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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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15 hours ago, Angusfifer said:


I'm not a huge fan of Germany, but the one thing they do better than anywhere else is produce excellent beer. Mainly down to their purity laws...  

Think quite a lot of Europe has these in place, can remember getting burst in Prague a good few times yet fresh as a daisy next day.

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What's the minimum acceptable distance to order a cab for? Loads of folk here order one just to go to Wood Green. That's only a half hour's walk. I judge them all for being a lazy b*****ds.

Also judge them for wasting money. Bus is quicker.

I order taxis for well under half hour walks all the time. Depends on what you're away to do though I suppose.

If I was away out for a day/night out or whatever I'll order one for a walk that would take 10-15 minutes to the pub no bother. If I was just walking home from work or to the shops or whatever then wouldn't even think about it.

The only time I actually ever use a taxi is on a night/day ooot tbh.
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53 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

I've genuinely ordered a taxi for going round the corner from pub to pub. Meter doesn't even start. Anything to avoid cutting into drinking time.


I did this when it was raining once, literally a 2 minute drive down one street, meter was under £3. 

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