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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm struggling to cope with the death of a close family relative.


She died on Wednesday night at the age of 77 after a short terminal battle with lung cancer.


I was supposed to be in France this weekend seeing the Scotland game, and originally intended to go, but when I got to the airport I felt I couldn't with my mum needing me to support her(even though she said to go).


When I got back to my grans house(she lives closer to GLA airport than me so a logical drop off point) the impact hit me more than before when I stepped inside.


I'm not feeling suidicial or such like, more just stunned that a lady I learned was terminally ill less than 14 days ago is now dead.


It's fucking shite.


Condolences. Time helps, is all I can add.


Good lad, staying with your mum. Get her pished and try to do something enjoyable (i.e. not watching the Scotland game).

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I'm struggling to cope with the death of a close family relative.

She died on Wednesday night at the age of 77 after a short terminal battle with lung cancer.

I was supposed to be in France this weekend seeing the Scotland game, and originally intended to go, but when I got to the airport I felt I couldn't with my mum needing me to support her(even though she said to go).

When I got back to my grans house(she lives closer to GLA airport than me so a logical drop off point) the impact hit me more than before when I stepped inside.

I'm not feeling suidicial or such like, more just stunned that a lady I learned was terminally ill less than 14 days ago is now dead.

It's fucking shite.

Commiserations. Is your flight ticket going spare now?

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You decide it is time to go home and all of a sudden an airplane appears
It is open deck but you get on board anyway
There is no runway but somehow it manages to take off
Suddenly you are at your destination and need to get a taxi
When you get in, the driver is an old school teacher you thought was dead
You are not the only passenger - Sean Connery and Mick Jagger are also there - they are off to buy a goldfish
Then you are suddenly home - Sean and Mick are not there although you don't remember dropping them off
At your home, somebody has built a pub on the back of your house - as if that can be done overnight.
Inside the pub is that obnoxious guy from work except he is not obnoxious and is offering to buy you a pint.


Then you wake up and say "What the hell was that dream about?"

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I'm struggling to cope with the death of a close family relative.


She died on Wednesday night at the age of 77 after a short terminal battle with lung cancer.


I was supposed to be in France this weekend seeing the Scotland game, and originally intended to go, but when I got to the airport I felt I couldn't with my mum needing me to support her(even though she said to go).


When I got back to my grans house(she lives closer to GLA airport than me so a logical drop off point) the impact hit me more than before when I stepped inside.


I'm not feeling suidicial or such like, more just stunned that a lady I learned was terminally ill less than 14 days ago is now dead.


It's fucking shite.



That's lovely that you are there for your mam.

We just cremated my uncle on Thursday. Not wanting to top trump you mate but that's my 2nd uncle that's passed this year. With only 3 of them left me mam is the eldest. You've just got to be strong as you can for your family.

It brings our own mortality into focus too, you've got to remember the happy times with your aunty.

My uncle was always laughing & making folk laugh, I turned up at me Mam's on Wednesday afternoon with my funeral suit & she asked me where's my checked shirt? Apparently she'd told me that all the blokes are to wear a checked shirt, ny uncle always wore them. I drove down to the tesco's & managed to get a checked shirt but when I got back to me Mam's house they'd left the security tag on, I could have driven back down to get them to remove it but I thought no, Uncle Tom would have pished his sides if he knew I'd turned up at his funeral wearing a security tag.

I took me mam shopping yesterday at tesco so have got it removed now, but I've still got 1 more happy memory of my uncle now.

The people who helped shape us are no longer here but we go on until it's our time. Enjoy your life the way your aunty would have wanted you to & don't forget to tell your mam you love her.


FFS, life and soul of the party this pair. ^^^^^.  

I dread to think what they post on a serious thread.

Grimbo, how did you get out of Tesco without the security scanner sounding if the shirt still had the tag on it? 

Edited by Fae_the_'briggs
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I've accidentally deleted that email Div sent all Platinum members with the url and password for the new P&B site that goes live on 9th June when he turns this one off. Could someone please forward it to me. Ta.

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I've accidentally deleted that email Div sent all Platinum members with the url and password for the new P&B site that goes live on 9th June when he turns this one off. Could someone please forward it to me. Ta.


Check your PMs.


I'm particularly looking forward to the 'Gold Readers' Wives' section that Throbber's going to mod.


Edit: fixed the apostrophe, lest any Mormon gold members think they're being picked on.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Was discussing drowned migrants today with telegraph readers on Facebook, I expressed sadness at all the deaths and said the developed world and the uk in particular shared some blame for the mess that Africa and the middle east finds itself in. From the old days of empire to propping up regimes to suit our own ends, usually extracting mineral wealth.

It was unanimously agreed that it was all their own fault for making a mess of their own country then wanting to come over here and steal our jobs/benefits etc etc. We had done a bit of meddling centuries ago and they've had plenty time to sort themselves out, one fella even trotted out the "what kind of a mess would Africa be in if we hadn't brought them civilisation?" line.

When I pointed out again that people had died and that was a bad thing I was offered a solution of creating a state in Africa for refugees (no idea who was putting up the billions to fund this or where exactly in Africa it would go) and then accused of attention seeking.

Beyond parody.

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FFS, life and soul of the party this pair. ^^^^^.

I dread to think what they post on a serious thread.

Grimbo, how did you get out of Tesco without the security scanner sounding if the shirt still had the tag on it?

f**k knows it must have been a dud, maybe they put placebo tags on some items. It was only £12.


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Waiting to buy a train ticket at Central Station, earlier - one desk open and a wifey taking forever basically asking the guy behind the counter for a verbal train timetable. Me next, and some guy tries to get round me to go first:


"Don't think so - there's a queue "


"Oh, do you mind - I've got a train to catch"


"What the f**k you think I'm doing here...?"



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Waiting to buy a train ticket at Central Station, earlier - one desk open and a wifey taking forever basically asking the guy behind the counter for a verbal train timetable. Me next, and some guy tries to get round me to go first:

"Don't think so - there's a queue "

"Oh, do you mind - I've got a train to catch"

"What the f**k you think I'm doing here...?"


Why didn't you use the self service ticket machine?

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Losing someone you care about is never going to be easy for you. Sorry for your loss, man. Without sounding like a script from a Hollyoaks episode, think about all the fondest memories you have with her. Mourning is completely natural and whilst I appreciate that your other family members may not want to keep talking about it, try and find someone (a family member who was also close to her or otherwise) to just sit and talk about all the funny times and treasured memories you had with her. :)

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