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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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You are right of course...the general public in Scotland won't see Yousaf's rhetoric as 'get the most seats and that's us Independent' after all 

'Credibility' from staunch supporters of the Humza 😄

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5 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

the general public in Scotland won't see Yousaf's rhetoric as 'get the most seats and that's us Independent' after all 

Only an absolute moron would interpret Humza's statements in that way.


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4 hours ago, sophia said:

I went looking for footage of that quite extraordinarily bad behaviour that gave the game away but couldn't find it. I do though recall Tom Gordon with his pomposity tazer turned up to max asking what he obviously thought were daily smart questions. His idiocy far outweighed his pertinency 

It would do you great credit if you would extend yourself to the foothills of credibility 

It got glossed over quickly and wasn't really picked up by the media, hardly surprising though.

I remember watching it live and thinking how obviously loaded the questions were and then the mask slipped fully when he was caught out.

We really do deserve better here in Scotland.

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Ash Regan's demands all look fairly reasonable 

Chucking in, trying to save Grangemouth 

Should all parties not have been calling for that anyway 

A capitulation which got an afternoons media coverage 

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14 minutes ago, Binos said:

Ash Regan's demands all look fairly reasonable 

Chucking in, trying to save Grangemouth 

Should all parties not have been calling for that anyway 

A capitulation which got an afternoons media coverage 

"trying to save grangemouth"

Its a bit unclear what the Scottish Govt can do to "save" the Ineos plant, when Ineos is a privately owned company and can basically do exactly as it wants*.

HY could say to Regan "aye, of course we will try to save it" and it wont make a shred of difference, as Ratcliffe etc are simply motivated by money.

*I am no fan of Ineos, Jim Ratcliffe or how they operate - but its important to separate what we want with what is actually realistic or achievable.

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9 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Why no talk of actual SNP MSPs perhaps abstaining or voting for the motion. Is he guaranteed 100% internal support?

I suppose its possible when you have malcontents like Fergus Ewing.

Although, would he want to ruin his final term and blacken the family name by being remembered chiefly as the guy who "brought down the SNP government"?

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31 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

I suppose its possible when you have malcontents like Fergus Ewing.

Although, would he want to ruin his final term and blacken the family name by being remembered chiefly as the guy who "brought down the SNP government"?

But he wouldn’t be; he’d just be the guy who got Humza punted. 

How it goes from there will be down to the new First Minister. It’d be down to the grown ups (steady) to decide whether they could unite behind a single candidate for the gig. 

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31 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

I suppose its possible when you have malcontents like Fergus Ewing.

Although, would he want to ruin his final term and blacken the family name by being remembered chiefly as the guy who "brought down the SNP government"?

I always find it quite laughable when politicians stick the boot into every other individual ‘acting in self interest’ or ‘old boys networks’ etc. but when it comes down to them actually sticking to their own principles or acting in the public interest they are the first to throw it all out the window. 

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8 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

But he wouldn’t be; he’d just be the guy who got Humza punted. 

How it goes from there will be down to the new First Minister. It’d be down to the grown ups (steady) to decide whether they could unite behind a single candidate for the gig. 

True, I was getting ahead of myself there......................obviously the Sarwar Vonc will go nowhere.

7 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I always find it quite laughable when politicians stick the boot into every other individual ‘acting in self interest’ or ‘old boys networks’ etc. but when it comes down to them actually sticking to their own principles or acting in the public interest they are the first to throw it all out the window. 

Yep - sadly, politics and those who are drawn toward it just dont reflect how most of us would act "in real life".

What is inevitable in this case is that there will be some SNP MSPs - who dont rate HY - who will not vote to remove him, as that would reflect poorly on them both locally and to the SNP bosses.

I am not 100% sure it will get to this anyway.

I rather suspect that HY will be persuaded to step down before the VonC, the SNP group will elect a new leader and the Greens will step back into the fold.

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If you're the SNP, you surely want Humza to carry the can for the forthcoming potential drubbing in the GE before replacing and resetting ?

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38 minutes ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:

If you're the SNP, you surely want Humza to carry the can for the forthcoming potential drubbing in the GE before replacing and resetting ?

The longer he stays though the more that the SNP will be damaged not just him.

Also, if Forbes did replace him the opposition are going to have more difficulty in attacking her considering they've been singing her praises for the past year.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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5 hours ago, Leith Green said:

"trying to save grangemouth"

Its a bit unclear what the Scottish Govt can do to "save" the Ineos plant, when Ineos is a privately owned company and can basically do exactly as it wants*.

HY could say to Regan "aye, of course we will try to save it" and it wont make a shred of difference, as Ratcliffe etc are simply motivated by money.

*I am no fan of Ineos, Jim Ratcliffe or how they operate - but its important to separate what we want with what is actually realistic or achievable.

Salmond negotiated a deal the last time Ratcliffe threatened to close it...



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1 hour ago, Lurkst said:

Salmond negotiated a deal the last time Ratcliffe threatened to close it...



The point is though that it is still Ineos who have the final say. Because a deal was accepted last time doesn't mean it will be this time. 

Yes, the Scottish Government should do everything it can to keep the plant open but the reality is that it isn't their decision to make.

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On 25/04/2024 at 14:29, MazzyStar said:


Greer - who can kindly be described as a nyaff - has repeatedly spoken out against Assad and his regime. Assad is considered to be directly responsible for the death of over 230,000 of his own people in the last 10 years, including over 15,000 estimated to be tortured and over 150,000 forcible disappearances. Assad and said regime remain in power but Greer is no longer in Government. Is this the meme story/comparator here? 

If I have understood correctly - and perhaps not - this is not just peak Facebook Da here, this is a whole new level.....

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4 hours ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:

If you're the SNP, you surely want Humza to carry the can for the forthcoming potential drubbing in the GE before replacing and resetting ?

If you're Forbes or her allies then absolutely. Not to mention being able to give a public show of loyalty to The Party after the Greens have been emptied, which is the obvious smart play before taking over in a couple of years and packaging Continuity Nicola as the problem.

But with the numbers literally balanced it does only take one or two MSPs to take a leaf out of the UK Tory party book, decide a change of leadership is needed now, and it's game over for Yousaf. I think the sight of assorted Yoon parties launching VONC will prop up party discipline that wouldn't have necessarily been there - with the removal of Slater's fruit loops placating the most likely rebels too. 

The alternative of letting a handful of weirdos in sandals debate for weeks and then choose whether the SG is quite shite enough to leave remains the worse of the two possible options Yousaf faced by the start of the week. 

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3 hours ago, KingRocketman II said:

Greer - who can kindly be described as a nyaff - has repeatedly spoken out against Assad and his regime. Assad is considered to be directly responsible for the death of over 230,000 of his own people in the last 10 years, including over 15,000 estimated to be tortured and over 150,000 forcible disappearances. Assad and said regime remain in power but Greer is no longer in Government. Is this the meme story/comparator here? 

If I have understood correctly - and perhaps not - this is not just peak Facebook Da here, this is a whole new level.....

Assad debate* is worthwhile, probably the wrong thread for it, though.


*I don't mean Assad debate per se, as in debate about his character, his responsibility for the mass slaughter of innocents is a closed book case. I mean debate on wider issues around the Syrian civil war.

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