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Public Meltdowns


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I've seen two. Both in supermarkets. 

1) A very angry Australian man calling a security guard a c**t several times in Lidl because he told him that his son needed to put a tshirt on. The main basis of the guy's annoyance seemed to be that the guard didn't tell him the moment he came in the door. Naturally, there's a high chnace he didn't see him. He stormed out after adding a few more insults in as well, including calling him a paedo. Overlooking the totally disproportionate reaction to a reasonable request, I'm not sure anyone that allows their kid to go about shirtless in a supermarket has any right to be throwing insults at anyone. You already know that kid's life is fucked. 

2) A man in his 50s going berserk at the girl on the checkout in Morrisons because she was 'stressing him out" by scanning his shopping too quickly. The guy did seem to be a bit of mess putting it away, but again a totally over-top-reaction and was having what was essentially a tantrum about it whilst screaming at her. We asked her if she was OK when it was our turn to be served. "Happens about once a week" was the response. Depressing. 

Edited by Michael W
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7 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

Fucking hell🤣😂 that's crazy.

I've watched it a million times but every time I still consider how at the moment just before he bursts through the glass door that he actually chose that as a reasonable option, did he know that would happen? Inspirational in a lot of ways. 

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7 minutes ago, RuMoore said:

I've watched it a million times but every time I still consider how at the moment just before he bursts through the glass door that he actually chose that as a reasonable option, did he know that would happen? Inspirational in a lot of ways. 

I don't think he's entirely sane tbh. It probably seemed like a good dramatic way to exit.

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2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Been close to a meltdown in public once myself tbh. At Palmerston Vs ICT. There were 4 young lads sat behind me (the eldest was 15) and were there for a bit of banter with the Caley fans - there was a wee bit of light-hearted back and forth, then this knuckledragger starts chiming in from the Caley end; he didn't appear to be with the guys who were having a laugh with the young lads and was about 15 years older than them. He starts shouting sexually explicit stuff at these young lads. And then kept on going with it even though no one from either end was finding it remotely amusing. For whatever reason I ended up telling him to shut the f**k up and lay off the sexual stuff. He was taken aback but tried to laugh it off. I think I threw in a nonce accusation at one point but was pretty gone to remember everything I said. The stewards got involved with both of us and I told them why I was so enraged. They moved him away from the edge of the supporters while the creep was giving me a thumbs up. 

Pretty bizarre incident tbh and I'm sure there was a Caley fan in the thread (who was at the game) who confirmed the guy wasn't with them (he was one of the lads having banter with the young guys) and is indeed a bit of a strange character. 

Apart from that I've been pretty calm in public.

Sounds like Sandy...

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12 hours ago, RuMoore said:

I've watched it a million times but every time I still consider how at the moment just before he bursts through the glass door that he actually chose that as a reasonable option, did he know that would happen? Inspirational in a lot of ways. 

Not sure I would have stayed on the bus as long as those people, the guy was clearly in need of help.

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In Treetops pub in Alloa back in the 90s, I was standing with a few mates drinking. Saturday night, loads of folk having a nice time. This really pished guy came in and started going mental at some girl he had tried and failed to pick up.

The bouncers came in to escort the guy out and he put in a fantastic display. Offered to fight me and my pals, then screamed at the bouncers "I'm Keyzer Soze! Get your hands off me or I'll tuck you up! Your face is noted! I'm Keyzer Soze!"

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14 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

In Treetops pub in Alloa back in the 90s, I was standing with a few mates drinking. Saturday night, loads of folk having a nice time. This really pished guy came in and started going mental at some girl he had tried and failed to pick up.

The bouncers came in to escort the guy out and he put in a fantastic display. Offered to fight me and my pals, then screamed at the bouncers "I'm Keyzer Soze! Get your hands off me or I'll tuck you up! Your face is noted! I'm Keyzer Soze!"


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14 hours ago, Michael W said:


2) A man in his 50s going berserk at the girl on the checkout in Morrisons because she was 'stressing him out" by scanning his shopping too quickly. The guy did seem to be a bit of mess putting it away, but again a totally over-top-reaction and was having what was essentially a tantrum about it whilst screaming at her. We asked her if she was OK when it was our turn to be served. "Happens about once a week" was the response. Depressing. 

I take it the guy has never been to a Lidl.

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Saw a dad shouting at his daughter in a McDonald's recently after she had the audacity to ask for something to eat as he ate breakfast.  The meltdown response was along the lines of "... because it's yer mother's job tae feed ye, no mine!  I don't have the money to buy you something... How no?  Because I've only got a tenner and we might need that for a taxi if the bus gets cancelled!"

He said fine in the end, by which point the time had passed 11am, making the breakfast menu unavailable. That kicked things off again.

It was actually really depressing. The sort of situation where your heart tells you to intervene, but your brain says not to get involved as it'll only make things worse. 😔

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19 hours ago, superwell87 said:

This has probably been shared on here before, but it is a belter. TBF she does have a point about the price of cigarettes from chippes etc (as an ex smoker, i know to well and bare in mind this happened at least 11 years ago). A complete OTT reaction all the same.


Love it.  Tbf, not really a meltdown, as everyone seems to be having a good time.

Made my day watching this.

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3 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Saw a dad shouting at his daughter in a McDonald's recently after she had the audacity to ask for something to eat as he ate breakfast.  The meltdown response was along the lines of "... because it's yer mother's job tae feed ye, no mine!  I don't have the money to buy you something... How no?  Because I've only got a tenner and we might need that for a taxi if the bus gets cancelled!"

He said fine in the end, by which point the time had passed 11am, making the breakfast menu unavailable. That kicked things off again.

It was actually really depressing. The sort of situation where your heart tells you to intervene, but your brain says not to get involved as it'll only make things worse. 😔

Breakfast until 11, you lazy b*****ds! That’s why Britain is falling behind Europe and America, an extra half hour of breakfast (except on weekends, we totally get it on weekends)!

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I remember standing in the queue at RBS on union street (3 people deep which obviously took 20mins) and there were two people in front of me; a tallish ginger chap in his 30's and a Chinese boy of indeterminate age (I'm rubbish at telling the ages of other races tbf, he could be 20 or 40). The ginger lad started to get a bit antsy at the length of time we were waiting and started to rant, first in a sotto voce pitch before embarking on a slow crescendo which culminated in him standing in the doorway yelling about "chinks" and motioning aggressively towards said Chinese chappie. 

The Chinese fella had no idea what his flame haired aggressor was saying but inferred that it wasn't entirely complimentary. Strange.

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As a young management trainee with a builders merchant about 25years ago...part of the trainee schedule meant a bit of travelling about to learn about products etc where they were produced. I along with a good few other trainees from around the UK spent a week in Stoke.


4 scottish boys including myself, boy from Inverness who was a bit younger and clearly struggled to keep up with the drinking we were doing absolutely lost the plot one night in a club, for no apparent reason...dashed back to our hotel and proceeded to throw every piece of clothing he had with him into the river that was passing the hotel. Absolutely bizarre thing to do

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4 hours ago, velo army said:

I remember standing in the queue at RBS on union street (3 people deep which obviously took 20mins) and there were two people in front of me; a tallish ginger chap in his 30's and a Chinese boy of indeterminate age (I'm rubbish at telling the ages of other races tbf, he could be 20 or 40). The ginger lad started to get a bit antsy at the length of time we were waiting and started to rant, first in a sotto voce pitch before embarking on a slow crescendo which culminated in him standing in the doorway yelling about "chinks" and motioning aggressively towards said Chinese chappie. 

The Chinese fella had no idea what his flame haired aggressor was saying but inferred that it wasn't entirely complimentary. Strange.

^^^ ricist

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A few weeks back I went into Tesco (Dundee Riverside) pushing a trolley and following a lady in her late 60s (ish). She slowed down as she just went through the door so I went to pass her on her left hand side. As I moved left I realised there wasn’t space to get past her because the wee Tesco Mobile shop had a sign out in front of it.

So I stopped kind of alongside this woman. She also stopped and looked at me and I smiled and apologised and said “go ahead - didn’t see the sign there!”

I wasn’t prepared for what was coming next.

She went fucking mental. A complete heads gone. Started screaming that I was trying to “seriously hurt her” and that I was a “danger to everyone in the shop”.

A woman who came in right behind me came up to me and asked if there had been an issue in the car park or something - if I’d driven too close to her or something - but no, it was entirely about my trolley being within a foot of her.

Sensing that she had possibly spent the entire day on the gin I said I was sorry again and walked on.

She proceeded to follow me from the front door of the shop to the bakery aisle screaming at my back. Absolutely top of her voice hurling abuse at me. Again, I reiterate, I didn’t make any contact with her with the fucking trolley, I just stopped alongside her with about a 12 inch gap between our trolleys.

Eventually one of the shop managers came along and asked her to “stop abusing other customers”.

To that she turned round and shouted at the poor guy “OH f**k RIGHT OFF!”

That was it for her, she was huckled directly out of the door by several staff. I then had a whole series of people stop me asking what the f**k had just happened. The girl behind the fag counter caught me on the way out and said she thought we knew each other and were having a laugh at the start.

Just a completely bizarre meltdown which I assume was hilarious for everyone else watching 😂

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