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The Queen of the South thread

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I am looking at buying Queen of the South: The History 1919-2008 in the next couple of weeks, hopefully i can also find Passport to Europe somewhere on the net.

Thanks for the heads up about the other book guys :)

Pretty sure the club still has at least a box of Passport to Europe books in stock. Email John Paterson and ask. If not then I don't doubt Kenny Ramsey himself will have some. He has a website out there, I would imagine it has an email address. I've got his emial somewhere if need be.

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Anyone got this quiz book? Published last year, I've never heard of it before!

Yes, I have a copy. Club shop carried a stock at the time (and almost certainly still does, not sure) and there was a launch day at Palmerston when a number of ex-players attended before an early season match and were signing copies. Bill Goldie organised it all. He challenged me to find an error in it. I did eventually find one but I was being really really picky and it probably wasn't publicly available info anyway. If quiz books are your thing there's not a lot wrong with it.

EDIT - Having checked, it was launched before the Albion Rovers cup tie at the start of last season.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Sod eBay mate, try bookdepository.co.uk, usually very cheap and delivery to Oz is free. Have used it loads of times.

Glimpses only $5

History - available on other sites but very pricey

Passport to Europe - currently unavailable

Anyone got this quiz book? Published last year, I've never heard of it before!

Cheers, mate.

What would i do without you? ;)

Pretty sure the club still has at least a box of Passport to Europe books in stock. Email John Paterson and ask. If not then I don't doubt Kenny Ramsey himself will have some. He has a website out there, I would imagine it has an email address. I've got his emial somewhere if need be.

I am currently in e-mail conversation with John about some things i will be purchasing from the club, will ask him about the book.

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Most disappointing thing for me this season is that we were assured by Saints fans that Gus would have us well organised and difficult to beat. We are neither. After having a crap defence in every season since we were promoted, I was looking forward to having a decent one at last. Turns out to be one of the worst. Conceding a minimum of two goals in all five games against First Division opponents is shocking. Even if the rest of the team plays well, it makes no real difference because the defence will always chuck a couple in.

IMO we need a left back, and to play Alan Reid at right back, with Craig Reid in the middle and get Campbell out. Or else we need a left back and a centre back. I don't know why we signed a centre back who can't run. We already had McGuffie for that.

Yeah. Im surprised when Alan Reid came into the side that it was Higgins who moved into the centre and not Craig Reid. Higgins has certainly looked "better" in the middle than he did at left back, but Reids pace would be a huge asset in the centre.

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Most disappointing thing for me this season is that we were assured by Saints fans that Gus would have us well organised and difficult to beat. We are neither. After having a crap defence in every season since we were promoted, I was looking forward to having a decent one at last. Turns out to be one of the worst. Conceding a minimum of two goals in all five games against First Division opponents is shocking. Even if the rest of the team plays well, it makes no real difference because the defence will always chuck a couple in.

IMO we need a left back, and to play Alan Reid at right back, with Craig Reid in the middle and get Campbell out. Or else we need a left back and a centre back. I don't know why we signed a centre back who can't run. We already had McGuffie for that.

I must say I too am suprised with the football played under Gus. Much more pleasing on the eye than I expected. I wonder how many games without a win before the fans are longing for the less pleasant but more effective style of KB.

I very much doubt we'll be signing anyone else. I don't think we need to either to be honest as we are well covered in every position, and already have a larger squad than I expected. Whether what we have is good enough is to be seen!

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I must say I too am suprised with the football played under Gus. Much more pleasing on the eye than I expected. I wonder how many games without a win before the fans are longing for the less pleasant but more effective style of KB.

I very much doubt we'll be signing anyone else. I don't think we need to either to be honest as we are well covered in every position, and already have a larger squad than I expected. Whether what we have is good enough is to be seen!

We might have cover, but we dont have many options. I wonder how much of our "collapses" in the late stages of matches is down to the weakness of the bench. Not saying its the players on the benches fault, but how many starters continue, when they should ideally be subbed, because theres no one on the bench to replace them?

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Sorry, should have multi-quoted.

In the games I've seen, the reason we have faded in games is because we have spent so much time chasing the ball. We have played well in only short spells, relying in some cases on breakaways. Against Raith, for example, I thought we spent most of the first half trying to get the ball back and only broke forward a few times, although they were quite effective. Second half, we looked shattered. So, either it is down to chasing the ball or they just aren't fit enough. Given that we lost in extra-time to part-time Ayr, there is an argument for asking if our training needs to be looked at.

Which is strange because all the saints fans told us Gus would have the players super-fit.

I totally agree with what youre saying, but if we had better subs it would be less of an issue

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Which is strange because all the saints fans told us Gus would have the players super-fit.

I totally agree with what youre saying, but if we had better subs it would be less of an issue

Nicky Clark did pretty well off the bench on Saturday, he could easily have scored with a bit more luck. Brighton is a pretty good player to have on the bench as well, too good IMO. Or are only games that are being considered for your theory the ones that support it, i.e. the early season ones where we had injuries and suspensions?

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Nicky Clark did pretty well off the bench on Saturday, he could easily have scored with a bit more luck. Brighton is a pretty good player to have on the bench as well, too good IMO. Or are only games that are being considered for your theory the ones that support it, i.e. the early season ones where we had injuries and suspensions?

Yeah, I don't really agree with this suggestion there's no strength on the bench either to be honest. There's more than there was for long spells of last season generally.

When McCusker returns we'll be able to field a 16 that contains none of the former u19's should the manager so wish. Which is not to dismiss those boys either. Some of them looked more than adequate to at least cover at this level last season.

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Nicky Clark did pretty well off the bench on Saturday, he could easily have scored with a bit more luck. Brighton is a pretty good player to have on the bench as well, too good IMO. Or are only games that are being considered for your theory the ones that support it, i.e. the early season ones where we had injuries and suspensions?

The bench is ok, if everyone is fit. As we've seen when one or two are out its suddenly a lot weaker. Thats not to put the likes of McShane down, but our bench will be a lot weaker than the oppositions more often than not this season.

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The bench is ok, if everyone is fit. As we've seen when one or two are out its suddenly a lot weaker. Thats not to put the likes of McShane down, but our bench will be a lot weaker than the oppositions more often than not this season.

I doubt that's true to be honest. Apart from County (and perhaps Morton) everyone is running squads of about the same size and supplementing with u19's where required (indeed in our case our u19's are actually older than that slightly in most cases). I guess our Firhill friends may say otherwise but I'd say our bench was better than theirs on Saturday for a start. McKenzie, McGuffie, McShane, Clark and Brighton v Lindsay, Scully, O'Donnell, Stewart and Erskine. There's a lot more experience on our bench.

County had a stronger bench than us certainly but Raith had (McBride, Laidlaw, Wilson, Dyer, Reynolds) and Livingston had (McNulty, Travis, Jamieson, Deuchar AN Other)

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Beat Heston 6-2 last night, was more a reserve side with the onlu under 19's starting being Jim Atksinson, Patrick Slattery and some Bob boy upfront. Team was;

Jim Atkinson

Ryan McGuffie

Steven Black

Andy Millen

Kevin Holt

Ian McShane

Alan Johnston

Patrick Slattery

Steven Degnan

This Bob boy

Ryan Smillie

Some 15 year old and 2 under 19's came on.

Edit - this Bob boy was called Robbie Valance according to Solway press, he got 2, Black got 2, McGuffie got 1 and Degnan the other one.

Jim Atkinson - (goalkeeper for u19s is 16 yrs old) Robbie Vallance and Patrick Slattery are both new to u19s this season and are both 18. Gregor Anderson, Lewis Todd are part of u19s, and Dean Smith from u17s

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Was just reading the QOS Wikipedia page, which isn't reliable at the best of times.

But, is this true.

"The club became the first senior club in the UK to establish a topless cheerleading display at half time"

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