to covid if you're tracking below target.    

Can I ask the squad to go the extra mile to paint everything green (regardless of content) and in the spirit of Christmas can I ask the regular 'marshy-dotters'  to just leave things alone and stop being a dick.   


Where's the fun in that? 

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1 minute ago, Andrew Driver said:

Build people up.   Some people forget that behind every username there is a user with a name.  

I just put a no makeup selfie on FB and got 19 likes.   

It's not nineteen forever pull yourself together

Added a 20th just now

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Some will remember I predicted that [mention=20881]Marshmallo[/mention] would get back to a neutral reputation by the time the bells strike to welcome in 2021.   It'd a tough ask but if he puts in the hours and keeps it sober it's def poss.   10 days garnering 43 green (net) per day.    Play a trump card like the death of a dog or a relative to covid if you're tracking below target.    

Can I ask the squad to go the extra mile to paint everything green (regardless of content) and in the spirit of Christmas can I ask the regular 'marshy-dotters'  to just leave things alone and stop being a dick.   

I get the impression that Marshy couldn't give a f**k about his rep.
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