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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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ooh, get her :babe2:lol:


Between that and his post earlier today that included a rather homosexual image, i think SPLwww is finally coming to terms with accepting it and is on the verge of officially coming out. :P

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Between that and his post earlier today that included a rather homosexual image, i think SPLwww is finally coming to terms with accepting it and is on the verge of officially coming out. :P

What a fucking accusation to make!

You're well out of order there and believe you me you've not hit that perfect beat boy


Beat Boy, Beat Boy, hit that perfect Beat Boy!!! :P

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Woman who must have all monies, receipts, bank cards, mobile phones and feck knows what else neatly tucked in purse before moving 1 inch from the counter at the petrol garage.


Ah you've not pulled the old shout your pump number over their shoulder routine then? Personally I'm clever enough to work out how to pay 'at the pump' :rolleyes:

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I would never ever pay at the pump. Check your bank statements very carefully. I used to work in the petrol station at tesco and there were often payments taken off twice. I would never use them now after knowing that.

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I would never ever pay at the pump. Check your bank statements very carefully. I used to work in the petrol station at tesco and there were often payments taken off twice. I would never use them now after knowing that.

Ive never had that problem :unsure:

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Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen ;)

Were your shoes also soaked in Petrol?

I'm seeing car being filled, friend from schooldays starts chatting then leaves, daft wummin then attempts to fill car again and petrol pours from already full car onto shoes...

Thus two payments.


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Similar vein - old women who having been in a queue for a cash machine, when it gets to their turn - surprise, surprise they haven't got their card out. Handbag on keypad, much rummaging, find purse, extract card, put it in the wrong way round (several times), enter number wrongly (at least twice), take a balance slip, ponder over balance slip and are too late to take the "do you wish to make another transaction" option. Go through the card routine again, take cash + receipt option (they don't trust the machine), get up the withdraw cash options, take 20 seconds to make their mind up and then invaribaly hit £10 (how they must hate not being able to take a fiver). They then withdraw their card and get a bit flustered when their tenner doesn't instantly appear. When they do get their tenner, they then insist in wrapping it around their cashline card, burying them both deep inside their purse, which is then buried deep inside their handbag and the handbag is then firmly zipped. They then study the cashline machine for 10 - 15 seconds as if it is about to either spew out more money or say "Thank you for your custom, do call again". When neither of these unlikely occurances materialises, they somewhat reluctantly drag themselves away from the front of the machine, accompanied by the cry "Ho, Missus you've forgotten your receipt". At this point they turn to face the friendly voice who has tried to be helpful and give them a look which suggests they have just commited a criminal offence. This has the effect on the individual of making them wish they had just booted the old bag in the groin and nicked her tenner.

Old women at cash machines - :angry::angry::angry:

This affects women of all ages im my experience. Also see the automatic ticket machines at Glasgow Central for similar nonsense. :angry:

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Similar vein - old women who having been in a queue for a cash machine, when it gets to their turn - surprise, surprise they haven't got their card out. Handbag on keypad, much rummaging, find purse, extract card, put it in the wrong way round (several times), enter number wrongly (at least twice), take a balance slip, ponder over balance slip and are too late to take the "do you wish to make another transaction" option. Go through the card routine again, take cash + receipt option (they don't trust the machine), get up the withdraw cash options, take 20 seconds to make their mind up and then invaribaly hit £10 (how they must hate not being able to take a fiver). They then withdraw their card and get a bit flustered when their tenner doesn't instantly appear. When they do get their tenner, they then insist in wrapping it around their cashline card, burying them both deep inside their purse, which is then buried deep inside their handbag and the handbag is then firmly zipped. They then study the cashline machine for 10 - 15 seconds as if it is about to either spew out more money or say "Thank you for your custom, do call again". When neither of these unlikely occurances materialises, they somewhat reluctantly drag themselves away from the front of the machine, accompanied by the cry "Ho, Missus you've forgotten your receipt". At this point they turn to face the friendly voice who has tried to be helpful and give them a look which suggests they have just commited a criminal offence. This has the effect on the individual of making them wish they had just booted the old bag in the groin and nicked her tenner.

Old women at cash machines - :angry::angry::angry:

Similarly old wummin at supermarket checkouts (which I have covered in earlier rants).

I just hope I never get that inconsiderate when I'm old(er)

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And another thing........... (I can feel a rant starting, so I'll keep it short!)

Has anyone else notice old folk at cash machines stand right behind you, I dont mean the customary 5 feet or so space you give someone, but 6 inches behind you and a wee bit to the side. Nosey auld b*****ds.

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My moan for the day...

Lazy customers who don't put their trolleys into proper trolley loading bays on nights like tonight where the wind blows them into parked cars. I think the term I'm looking for is...

Gid ain. :rolleyes:

It was by sheer luck that my car wasn't hit by one of the flying trolleys, it hit the car to my left and the car second on my right. If they're not opening their doors onto your car, or plain driving into it, they're leaving their trolleys to crash into it. How about our trolley boys go on strike and see how they like it!

Edited by SaintSam
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