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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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28 minutes ago, GordonD said:

When did 'whitelist' become a thing? It's clearly the opposite of 'blacklist' but WTF?

Black = bad

White = good

Get with the Celtic supporters programme Gordon. 


Edited by Melanius Mullarkey
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12 hours ago, ah-dee said:

this is more than petty really but here goes.

4 months ago i had a small windfall (£3k) i wasnt expecting so i paid my missus overdraft off (£1k). i see this as a long term relationship so wasnt a problem. i assumed this made us both debt free.

1 month ago i find out she is due studio, the catalogue place, £1,200 so i pay this off and have a long conversation about it with her and now we really are debt free.

today i find out she has been ordering shit of studio again, despite her closing the previous account in front of me, and is now due out £300!

boot to the pie has been administered and i really think a jury would acquit me!

Granny Sanchez and Auntie Sanchez have a long history of this sort of shite. Make sure you find out about everything, then stop it.

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5 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Watching the Europa League round up just now on BT and then they show the tables, the points total is in the first column instead of the last.


Was the same last weekend with the Nations League tables. Confusing as feck.

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See recently, I've been getting up, showered, breakfast and away to work for half 8, and have zero rumblings of needing a shit.  See by about 8.37, there's an absolute pipe in the chamber and I'm leaving my desk to go and lay it, almost blocking the toilet every time.

Now the having a shit at work isn't the issue; I'm getting paid to shit technically. It's the fact that I know folk have commented saying 'fuck sake he's only started work and he's away to the bog already.'  I also feel quite bad having to go to the toilet 7 minutes into my working day.

I don't have a very fibre-dense breakfast either, I usually keep it light so something like a bowl of Cornflakes or Rice Krispies.


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5 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

I see you are running an adblocker. Please whitelist our site to read this reply.

A couple of days ago I did a Google search for information I needed for a work project. Found a site that appeared to have exactly what I wanted but this message popped up right away. I couldn't find the info on anywhere else so f**k it, I went through the steps to access the first site. Right from the start, I got a big ad for Volkswagen smack in the middle of the screen, stopping me from seeing the text of the page. No matter what I did, I couldn't close the b*****d thing. Hitting the wee 'X' on the top right did nothing. I scrolled down, the ad scrolled down, I scrolled up, the ad scrolled up. Tried closing the web site and opening it again, there was the ad. I spent 10 minutes fighting with the fucking thing before giving up. I never did get the information I wanted.

Although curiously, I have the urge to run out and buy a Volkswagen now.

Edited by Shotgun
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3 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

A couple of days ago I did a Google search for information I needed for a work project. Found a site that appeared to have exactly what I wanted but this message popped up right away. I couldn't find the info on anywhere else so f**k it, I went through the steps to access the first site. Right from the start, I got a big ad for Volkswagen smack in the middle of the screen, stopping me from seeing the text of the page. No matter what I did, I couldn't close the b*****d thing. Hitting the wee 'X' on the top right did nothing. I scrolled down, the ad scrolled down, I scrolled up, the ad scrolled up. Tried closing the web site and opening it again, there was the ad. I spent 10 minutes fighting with the fucking thing before giving up. I never did get the information I wanted.

I wonder how much Volkswagen paid them for that. 

If you still want the info you could right click and choose "View Page Source".


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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

If you still want the info you could right click and choose "View Page Source".


See...this is why you're wildly successful in life, with that yacht in Monte Carlo and the supermodels on your arm. I never even thought of that.

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Websites that immediately pop up with a demand to be whitelisted - Get in the fucking bin
Websites that have a request to be whitelisted on a pop-up at the bottom of the page - Thank you for your consideration, I will be kind and do so


Stop going to alt-right sites then.
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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Mace Windu turning up to arrest Palpatine with the three shittest Jedi ever in tow

How fucking hopeless do you have to be when an old man can kill three of you at once?

Are they not Jedi masters as well?

What really annoys me is that they pretty much just stand there whilst Palpatine kills them.

Doing that stupid jump should have seen him land in multiple pieces, but the Jedi just watch him.

The first two don't react at all, not even to dodge. In fact when Palapatine kills the first one he leaves his back totally open and undefended, yet the other Jedi just stands there doing nothing.

Edited by DA Baracus
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