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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sun came out for a bit there so I thought I would go out for a wee wander for a nosey. 

Within 25 minutes, I saw 3 women (probably all under 30) who's bellies were sticking out further than their boobs. (None of them appeared to be pregnant)

Shocking state of affairs and spoiled my lunchtime scouting mission. 


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Folk rattling the door handle when I'm on the throne trying to have a nice relaxing jobby at work.  Why?  Just why?

Admittedly the door doesn't have a vacant/occupied sign on the lock but it's pretty obvious that when the line on the lock is vertical it's open and when it's horizontal it's locked.  One quick look tells you whether someone is in there or not so there's no need to rattle the handle like a demented chimp trying to solve a rubix cube.

One guy the other day tried the door and, upon finding it was locked, chapped and said "hello?"  What the f*ck is that all about?  How am I meant to even respond to that?

This is happening 2 or 3 times every single time I'm dropping the kids off at the pool and I cannot understand this sort of behaviour.

A man's time on the throne pinching off a bum cigar is sacred and should be treated as such. 

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4 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Sun came out for a bit there so I thought I would go out for a wee wander for a nosey. 

Within 25 minutes, I saw 3 women (probably all under 30) who's bellies were sticking out further than their boobs. (None of them appeared to be pregnant)

Shocking state of affairs and spoiled my lunchtime scouting mission. 


The belly/boob rule used to be a thing. 

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43 minutes ago, pj_puttz said:

Folk rattling the door handle when I'm on the throne trying to have a nice relaxing jobby at work.  Why?  Just why?

It's arsehile code for "hurry the f**k up, I can't pee at urinals due to my micropenis".

...according to a mate.

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1 hour ago, pj_puttz said:

Folk rattling the door handle when I'm on the throne trying to have a nice relaxing jobby at work.  Why?  Just why?

Admittedly the door doesn't have a vacant/occupied sign on the lock but it's pretty obvious that when the line on the lock is vertical it's open and when it's horizontal it's locked.  One quick look tells you whether someone is in there or not so there's no need to rattle the handle like a demented chimp trying to solve a rubix cube.

One guy the other day tried the door and, upon finding it was locked, chapped and said "hello?"  What the f*ck is that all about?  How am I meant to even respond to that?

This is happening 2 or 3 times every single time I'm dropping the kids off at the pool and I cannot understand this sort of behaviour.

A man's time on the throne pinching off a bum cigar is sacred and should be treated as such. 

You could try "f**k off, I'm in the middle of a shite"

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4 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Almost got run over by a pensioner*, while I was on a pedestrian crossing.


*not old man Danger.

There’s still time; the night is young.  





I’m not.

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21 hours ago, killiefan27 said:

Heard Peterson on the Real Time podcast this week, and he's an utter, utter moron.

I hadn't actually heard of him before, so after looking up who he was I was genuinely surprised to find he has a following. Was less surprised to find that one of those followers is banana.

His points were essentially: "Democrats are too PC and afraid of offending anyone" but also "Democrats should stop being mean to Trump supporters".

Only other point I heard was "identity politics is bad",  which I always find hilarious coming from the internet edgelord/alt-right/libertarian crowd - 95% of whom are white men. It's the biggest identity politics movement around!

Also "all the way up to Obama and May, feminist movement" :lol::lol::lol:


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Whatever the rights and wrongs of the care and wellbeing of this poor child and his family,
What exactly is 200 Fucknuggets chanting and screaming outside the hospital achieving in any positive manner, and I'm sure it is not helping all the other sick children and their families who will be going through their own dramas without having to cross Police lines as these idiots try to storm the hospital.
When it all ends will they do anything positive to save a life (which they could be doing now) by donating blood, signing up to donate organs, donating to a medical research charity, or as i suspect crawl back under their stones waiting for the next Hashtag histrionics from Facebook to make their way into their stupid worlds.
To be acting like arseholes outside a hospital which is tying up Police  and disturbing the treatment of others shows the tunnel-visioned idiocy of the cause celebre mob.

Me and the wife were talking about this last night. She had heard that they were planning on setting off the fire alarms and taking him out then? Even as plans go, it’s stupid. But also, if they had done that, there would have been absolutely no regard for the wellbeing off the other children in that hospital that are very ill and would have to be taken out of the ward because of a fire alarm under false pretences.

Big car bill. Fek.

I feel your pain. Putting the car in on saturday for its mot, and we know it’s going to fail. We just want to know how much its going to skin us. I have clunking noises coming from my car when I accelerate, the electronics on it are slowly dying as well.

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Guest JTS98
10 hours ago, pj_puttz said:

One guy the other day tried the door and, upon finding it was locked, chapped and said "hello?"  What the f*ck is that all about?  How am I meant to even respond to that?


A man's time on the throne pinching off a bum cigar is sacred and should be treated as such. 

Koreans regularly stand and knock the door repeatedly upon finding a toilet door is locked. This is a very strange country.

And while having a keech is indeed sacred man's time, Korean men tend to choose to do this on train journeys and take up to 45 minutes to do so. This means that the toilets are often simply inaccessible as someone is in there for almost an hour (presumably) having a jobby. Incredibly selfish behaviour. They often pull the same behaviour in pubs with one or two toilets. Someone settles in for ages leaving everyone else with no toilet.

Standard behaviour in unquestionably the most selfish culture on the planet.

Korea needs a war. A long and bloody war.

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Folk rattling the door handle when I'm on the throne trying to have a nice relaxing jobby at work.  Why?  Just why?
Admittedly the door doesn't have a vacant/occupied sign on the lock but it's pretty obvious that when the line on the lock is vertical it's open and when it's horizontal it's locked.  One quick look tells you whether someone is in there or not so there's no need to rattle the handle like a demented chimp trying to solve a rubix cube.
One guy the other day tried the door and, upon finding it was locked, chapped and said "hello?"  What the f*ck is that all about?  How am I meant to even respond to that?
This is happening 2 or 3 times every single time I'm dropping the kids off at the pool and I cannot understand this sort of behaviour.
A man's time on the throne pinching off a bum cigar is sacred and should be treated as such. 
I use the unwritten rule ( unwritten as it seems so painfully obvious and logical ) that if a bathroom/toilet in the house doesn't have a lock then if it's closed its occupied , do not disturb. At all other times it should be left open thus advertising the availability of the facilities. I feel this is a simple and effective method that negates any chance of annoyance or embarrassment for either party.
Why is this such a difficult puzzle for women to solve !?
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4 hours ago, JTS98 said:

Koreans regularly stand and knock the door repeatedly upon finding a toilet door is locked. This is a very strange country.

And while having a keech is indeed sacred man's time, Korean men tend to choose to do this on train journeys and take up to 45 minutes to do so. This means that the toilets are often simply inaccessible as someone is in there for almost an hour (presumably) having a jobby. Incredibly selfish behaviour. They often pull the same behaviour in pubs with one or two toilets. Someone settles in for ages leaving everyone else with no toilet.

Standard behaviour in unquestionably the most selfish culture on the planet.

Korea needs a war. A long and bloody war.

It's behaviour of this sort that all but guarantees the complete annihilation of the human race at some point.

If we can't figure out how to respect each other's privacy and comfort while we're performing the simple act of crimping off a length then how can we be trusted with nuclear weapons?

It's the bog door handle rattlers of this world that will end us all.  Mark my words.

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4 hours ago, JTS98 said:

Koreans regularly stand and knock the door repeatedly upon finding a toilet door is locked. This is a very strange country.

And while having a keech is indeed sacred man's time, Korean men tend to choose to do this on train journeys and take up to 45 minutes to do so. This means that the toilets are often simply inaccessible as someone is in there for almost an hour (presumably) having a jobby. Incredibly selfish behaviour. They often pull the same behaviour in pubs with one or two toilets. Someone settles in for ages leaving everyone else with no toilet.

Standard behaviour in unquestionably the most selfish culture on the planet.

Korea needs a war. A long and bloody war.

War could go one of two ways,

Option 1 - Literally scare the shite out of them seeing faster cubicle turnaround

Option 2 - Use of cubicles as improvised bomb shelters with whole families living in them seeing cubicle turnaround slow to zero,

BEE A WEAR what you wish for.

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Koreans regularly stand and knock the door repeatedly upon finding a toilet door is locked. This is a very strange country.
And while having a keech is indeed sacred man's time, Korean men tend to choose to do this on train journeys and take up to 45 minutes to do so. This means that the toilets are often simply inaccessible as someone is in there for almost an hour (presumably) having a jobby. Incredibly selfish behaviour. They often pull the same behaviour in pubs with one or two toilets. Someone settles in for ages leaving everyone else with no toilet.
Standard behaviour in unquestionably the most selfish culture on the planet.
Korea needs a war. A long and bloody war.

I could probably take 45 minutes as well tbf. I love going for a jobby. No fun in rushing the experience.
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Can't decide what annoyed me more about the c*nt in the SP Energy van behind me along the M80/M73 this morning. Pulling out to undertake me every time the heavy traffic stretched out or raising his hand to 'thank' the car behind me every time he cut back in , seemingly oblivious to the fact he had no rear window through which his gesture could be seen !

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