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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On 1/13/2017 at 11:01, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Annoying wummin from the office next door comes in earlier to make porridge and takes out a fresh bottle of milk.

I cannae get ma heid roon this wummin. Refuses, point blank, to use the office milk unless it's been unopened. This means the milk goes off quicker and there's always four or five half finished bottles kicking about by weeks end and if I forget to do the sniff test it's Russian roulette making a cuppa that I don't get the one that's went off. She fills the kettle right up to the top to make one cup of tea, always turns up 15 minutes late and takes an extra 15-30 minutes on her lunch break every day.

Anything to do with office milk, tea, coffee annoys me. I hate the whole ritualisation of what is simply getting a f-ing drink. 

"Ohh, I could murder a cuppa", etc. Anyone that has ever said anything remotely like that is a nob. It's the sort of drivel that belongs on Coronation Street or something, not in the real world. I've worked with folk that have at least 8 or 9 cups of tea or coffee a day. As far as I'm concerned, at least 50% of their motivation to do so is based on wanting to hang out in the kitchen for 10 minutes, and chat about whatever bollocks is currently bouncing around their empty skulls.

And on Monday mornings, as is the case today, they wander up and down the office whinging about how there's no milk because the delivery hasn't arrived yet. As though it's some sort of hardship that they have to wait an hour or so for their cup of Tetley's pisswater. 
Actually, I'm not sure if I should be allowed to classify this last bit as a PTTGOYN, as I actually enjoy their suffering, even if I do think it's mainly put on and annoying. I don't take milk anyway, being as I'm not an infant.

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28 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Similar to the above, folk that just hang about in communal work kitchens. There's a few groups do it where I work. The kitchen is tiny, just get in, get your drink made and f**k off. Don't be standing about and getting in the way of good folks, like myself.

Sadly there's plenty of room in ours. Loads of seats and a TV too, so folk just laze about.

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12 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Whilst we are on the subject... ;)

Think it pettily gets on my nerves when people give it the you can't give 110% chat, of course you can't but it's simply an expression to exaggerate and emphasise how much effort someone's putting in.

You absolutely can give 110%, it's just depends what the base level was.

For example, I can't give 110% of my maximum, but if I only gave 50% the last time, I can easily give 110% of my previous performance.


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12 minutes ago, throbber said:

I was just in my local best one buying stuff in for my lunch and two people in there annoyed me greatly - one was a guy who took an eternity at the cash machine, i seriously have no idea what he could have been doing to take that long. The next was a woman who had a handful of items, put them down on the counter just ahead of me and the guy started ringing through the items and then she just fucked off to get more things, not in any sort of hurry or anything and completely blissfully unaware that I was waiting on her. Basically people who dither about in shops and at cash machines can GTF.

On a bit of a Groundhog Day loop here, but women (and it generally is women) who look shocked when the cashier at the supermarket tells them the total as if they won't actually have to pay for the stuff.  Only then do they start the laborious process of emptying their bag to find their purse..."here's my nectar card", "can I get £10 cashback"..."I've got a 10 pee coupon for that somewhere" "oh, I though that was my number"...rifles in purse for the wee bit of paper with the PIN number.

Or the two kids who have a Curly Wurly each and insist on paying for them separately.  With a card.

Edited by Hampden Diehard
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Been to the cinema twice this year, both occasions I have been annoyed by folk on their phones during the film, not the trailers or adverts, but the film.

You may have it on silent but in a dark cinema the light of the screen flashing as another vital instagram message about someone's dinner appears on their screen.

If you can't put your phone off or even just away for 1.5 - 2 hours in the cinema and respect that it is fucking distracting others when your screen lights up,

then you are just an self-obsessed ignorant twat.

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A few have mentioned ditherers in banks and supermarkets.

Folk who check their balance at the ATM, then get a printout of the balance and then proceed to make a withdrawal and again get a receipt. Then, and this is what kills it for me, they get their card back and then insert it again and get another balance printout. It happens in about 25% of cases where I am. I can only assume they don't trust the bank. As you can imagine, there is a queue forming behind and no fucks are given. A classic happened Christmas Eve - massive line at the ATM and the girl in front actually called her friend (i assume to get a PIN or something) whilst she was using the machine. Speechless - well, i wasn't and a few audible FFS's were uttered.

At the supermarket, the checkout girl scans items as usual but after every item she looks at the monitor to check-every single fucking item. And they frequently only pack items once everything is scanned - hence the high risk of mixing different shoppers items. (No customer separator things here).

I'm not doing so well at the cultural acceptance thingy t.b.h.

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Aldi/Lidl cashiers that batter every item through at 100mph and demand payment immediately while I'm spilling my messages all over the place. Just gies a fucking minute!
Ps, I like the just f**k everything back in the trolley and pack over there idea but I need a chance to get my stuff in the trolley, I'm no an octopus!

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A few have mentioned ditherers in banks and supermarkets.

Folk who check their balance at the ATM, then get a printout of the balance and then proceed to make a withdrawal and again get a receipt. Then, and this is what kills it for me, they get their card back and then insert it again and get another balance printout. It happens in about 25% of cases where I am. I can only assume they don't trust the bank. As you can imagine, there is a queue forming behind and no fucks are given. A classic happened Christmas Eve - massive line at the ATM and the girl in front actually called her friend (i assume to get a PIN or something) whilst she was using the machine. Speechless - well, i wasn't and a few audible FFS's were uttered.

At the supermarket, the checkout girl scans items as usual but after every item she looks at the monitor to check-every single fucking item. And they frequently only pack items once everything is scanned - hence the high risk of mixing different shoppers items. (No customer separator things here).

I'm not doing so well at the cultural acceptance thingy t.b.h.

ATM usage in the Philippines is generally frustrating. The worst is getting stuck behind a 5/6 lender or similar on pay day with about 10 of their customers carfs drawing money. Painful.
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39 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Aldi/Lidl cashiers that batter every item through at 100mph and demand payment immediately while I'm spilling my messages all over the place. Just gies a fucking minute!
Ps, I like the just f**k everything back in the trolley and pack over there idea but I need a chance to get my stuff in the trolley, I'm no an octopus!

Me and the wife have the system where I pay and she puts stuff in the trolley.

We then both pack the bags and it's off to the motor.

I have to say I don't fancy all that alone.

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

A few have mentioned ditherers in banks and supermarkets.

Folk who check their balance at the ATM, then get a printout of the balance and then proceed to make a withdrawal and again get a receipt. Then, and this is what kills it for me, they get their card back and then insert it again and get another balance printout. It happens in about 25% of cases where I am. I can only assume they don't trust the bank. As you can imagine, there is a queue forming behind and no fucks are given. A classic happened Christmas Eve - massive line at the ATM and the girl in front actually called her friend (i assume to get a PIN or something) whilst she was using the machine. Speechless - well, i wasn't and a few audible FFS's were uttered.

At the supermarket, the checkout girl scans items as usual but after every item she looks at the monitor to check-every single fucking item. And they frequently only pack items once everything is scanned - hence the high risk of mixing different shoppers items. (No customer separator things here).

I'm not doing so well at the cultural acceptance thingy t.b.h.


Put the stuff in the bags as they're scanning it.

44 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Aldi/Lidl cashiers that batter every item through at 100mph and demand payment immediately while I'm spilling my messages all over the place. Just gies a fucking minute!
Ps, I like the just f**k everything back in the trolley and pack over there idea but I need a chance to get my stuff in the trolley, I'm no an octopus!

I'm pretty certain in these shops (certainly in Aldi) they need to meet a certain rate of items scanned per minute. Blame the company for deciding to turn shopping there into a shite gameshow.

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12 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

Me and the wife have the system where I pay and she puts stuff in the trolley.

We then both pack the bags and it's off to the motor.

I have to say I don't fancy all that alone.

I'm s*** hot at packing the bags (several years of Scouts bag packing does this to you).  After finally training the other half to load the heaviest items onto the conveyor first with the crisps etc last, I stand at the end and have it all bagged up just as the cashier asks her to pay.  Remove card, off to the motor immediately.  You're right though, Aldi definitely keeps me on my toes in comparison to the other shops.

Eta: It's especially satisfying at Aldi when the cashier tells you to put the stuff into the trolley and pack over at the tiny shelves, only to have packed it all into the bags in time. Almost worthy of taking a cut-out mask of the Patrick Bateman smug face to put on for paying.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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6 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

Pressing the button waiting to cross a road for someone else to press it straight after. 

Do you think I pretended to press it for a fucking laugh? 

On the flip side wandering up to a pedestrian crossing, there's already a good number of folk there, ye wait ages for the green man to come up and then ye glance over and realise not a single one of these mind cripples has bothered pressing the button...

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The play and 'next' buttons on my iPod stopped working a year or so ago, annoying but not the worst thing in the world. My earphones have a play/pause button on them, but it can be irritating. Decided to pop into the Apple Store on Princess Street to see how much it would cost to repair.

£229! Absolute rip off. Thought I could buy myself a new iPod for that price.

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The 8.69 seconds grace you have between the laptop telling you to plug it in as the battery is low and it switching off. 

Mine's the opposite, I get about half an hour, which means when I see the warning I always think 'ah, no rush, got ages' and naturally time runs out far sooner than I think it will.

A five minute warning would be my ideal.
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