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Lucy Letby guilty

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8 minutes ago, Donathan said:

Aye that’s what’s happened here 

Aye, but you think starving to death in captivity is natural causes.

If that's the case, put a noose round her neck on a platform with a hole in it until she naturally falls through and breaks her neck.

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2 minutes ago, RH33 said:

f**k me 25 years of believing I had mental health issues and multiple psychiatric inpatient stays.

And all I had was a categories c in a diagnosic list.

In no way does anything i've said discount you having "mental health issues"

Its a fact that BPD is a Cluster B personality disorder and not a mental illness though.

As i said, you may well experience the consequences of the PD as mental health symptoms, but that does not make the BPD itself a mental illness

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4 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Aye, but you think starving to death in captivity is natural causes.

If that's the case, put a noose round her neck on a platform with a hole in it until she naturally falls through and breaks her neck.

Better to blindfold her to increase the chances of her naturally falling through the hole.

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6 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

In no way does anything i've said discount you having "mental health issues"

Its a fact that BPD is a Cluster B personality disorder and not a mental illness though.

As i said, you may well experience the consequences of the PD as mental health symptoms, but that does not make the BPD itself a mental illness

Which is part of a psychiatric diagnostic tool. Psychiatric illness range for personality disorders through to schizophrenia, bi polar etc.

Not sure why you've such a bee in your bonnet all this. She was assessed for to stand trial and it was noted no previous pyschitric illness using whatever diagnostic tools you want.

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10 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

In no way does anything i've said discount you having "mental health issues"

Its a fact that BPD is a Cluster B personality disorder and not a mental illness though.

As i said, you may well experience the consequences of the PD as mental health symptoms, but that does not make the BPD itself a mental illness

Putting quotation marks around those words is really poor. 

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51 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Why would a sane person go to Ibrox and sing songs about a Dutch prince from 300 years ago?   Why would a sane person take heroin?   Why would a sane person think that being an actor is any way for a grown adult to behave?   

Bit of a leap there, no?

Most of the others are group think or learned behaviour.

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On 19/08/2023 at 08:07, Ross. said:

Seen this stat reported in a few places and it’s the only thing that makes me think she is being used as a scapegoat for other issues. The unit was essentially shut down for a significant part of that 7 year period, when the higher than average death rate was noticed. The stat is being used to make her look more obviously guilty. Technically correct but needs contextualised. From what I have read I think she probably is guilty but when they have to push stats like that then I start to wonder a little.

Wasn't it reported on Panorama that the unit was downgraded? So they still treat babies, but not ones as seriously ill as they did previously.

It wasn't just the deaths either, it was the number of close things when babies were saved from dying. They had 25 'incidents' in total they looked at, and all the other nurses were on shift 5 or 6 times at most in those cases. With the exception of Letby who was on shift for all 25 of them.

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19 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Which is part of a psychiatric diagnostic tool. Psychiatric illness range for personality disorders through to schizophrenia, bi polar etc.

Not sure why you've such a bee in your bonnet all this. She was assessed for to stand trial and it was noted no previous pyschitric illness using whatever diagnostic tools you want.

Its not a bee in my bonnet, I just get irritated by the fact that every time there is a case like Letby, folk seem to aasume the fact that they are deemed fit to stand trial means they are perfectly normal, rational, sane, mentally well, etc, and therefore they are simply "evil", when the reality is that at the point of trial they haven't yet been assessed for all the things that invariably show up later and explain the discordant behaviour.

Its another manifestation of public ignorance concerning all things mental health, mental illness, and psychiatry related, and the quickness to write things off as the nonsense notion of "evil" also irks me because the fact is its society that creates monsters, and the monsters are very much human. "Evil" is just a convenient, lazy cop-out.

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23 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Putting quotation marks around those words is really poor. 

They are for the purpose of showing its a direct quote, and to make it clear that when i say "mental health issues" i mean those specifically and not necessarily mental illnesses.


Its not intended to suggest that i am sceptical in any way, in case that is what you are thinking?

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We'll bring forward law so killers attend sentencing in due course, says Sunak

This issue has raised a lot of hackles. 

In truth I don't see this happening. All it takes is one convict forced to face a family, and then shouting/swearing/gloating for this all to backfire.

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

Looking through the verdicts she was found guilty of all murder charges but Not Guilty/Could Not Reach Verdict on close to half of the attempted murder charges.  I wonder why there is such a disparity?  

Because other than the fact that she was the only nurse there for all the incidents, it's very difficult to prove anything, as these already ill babies were possibly given insulin, air, milk or had breathing apparatus temporarily removed, not physically attacked?

She was found guilty of 7 murders and 6 attempted murders, found not guilty of 2 attempted murders and 6 more they couldn't reach a decision on.

The first cases she was found guilty of were 2 babies they agreed there was evidence that she'd given them insulin, and there was another baby who had one where the baby had an unexplained amount of air in his gut. Other than that, it must have been very difficult to prove. 

Edited by s_dog
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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

Looking through the verdicts she was found guilty of all murder charges but Not Guilty/Could Not Reach Verdict on close to half of the attempted murder charges.  I wonder why there is such a disparity?  

A lot of the charges relate to the same infants, so there were, for example, at least two Attempted Murder and one Murder charge relating to one specific baby, so the jury decided they couldn't convict on one particular attempt on a baby's life, but did for another attempt on the same child.


Can't recalm the exact number of instances and individual children, but that explains a bit about why the numbers are a bit odd and why the verdicts are a bit all over the place.

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1 minute ago, Busta Nut said:

I'm amazed that a case like this can still bring out the argumentative side in some posters

I didn't mean to, I simply highlighted that prior to trial no history of mental health had been found, no instances of psychosis etc but it seems to have snowballed.

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