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What is the point of labour ?


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It's 2010, you're just back from seeing 127 Hours at the cinema, you've got a bowl of Kellogs Krave in one hand and a controller in the other. You open the box of Just Cause 2 and slip the disc into your PlayStation 3. David Cameron is on the telly saying that 'there's tough times ahead and 'we're all in it together', that the previous government had left a 'massive mess' and failed 'to fix the roof while the sun was shining'.

Life doesn't get any better than this you say to yourself.

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44 minutes ago, Sheas_cake said:

There will be hardly any casualties. For example, a pensioner on basic SP with £25,000 in the bank would STILL be entitled to claim Pension Credit and therefore still qualify. No one with a either a five figure bank balance, or health occupational pension (or a bit or both) is going to be freezing to death. 

Non-take up of Pension Credit by eligible households is between 30% and 40%. Clearly this wasn't an issue when the Winter Fuel Payment was a universal benefit, with age being the only criterion. The new proposals will result in many of the poorest pensioner households receiving no additional support in Winter.

I think the way forward on this issue is to institute a major benefits take-up campaign, and to increase the value of the Winter Fuel Payment for the smaller cohort of eligible households. That way Labour can deflect much of the adverse criticism and depict their policy as delivering additional support to those in greatest need.


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1 hour ago, Sheas_cake said:

There will be hardly any casualties. For example, a pensioner on basic SP with £25,000 in the bank would STILL be entitled to claim Pension Credit and therefore still qualify. No one with a either a five figure bank balance, or health occupational pension (or a bit or both) is going to be freezing to death. 

As far as I can see a pensioner with an income of more than £218.15 a week and zero savings would get f**k all. 

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4 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

In the finest traditions of  political life, there will be austerity measures, but Labour will deny it by use of the cunning trick of simply calling it something else.

"Austerity? No way. There will simply be a period of targeted personal adjustments resulting in a generally downward curve of people's personal finances. But austerity? Absolutely not."

It's not known as Windscale-Sellafield Syndrome but perhaps it should be.

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2 hours ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Non-take up of Pension Credit by eligible households is between 30% and 40%. Clearly this wasn't an issue when the Winter Fuel Payment was a universal benefit, with age being the only criterion. The new proposals will result in many of the poorest pensioner households receiving no additional support in Winter.

I think the way forward on this issue is to institute a major benefits take-up campaign, and to increase the value of the Winter Fuel Payment for the smaller cohort of eligible households. That way Labour can deflect much of the adverse criticism and depict their policy as delivering additional support to those in greatest need.


That's the real issue here, more than an extra £200-£300 a year - hundreds of thousands of pensioners unaware of/reluctant to claim Pension Credit, which also acts as a gateway to other entitlements.

The government's always reliant on a substantial number of people not taking up benefits, so I'll be surprised if there's any kind of meaningful attempt to do so in this case. I wonder how worthwhile means-testing the Winter Fuel Payments would be if after a successful Pension Credit campaign.

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29 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

What do we think - does the Chancellor not understand how the finances of the devolved Parliament work, or is she just a barefaced liar?


She is a total liar. What f**ks me off is news outlets like STV posting this without comment.

Only a f**king moron doesnt understand that the Scottish Govt CANT overspend. It CANT borrow, and only has very minor tax raising powers.

I just can't believe that she wasn't challenged on this.

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38 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

She is a total liar. What f**ks me off is news outlets like STV posting this without comment.

Only a f**king moron doesnt understand that the Scottish Govt CANT overspend. It CANT borrow, and only has very minor tax raising powers.

I just can't believe that she wasn't challenged on this.

The Scottish government can and has borrowed.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

What happened to votes for 16 year olds?  It was in the manifesto and would have zero cost implications but isn’t in the legislative programme.

Quelle surprise

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