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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Every day my phone tries to do an update. I have the option of 'install tonight' or 'remind me tomorrow' but I can't figure out how to just say no and not have any reminders. Every day for months.

If it's an iPhone, go into your storage, select manage storage, click on the update then delete it.

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So im getting a new cat, hes only a kitten mind but im delighted. Hes a Grey Tom, after thinking about it over a matter of days i settled on the name Archie. Not for any particular reason, i like the name and happen to think it suits him. The problem is my aunt has decided she really doesnt like the name and spent a few hours before i went to see the kitten and give the breeder a desposit for him trying to convince me to name him anything but Archie. She hit out with alternatives including Picard, Anton, Doyle, Ripley and Riley. I ultimately named him Archie as planned but she just wont fucking let this lie, since Friday she has repeatedly brought the subject up and finally i just had to sit her down and tell her "End of the day its my cat, ive called him Archie, accept it and let it lie" Now shes actually in a fucking huff with me(real mature this one) So far ive just tried to ignore it but if she fucking keeps on about it im gonna end up having a fall out with her. Its so fucking trivial but she just wont let it go.


Boot, pie, etc

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Mark Lawrenson and Jonathan Pearce.

Fuckwits. Did you hear Pearce's rambling about England being threatening with disqualification? "Other teams fans may well provoke the England fans now knowing it could result in England being kicked out"

Seriously?! They really don't realise how deluded they truly are. Never the England hooligans' fault.

There was a muppet on Daybreak this morning blaming the Russian nutcases, the French police and even the Marseille locals for the recent incidents. And a small group of English fans. Yeah that'll be it. Not the poor England hooligans causing this bother.

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So im getting a new cat, hes only a kitten mind but im delighted. Hes a Grey Tom, after thinking about it over a matter of days i settled on the name Archie. Not for any particular reason, i like the name and happen to think it suits him. The problem is my aunt has decided she really doesnt like the name and spent a few hours before i went to see the kitten and give the breeder a desposit for him trying to convince me to name him anything but Archie. She hit out with alternatives including Picard, Anton, Doyle, Ripley and Riley. I ultimately named him Archie as planned but she just wont fucking let this lie, since Friday she has repeatedly brought the subject up and finally i just had to sit her down and tell her "End of the day its my cat, ive called him Archie, accept it and let it lie" Now shes actually in a fucking huff with me(real mature this one) So far ive just tried to ignore it but if she fucking keeps on about it im gonna end up having a fall out with her. Its so fucking trivial but she just wont let it go.

I'd have to get full-on petty over it. Call him Archie as often as you can in front of her. Make up a theme song for him, complete with a jazz-hands-grand-finish dance. Get his name printed on his food and water dishes.

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Did my back in lifting up my son on saturday. The wife is seeing me struggle to stand, walk and lift things in general and likes to ignore my severe discomfort to let me try and change nappies and lift things for her. Once i can take a step or two without a spasm there is pie getting a swift booting

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I'd have to get full-on petty over it. Call him Archie as often as you can in front of her. Make up a theme song for him, complete with a jazz-hands-grand-finish dance. Get his name printed on his food and water dishes.

I'm also like this, the more petty the better. I either go to this kind of extreme and just do as much as I can to rile someone who starts a petty thing like that, or I just can't be bothered at all and ignore them completely. Usually the petty option is much more fun though.

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So im getting a new cat, hes only a kitten mind but im delighted. Hes a Grey Tom, after thinking about it over a matter of days i settled on the name Archie. Not for any particular reason, i like the name and happen to think it suits him. The problem is my aunt has decided she really doesnt like the name and spent a few hours before i went to see the kitten and give the breeder a desposit for him trying to convince me to name him anything but Archie. She hit out with alternatives including Picard, Anton, Doyle, Ripley and Riley. I ultimately named him Archie as planned but she just wont fucking let this lie, since Friday she has repeatedly brought the subject up and finally i just had to sit her down and tell her "End of the day its my cat, ive called him Archie, accept it and let it lie" Now shes actually in a fucking huff with me(real mature this one) So far ive just tried to ignore it but if she fucking keeps on about it im gonna end up having a fall out with her. Its so fucking trivial but she just wont let it go.

Tell her to buy her own fucking cat and then she can call it what the f**k she wants.

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I'd have to get full-on petty over it. Call him Archie as often as you can in front of her. Make up a theme song for him, complete with a jazz-hands-grand-finish dance. Get his name printed on his food and water dishes.

Im gonna buy him a collar and get a name tag for it


He should get one of these as well.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1465845988.005308.jpg

Greenie for you sir


Tell her to buy her own fucking cat and then she can call it what the f**k she wants.

She has her own cat, its a unbelievably fat f**k who will eat anything in sight including plastic bags, furnature and even fucking window blinds. She has tried to "Educate" on keeping animals a few times and ive simply replied "Your cat eats plastic bags, you really cant advise me on f**k all" Bit harsh but its effective

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